Virtual Antarctica – JCR Demo VR360

Virtual Antarctica - JCR Demo VR360

VR360 scans onboard RRS James Clark Ross

The scans are to demonstrate the capabilities of the VR360 camera technology and allow viewers to walk around parts of our station in a virtual world. Going forward, such spaces will be linked and include embedded sounds and video. This will form the basis a Virtual Tour to Antarctica:

This following are the auto-generated VR360 files of RRS James Clark Ross.
Please explore!
Matterport instruction bar for VR360 files
RRS James Clark Ross bridge:
RRS James Clark Ross engine, motor and shaft spaces
RRS James Clark Ross engine, motor and shaft spaces

Example still image outputs

3D VR360 ‘dolls-house’ view of the main JCR machine spaces (L>R shaft room, motor rooms, engineering rooms)


Still images captured from the 360VR walk/tour of JCR machine spaces
JCR Bridge 360VR dolls-house view
Chart table on the bridge of RRS James Clark Ross taken from the VR360 walk-around-file