
Bedmap (2001 – present): ice bed, surface and thickness datasets for Antarctica

Start date
1 January, 2001

Bedmap is a collaborative community project with the aim to produce a new map and datasets of Antarctic ice thickness and bed topography for the international glaciology and geophysical community, using a variety of data (including ice-thickness, bathymetry, surface altitude and grounding lines).

The Bedmap Portal ( provides a direct access to the ice thickness, bed and surface elevation datasets. An associated Geophysics Book gives the list of data available and provides interactive codes to help you use the data with Python.

The Bedmap portal
Peter Fretwell

Peter Fretwell

Geographic Information Officer

Mapping and GIS team

60 years of Antarctic ice sheet data released

17 July, 2023

In a significant milestone for Antarctic research, detailed and extensive information on ice thickness and bed topography is now available for the first time in a centralised and standardised format. …

Polarimetric Radar

The radar system is composed of a complex waveform generator, signal processor, data handler and data store. It includes a high power transmitter (up to 66dBm or 4kW), a low …