UK Polar Data Centre team

The UK Polar Data Centre (UK PDC) is the focal point for Arctic and Antarctic environmental data management in the UK. Part of the Natural Environmental Research Council’s (NERC) Environmental Data Service and based at the British Antarctic Survey, we coordinate the preservation and management of polar data from UK-funded research and support researchers in complying with national and international data legislation and policy.

Our skills and experience reflect the broad and multi-disciplinary nature of polar research that produces data from all the Earth’s spheres. We provide guidance on best practice throughout the data management life cycle from data planning to developing tools for data discovery and access. We also provide operational data services, supporting data capture and transfer systems on UK polar stations, ships and aircraft. BAS ships and aircraft undertake some scientific research outside of polar and other ice-covered regions, therefore we also hold data from other areas within the British Antarctic Survey’s operational footprint.

Our main goal is to ensure that environmental data collected in the polar and cryospheric regions are made available and accessible to all in order to fully realise their reuse potential. This aim is in accordance with the NERC data policy and, for the Antarctic, upholds Article III 1(c) of the Antarctic Treaty. Whilst making data open, we also work to ensure that the original data collectors are properly acknowledged when data are reused through the creation of dataset citations.

As a data centre based primarily on geographical extent rather than scientific discipline we work closely with data scientists at the other NERC data centres and cooperate in many of our data management activities. The UK PDC represents the UK internationally on polar data issues through the SCAR Standing Committee on Antarctic Data Management and the IASC sponsored Arctic Data Committee.


Timothy Barnes

Data Manager


Paul Breen

Data Manager


Katy Buckland

Scientific Data Coordinator


Peter Kirsch

Data Manager


Helen Peat

Head of Polar Data Centre


Beatrix Schlarb-Ridley

Director of Innovations and Impact


Alexander Tate

Senior Data and Systems Architect


Petra Ten Hoopen

Marine Data Manager


Mari Whitelaw

Scientific Data Manager (Biological Focus)


Alysa Fisher

Information Officer


Alice Fremand

Scientific Data Manager, Geophysics


Sarah Manthorpe

Scientific Data Manager


Lucy Stephenson

Scientific Data Coordinator


Mike Crosier

Scientific Software Developer


James Lucas

Scientific Data Assistant


Claudette Lopez

- Marine Geospatial Data Assistant

Marine Metadata Project

The Marine Metadata Project aims to enhance the availability and accessibility of BAS marine data.

Atmospheric Data Access System

An online data access tool to discover, visualise and access atmospheric and space weather data holdings from the polar regions.

Herbarium Collection

A collection of dried plant specimens from the Antarctic, sub-Antarctic and surrounding continents.

Geological Collection

Contains over 200,000 individual rock and fossil specimens collected from Antarctica and the sub-Antarctic islands and thousands of meters of sediment core from the surrounding seabed.


Bedmap is a collaborative community project with the aim to produce a new map and datasets of Antarctic ice thickness and bed topography for the international glaciology and geophysical community, …

60 years of Antarctic ice sheet data released

17 July, 2023

In a significant milestone for Antarctic research, detailed and extensive information on ice thickness and bed topography is now available for the first time in a centralised and standardised format. …

NEWS STORY: Sea ice minimum explained

18 September, 2014

Arctic sea ice summer minimum 2014: A scientific perspective The Arctic sea ice minimum marks the day – typically in September – when sea ice reaches its smallest extent at …

Bedmap3 updated ice bed, surface and thickness gridded datasets for Antarctica

10 March, 2025 by Alice Fremand, Andy Smith, David Vaughan, Ed King, Elena Field, Fausto Ferraccioli, Hugh Corr, Hamish Pritchard, James Kirkham, Peter Fretwell, Richard Hindmarsh, Tom Jordan, Richard Hindmarsh

We present Bedmap3, the latest suite of gridded products describing surface elevation, ice-thickness and the seafloor and subglacial bed elevation of the Antarctic south of 60 °S. Bedmap3 incorporates and…

Read more on Bedmap3 updated ice bed, surface and thickness gridded datasets for Antarctica