Ice Cool Cyber-School

British Antarctic Survey have a responsibility, as a government funded organisation, to inspire the next generation.

Our Cyber-School sessions are opportunities for schools, self-educators and other educational organisations to learn about the Polar Regions, their critical  importance, and what its like to live and work there. Hear from our scientists, operations and engineering specialists who explain why what they do is so important. These UK curriculum based sessions include interactive quizzes and give students the chance to ask questions live.

The trailer for our first Ice Cool Cyber-School session:


 Session one:

Frozen in Time

20th October 2022

Session two:

Life on the Ice

17th March 2023

Live Lesson - frozen in time Graphical user interface, text, application
Frozen in Time explored the science of solids, liquid and gas. Whilst taking a journey from Antarctica to the laboratories at BAS Cambridge, where Antarctic Ice Cores reveal past climates and more …


Life on the Ice explores what its like to live and work on a Polar Research Station, talking to engineers about the stunning new facilities that will help scientists to live and work in this inhospitable environment …


BAS - Frozen in Time - Client Report map Life-on-the-Ice-Client-Impact-Report-MAP
Broadcast live from the Ice core freezer, Clothing store and laboratories at BAS Cambridge.

6000 children watched this lesson live from across the UK

Broadcast from our Virtual Studio at BAS Cambridge, with live links to staff in Antarctica.

12,617 watch live from 359 schools & home educators across the UK

Watch the first three sessions again below … enjoy: