Research Development and Support team

Our ambition

To provide an integrated, cradle-to-grave support service to our science and projects teams. Our expertise includes identifying and developing new business and research opportunities, supporting the pre- and post-award stages of research grants and postgraduate study, managing large European funded projects, and managing science facilities & laboratories in the UK and the Polar Regions.

The Bonner Laboratory aquarium at Rothera Research Station, Antarctica
The Bonner Laboratory aquarium at Rothera Research Station, Antarctica

Our activities are designed to meet our strategic priorities to grow and diversify research income, to support the effective allocation of science resources and enable access to scientific facilities.

We undertake outward-facing activities to promote our facilities and support capabilities to UK researchers. We guide the development of national and international partnerships for delivering UK polar science. We support the UK Arctic and Antarctic Partnership to provide strategic leadership in polar science.

Team priorities

Seeking Opportunities and Developing Partnerships

  • Seek opportunities to increase and diversify our funding for research and innovation
  • Guide the development of national and international partnerships for delivering UK polar science
  • Manage national and international programme coordination offices, such as the NERC Arctic Office and Antarctic Funding Office
  • Provide advice and guidance on how researchers can access NERC/BAS polar facilities
  • Administer and support pre- and post-award stages of research grant proposals

Supporting and Coordinating Research in the Arctic – NERC Arctic Office

  • Guide and support the UK Arctic science community in developing national and international partnerships and scientific collaborations, and in accessing polar infrastructure & logistics
  • Represent UK in international Arctic forums and promote UK Arctic research
  • Manage, with BAS Operational Teams, the UK Arctic Research Station at Ny-Ålesund on Svalbard
  • Manage NERC’s Arctic Research Programme

Managing Research Projects

  • Manage European funded Programme and Project offices
  • Provide resource management information and tools to meet our requirements for research portfolio management, planning and financial reporting

Supporting Postgraduate Research

  • Manage our Postgraduate Research Programme
  • Administer our NERC-funded Doctoral Training Partnerships (DTPs)
  • Organise transferable skills training for students, and training for supervisors

Supporting Science Teams

  • Provide administrative support to our science research teams
  • Provide support and training in using the UK Shared Business Services (SBS) and Hogg Robinson Group (HRG) systems for travel, procurement, expenses and staff management activities
  • Assist in organising and running meetings and scientific conferences

Managing Science Facilities and Providing Technical Support

  • Manage a range of BAS science facilities, laboratories and specimen collections in Cambridge UK, Antarctica and on NERC/BAS ships
  • Provide a range of analytical and technical services, health & safety guidance and best practice to support our science research teams, students and collaborators

Elaina Ford

Senior Research Manager


Penny Goodearl

Science Resource Coordinator


Nicola Munro

Arctic Office Manager


Ali Teague

Postgraduate Student Coordinator


Ruta Hamilton

Post - Award Programme Manager


Romy Hall

Programme Support Manager


Sarah Coombs

Pre-Award Senior Research Manager


Elizabeth Pink

Programme Support Officer


Alex Tibble

Science Support Administrator


Jessica Richt

Programme Support Officer


Eloise Malle

Programme Support Officer


Bethan Hosking Jones

Head of ReDS


William Mossman

Pre Award Research Programme Manager


Corinne Muscat Terribile

Pre-Award Senior Research Manager

Opportunities for Antarctic research – apply now

3 January, 2023

Applications to carry out small-scale research projects in the Antarctic in the 2023/24 season are invited from UK-based researchers through the Collaborative Antarctic Science Scheme (CASS). The Collaborative Antarctic Science …

Opportunities for Antarctic research – Apply now

13 January, 2021

Applications to carry out small-scale research projects in the Antarctic in the 2021/22 season are invited from UK-based researchers. The Collaborative Antarctic Science Scheme (CASS) provides fieldwork opportunities for scientists …

Do your PhD with British Antarctic Survey in 2021

25 November, 2020

Applications for PhD projects with British Antarctic Survey (BAS) are now open for October 2021 admission. There are currently over 100 PhD students associated with BAS, working on a huge variety …

Opportunities for Antarctic research 2020 – Apply now

13 January, 2020

Applications to carry out small-scale research projects in the Antarctic in the 2020/21 season are invited from UK-based researchers. The Collaborative Antarctic Science Scheme (CASS) provides fieldwork opportunities for scientists …

PhD projects for 2020

12 November, 2019

Applications for BAS PhD projects are now open for 2020 admission. There are currently over 100 PhD students associated with BAS, and nearly half of these students work full time …

Opportunities for Antarctic research – Apply now

9 January, 2019

Applications to carry out small-scale research projects in the Antarctic in the 2019/20 season are invited from UK-based researchers. The Collaborative Antarctic Science Scheme (CASS) provides fieldwork opportunities for scientists …

BAS scientists at 2017 COP23 climate event in Bonn

8 November, 2017

This week (10-11 November) leading scientists and experts from EU-funded research programmes engage with political leaders from the Pacific Ocean and the Arctic to examine the economic and social consequences …

NEWS STORY: Collaborative Antarctic Science Scheme

9 February, 2016

Application deadline approaches The deadline for applications from researchers to the Collaborative Antarctic Science Scheme, CASS (formerly known as the Collaborative Gearing Scheme, CGS) is just under three weeks away, …

NEWS STORY: Priorities for Antarctic science

13 August, 2014

In April 2014, the Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR) brought together scientists and policy-makers from 22 countries to agree future Antarctic research priorities. Through discussions, debate and voting, the …

SHIP BLOG: Rhythm of the night

25 March, 2016 by Hilary Blagbrough

Oh look it’s snowing/raining and getting dark… it must be time for the Night Shift. I’m Hilary, the night shift leader on the SO-AntEco scientific cruise to the South Orkney …