Polar fieldwork – how to apply
How to apply
The Natural Environment Research Council welcomes funding proposals that request use of Antarctic and Arctic infrastructure operated by the British Antarctic Survey. This section provides essential information about the application process and pre-deployment preparations.
How to apply
How to request ship-time for your research project
What you need to do to submit a proposal
Essential information for Principal Investigators
Essential information for Principal Investigators
About the scheme
William Mossman – Antarctic Access Office Coordinator
Email: afibas@bas.ac.uk
For enquiries about the management and long-term storage of Antarctic data generated during NERC-funded projects, please consult the UK Polar Data Centre, which is based in the British Antarctic Survey: polardatacentre@bas.ac.uk
Henry Burgess, Head, NERC Arctic Office
Tel. 01223 221426
Email. henry.burgess@bas.ac.uk
Nicola Munro, Arctic Office Manager
Tel: 01223 221468
Email: nalm@bas.ac.uk
Dr Jennifer Morris, NERC Programme Manager
Tel: 01793 411503