Web & Applications team

The Web & Apps team is responsible for initiating, leading and implementing the development of web sites and web-based applications. The team provides technical advice and expertise to a wide range of teams that fulfil the organisation’s ambition for making data and information easily accessible and useful to users within BAS, NERC and the wider polar science community.

We lead projects, get involved in high-level analysis of business & operational processes and use our technical expertise to create and implement web-based systems that enhance business delivery, facilitate efficient data exchange and enable access to scientific and public information.

We work with cross-NERC teams to ensure alignment with the use of corporate IT systems and to share best practice in the implementation of information systems. We provide expert advice to scope the technical development aspects of the public-facing website to the BAS Communications Team and work with external providers to ensure the technical robustness of the site, particularly with respect to the integration of data systems.


Jason White

Web Applications Developer


Guy Phillips

Web Systems Developer

Temperature variation in the South Orkney Islands, maritime Antarctic

30 December, 2023 by Andrew Orr, Emilia Dobb, Gareth Marshall, Guy Phillips, Hua Lu, John King, Sabina Kucieba, Steve Colwell, Tony Phillips

Meteorological records at Signy Station in the South Orkney Islands (SOIs) have recently been digitized to cover the period of 1947–1995. This study compares the newly available near-surface air temperatures…

Read more on Temperature variation in the South Orkney Islands, maritime Antarctic