Science and innovation
Science and innovation are at the heart of our organisation. Decades of discoveries by British Antarctic Survey scientists have changed the way that we understand our world. Curiosity-driven science, an innovative approach and technological advances of the late 20th and early 21st Century generate new knowledge that we hope will benefit our society.
Our collaborative projects take many forms. Get in touch with our Innovation team if you would like to explore collaborating with us. Read the BAS Strategy for Innovation and Impact in this publication.

Aurora Innovation Centre
Read more about what the Aurora Innovation Centre can offer.

Towards Net Zero Carbon – Fit for the Future
Our work to reduce and mitigate all carbon emissions from our owned operations to achieve ‘net-zero’ sooner by 2040

Towards Net Zero Carbon
Our strategy and work streams to meet Net Zero goals

Diversity in UK Polar Science Initiative
Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office helping increasing representation of people from under-represented groups engaged in Polar Science.

Realising the benefits of the Antarctic Infrastructure Modernisation programme.

Our research impact
Pushing the frontiers of knowledge for the benefit of society

Technology, tools and methods
Scientists use innovative tools and technologies to investigate the polar regions

Engineering and technology
Engineering expertise for the Polar Regions