Louise Sime
IDP Science Leader IMP 3
Dr. Louise Sime is a leading climate scientist at the British Antarctic Survey (BAS), specializing in polar climate dynamics and the study of ice sheets, sea ice, snow, and climate across timescales ranging from seasonal to multi-millennial. Her research focuses on using water tracers including stable water isotopes (such as deuterium and oxygen-18) in ice cores to reconstruct past climate conditions and improve understanding of the hydrological cycle in polar regions. These water tracers and isotopes provide crucial data for evaluating the accuracy of climate models, especially in predicting future polar change.
As the Science Leader of the Ice Dynamics and Paleoclimate team at BAS, and head of the Earth System Modelling group, Dr. Sime leads several large-scale international projects. She plays a key role in advancing research on abrupt climate transitions, surface fluxes in Antarctica, and the stability of ice sheets under warming conditions. Her work integrates observational data with climate models to better predict the effects of polar changes on global climate.
With over 20 years of research experience, Dr. Sime’s contributions to polar science are recognized globally, and she continues to mentor a new generation of climate researchers. She holds a PhD from the University of Sheffield and has been with BAS since 2006.
Current responsibilities for BAS:
- Member of the Science Strategy Executive Group
- Team Leader of Ice Dynamics and Paleoclimate (IDP)
- Group head of IDP Earth System Modelling
Currently advertised PhD projects :
- Earth system dynamics during current and past warm climates. (BAS and University Cambridge )
Currently advertised PDRA positions:
- None
Current students and staff:
- Dr Xu Zhang, Scientist, (British Antarctic Survey, UK).
- Dr Alison McLaren, Scientist, (British Antarctic Survey, UK).
- Dr Irene Malmierca, Scientist, (British Antarctic Survey, UK).
- Mr John Slattery, PhD candidate (British Antarctic Survey, UK).
- Ms Huiling Zou, PhD candidate (British Antarctic Survey, UK).
- Ms Rachel Diamond, PhD candidate (British Antarctic Survey, UK).
- Ms Eliza Ziegler, PhD candidate (University of Heidelberg, Germany).
- Ms Estelle Lonyem Ngoumtsa, PhD candidate (University of Bristol, UK).
Previous students and staff:
- Dr Rahul Sivankutty, PDRA, (British Antarctic Survey, UK).
- Dr Qinggang Gao, PhD candidate (British Antarctic Survey, UK).
- Dr Matthew Chadwick, PhD candidate (British Antarctic Survey, UK).
- Dr Vittoria Guarino, PDRA, (British Antarctic Survey, UK).
- Ms Fiona Turner, PhD candidate (University of Sheffield, UK).
- Ms Irene Malmierca, PhD candidate (British Antarctic Survey, UK).
- Dr Kira Rehfeld, DFG Research Fellow (British Antarctic Survey, UK).
- Dr Max Holloway, PDRA, (British Antarctic Survey, UK).
- Dr Emilie Capron, Senior scientist, (British Antarctic Survey, UK).
- Mr Max Holloway, PhD candidate (British Antarctic Survey, UK).
- Dr Gisela Hiess, PDRA (British Antarctic Survey, UK).
Funding and major projects:
- Institute Lead: MBIE NZ: Antarctic Sea-Ice Switch (ASIS) – Preparing for New Threats *
- WP1 and Institute Lead: EU-HE: Past-to-Future: Towards fully paleo-informed future climate projections (P2F). HE-101184070 [starts March 2025 ]
- Co-Investigator. NERC Directed. Drivers and Impacts of Extreme Weather Events in Antarctica: EXTANT (NE/Y503307/1)
- Co-Investigator. NERC National Capability Single Science (NC): UK Polar Research Expertise for Science and Society: PRESCIENT (grant number *)
- Co-Investigator. NERC Directed. The Sensitivity of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet to +2C: SWAIS2C. NE/X009386/1 [Ongoing]
- Co-Investigator. NERC Directed. Assessing ocean-forced, marine-terminating glacier change in Greenland during climatic warm periods and its impact on marine productivity: KANG-GLAC. NE/V006509/1 [Ongoing]
- Principal Investigator. NERC National Capability International. SURface FluxEs In AnTarctica: SURFEIT. NE/X009319/1. [Ongoing]
- Institute and ERC lead: EU DEEPICE: Understanding Deep Ice Core Proxies to Infer Past Antarctic Climate Dynamics, H2020 G.N.955750 [Ongoing]
- Modelling lead: EU ERC Grant: ANTarctic Sea Ice Evolution from a novel biological archive: ANTSIE [Ongoing]
- UK and modelling lead: NZ Marsden: Roosevelt Island Climate Evolution (RICE) Project [Ongoing]
- WP2 and Institute Lead: EU-H2020: Tipping Points in the Earths System: TiPES H2020 G.N. 820970 [Completed, Feb 2024]
- Co-Investigator. AHRC: research grant: Materializing Data, Embodying Climate Change. AH/S00369X/ [Completed]
- Co-Investigator. EU-ERC Grant: Warm Climate Stability of the West Antarctic ice sheet in the last Interglacial: WACSWAIN. [Completed]
- Principal Investigator. NERC Standard Grant: Retreat of Southern Hemisphere Sea Ice, 130 000 to 116 000 years BP. NE/P013279/1. [Completed]
- Principal Investigator. NSF-NERC Standard Grant: Paleoclimate signatures of the climate response to West Antarctic ice sheet collapse. NE/P009271/1. [Completed]
- Co-Investigator. Grantham Centre for Sustainable Futures Grant: Reconstructing the past and predicting the future: what can ice cores tell us about climate? [Completed]
- Principal Investigator. EPSRC-Feasibility Study Grant: Emulating the Isotope Response to Changes in the Geometry of the Greenland Ice Sheet. [Completed]
- Co-Investigator. NERC Standard Grant: Late Quaternary changes in Westerly Winds over the Southern Ocean. NE/K004514/1. [Completed]
- Principal Investigator. NERC New Investigator Grant: The Age Structure of the Greenland Ice Sheet. NE/J004804/1. [Completed]
Research interests
One of the key questions which has motivated Louise’s recent work is the question of how we can best use evidence of change during past warm climate periods to help understand and predict likely polar change over the coming centuries. Closely linked to this, she has a strong interest in how we can evaluate, and improve, our climate models over the polar regions, and recently helped formulate the CMIP FastTrack modelling protocol that explores the impacts of abrupt sea ice loss (abrupt-127k). See also https://www.pmip-interglacials.de/.
Professional (collaborative) activities:
- 2025- Member Royal Society Fellowships Panel,
- 2024- Co-Lead of the CMIP-PMIP Interglacials Work Group
- 2024-2025 Chair of NERC award Panel B (Climate, Cryosphere and ESMs),
- 2023-2024 Visiting Fellow University of Dunedin, Dunedin, NZ
- 2022-2024 Science Advisory Group – Centre for Polar Observations and Modelling (CPOM-UK)
- 2021-2025 Visiting Fellow University of Victoria, Wellington, NZ
- 2018-2021 Member of the NERC Large Grant panel
- 2018-2020 Chair of the University of Cambridge C-CLEAR NERC DTP Climate and Environment panel: Awards 3-12 NERC PhD studentships
- 2018-2020 Steering Committee: SCAR Past Antarctic Ice Sheet (PAIS)
- 2017-2020 Steering Committee: PAGES Climate Variability Across Scales (CVAS)
- 2016-2022 Core panel A member for NERC: Attend 2-3 panel meetings per year
- 2016-2018 Management board member: GW4+ NERC DTP: Awards 28 NERC PhD studentships
- 2016-2017 Chaired interview panel: For GW4+ DTP across multiple sites.
- 2015-2017 Elected Work Group Leader: the Past Earth Network, Model-Data Comparisons
Polar Data Centre Datasets:
- Guarino, M. V., & Sime, L. (2022). Last Interglacial summer air temperature observations for the Arctic (Version 1.0) [Data set]. NERC EDS UK Polar Data Centre. https://doi.org/10.5285/9AB58D27-596A-472C-A13E-2DCD68612082
- Guarino, M. V., & Sime, L. (2021). HadCM3 and HadGEM3 LIG model outputs: A sea ice-free Arctic (Version 1.0) [Data set]. NERC EDS UK Polar Data Centre. https://doi.org/10.5285/9B138820-EEC3-43AE-A49B-068A9F5931A4
- Perren, B., Hodgson, D., Roberts, S., Sime, L., Van Nieuwenhuyze, W., Verleyen, E., & Vyverman, W. (2020). Fossil diatom and geochemistry data from a 700-year core from La Grange Cop, subantarctic Marion Island. (Version 1.0) [Data set]. UK Polar Data Centre, Natural Environment Research Council, UK Research & Innovation. https://doi.org/10.5285/49A1EC0E-AE5F-4DF5-A59B-FA6DFF614678
- Malmierca Vallet, I., Domingo, D., Sime, L., & Voss, J. (2020). Surface elevation of 69 Greenland Ice Sheet morphologies and associated δ18O anomalies (with respect to Pre-industrial) simulated by HadCM3 (Version 1.0) [Data set]. UK Polar Data Centre, Natural Environment Research Council, UK Research & Innovation. https://doi.org/10.5285/35AED839-1634-4692-B6D6-4D6312953EB5
- Goursaud, S., Holloway, M., Sime, L., Wolff, E., Valdes, P., Steig, E., & Pauling, A. (2020). Global monthly outputs of orography, surface air temperature and water stable isotopes for the last interglacial for idealised Antarctic Ice Sheet simulations run by the isotope-enabled HadCM3 (Version 1.0) [Data set]. UK Polar Data Centre, Natural Environment Research Council, UK Research & Innovation. https://doi.org/10.5285/09330D14-7F2D-4C12-AD00-08A9CD1FB214
- Holloway, M. (2018). Southern Hemisphere winter sea ice concentration simulated by HadCM3 to best explain the early last interglacial Antarctic isotope peak [Data set]. Polar Data Centre, Natural Environment Research Council, UK Research & Innovation, UK. https://doi.org/10.5285/0F3D9228-2F4A-4F2C-BBE6-EE8A123DB58D
Publications from NERC Open Research Archive
McLaren, Alison ORCID record for Alison McLaren, Sime, Louise ORCID record for Louise Sime, Wilson, Simon, Ridley, Jeff, Gao, Qinggang ORCID record for Qinggang Gao, Gorguner, Merve, Line, Giorgia, Werner, Martin, Valdes, Paul. (2025) Implementation of Water Tracers in the Met Office Unified Model [EGUsphere preprint]. Geoscientific Model Development [In Review], (). pp. 10.5194/egusphere-2024-3824
Gao, Qinggang ORCID record for Qinggang Gao, Capron, Emilie, Sime, Louise C. ORCID record for Louise C. Sime, Rhodes, Rachael H., Sivankutty, Rahul, Zhang, Xu ORCID record for Xu Zhang, Otto-Bliesner, Bette L., Werner, Martin. (2025) Assessment of the southern polar and subpolar warming in the PMIP4 last interglacial simulations using paleoclimate data syntheses. Climate of the Past, 21 (). pp. 10.5194/cp-21-419-2025
Sime, Louise C. ORCID record for Louise C. Sime, Sivankutty, Rahul, Malmierca-Vallet, Irene ORCID record for Irene Malmierca-Vallet, Goursaud Oger, Sentia, LeGrande, Allegra N., McClymont, Erin L. ORCID record for Erin L. McClymont, de Boer, Agatha, Cauquoin, Alexandre ORCID record for Alexandre Cauquoin, Werner, Martin ORCID record for Martin Werner. (2025) More modest peak temperatures during the Last Interglacial for both Greenland and Antarctica suggested by multi-model isotope simulations [preprint]. Climate of the Past [in review], (). pp. 10.5194/egusphere-2025-288
Wolff, Eric W. ORCID record for Eric W. Wolff, Mulvaney, Robert ORCID record for Robert Mulvaney, Grieman, Mackenzie M. ORCID record for Mackenzie M. Grieman, Hoffmann, Helene M., Humby, Jack ORCID record for Jack Humby, Nehrbass-Ahles, Christoph ORCID record for Christoph Nehrbass-Ahles, Rhodes, Rachael H., Rowell, Isobel F., Sime, Louise C. ORCID record for Louise C. Sime, Fischer, Hubertus ORCID record for Hubertus Fischer, Stocker, Thomas F. ORCID record for Thomas F. Stocker, Landais, Amaelle ORCID record for Amaelle Landais, Parrenin, Frédéric ORCID record for Frédéric Parrenin, Steig, Eric J. ORCID record for Eric J. Steig, Dütsch, Marina ORCID record for Marina Dütsch, Golledge, Nicholas R. ORCID record for Nicholas R. Golledge. (2025) The Ronne Ice Shelf survived the last interglacial. Nature, (). 16 pp. doi:10.1038/s41586-024-08394-w
Zou, Huiling, Sime, Louise C. ORCID record for Louise C. Sime, Bertler, Nancy A.N., Keller, Elizabeth D., Wolff, Eric W.. (2025) Plausible Last Interglacial Antarctic Ice Sheet Changes Do Not Fully Explain Antarctic Ice Core Water Isotope Records. Geophysical Research Letters, 52 (). 12 pp. 10.1029/2024GL110657
Kageyama, Masa, Braconnot, Pascale, Chiessi, Cristiano M., Rehfeld, Kira, Brahim, Yassine Ait, Dütsch, Marina, Gwinneth, Benjamin, Hou, Alicia, Loutre, Marie-France, Hendrizan, Marfasran, Meissner, Katrin, Mongwe, Precious, Otto-Bliesner, Bette, Pezzi, Luciano Ponzi, Rovere, Alessio, Seltzer, Alan, Sime, Louise ORCID record for Louise Sime, Zhu, Jiang. (2024) Lessons from paleoclimates for recent and future climate change: opportunities and insights. Frontiers in Climate, 6 (). 13 pp. 10.3389/fclim.2024.1511997
Oger, Sentia Goursaud, Sime, Louise C. ORCID record for Louise C. Sime, Holloway, Max. (2024) Decoupling of δ18O from surface temperature in Antarctica in an ensemble of historical simulations. Climate of the Past, 20 (). pp. 10.5194/cp-20-2539-2024
Slattery, John ORCID record for John Slattery, Sime, Louise C. ORCID record for Louise C. Sime, Muschitiello, Francesco, Riechers, Keno. (2024) Estimating biases during detection of leads and lags between climate elements across Dansgaard–Oeschger events. Climate of the Past, 20 (). pp. 10.5194/cp-20-2431-2024
Buizert, Christo, Sowers, Todd A., Niezgoda, Kyle, Blunier, Thomas, Gkinis, Vasileios, Harlan, Margaret, He, Chengfei, Jones, Tyler R., Kjaer, Helle A., Liisberg, Jesper B., Menking, James A., Morris, Valerie, Noone, David, Rasmussen, Sune Olander, Sime, Louise C. ORCID record for Louise C. Sime, Steffensen, Jørgen P., Svensson, Anders, Vaughn, Bruce H., Vinther, Bo M., White, James W.C.. (2024) The Greenland spatial fingerprint of Dansgaard–Oeschger events in observations and models. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 121 (). pp. 10.1073/pnas.2402637121
Malmierca-Vallet, Irene ORCID record for Irene Malmierca-Vallet, Sime, Louise C. ORCID record for Louise C. Sime, Valdes, Paul J., Klockmann, Marlene, Vettoretti, Guido, Slattery, John ORCID record for John Slattery. (2024) The Impact of CO2 and Climate State on Whether Dansgaard–Oeschger Type Oscillations Occur in Climate Models. Geophysical Research Letters, 51 (). 11 pp. 10.1029/2024GL110068
Diamond, Rachel ORCID record for Rachel Diamond, Sime, Louise C. ORCID record for Louise C. Sime, Holmes, Caroline R. ORCID record for Caroline R. Holmes, Schroeder, David. (2024) CMIP6 Models Rarely Simulate Antarctic Winter Sea‐Ice Anomalies as Large as Observed in 2023. Geophysical Research Letters, 51 (). 10 pp. 10.1029/2024GL109265
Gao, Qinggang ORCID record for Qinggang Gao, Sime, Louise C. ORCID record for Louise C. Sime, McLaren, Alison J. ORCID record for Alison J. McLaren, Bracegirdle, Thomas J. ORCID record for Thomas J. Bracegirdle, Capron, Emilie, Rhodes, Rachael H., Steen-Larsen, Hans Christian, Shi, Xiaoxu, Werner, Martin. (2024) Evaporative controls on Antarctic precipitation: an ECHAM6 model study using innovative water tracer diagnostics. The Cryosphere, 18 (). pp. 10.5194/tc-18-683-2024
Diamond, Rachel ORCID record for Rachel Diamond, Schroeder, David, Sime, Louise C. ORCID record for Louise C. Sime, Ridley, Jeff, Feltham, Danny. (2024) The significance of the melt-pond scheme in a CMIP6 global climate model. Journal of Climate, 37 (). pp. 10.1175/JCLI-D-22-0902.1
Turner, Fiona E., Buck, Caitlin E., Jones, Julie M., Sime, Louise C. ORCID record for Louise C. Sime, Vallet, Irene M., Wilkinson, Richard D.. (2023) Reconstructing the Antarctic ice-sheet shape at the Last Glacial Maximum using ice-core data. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series C, 72 (). pp. 10.1093/jrsssc/qlad078
Gao, Qinggang ORCID record for Qinggang Gao, Sime, L.C. ORCID record for L.C. Sime. (2023) Exploring the origin of Antarctic precipitation for an improved climatic interpretation of ice-core records. Past Global Changes Magazine, 31 (). pp. 10.22498/pages.31.2.86
Chadwick, Matthew ORCID record for Matthew Chadwick, Sime, Louise ORCID record for Louise Sime, Allen, Claire ORCID record for Claire Allen, Guarino, Maria Vittoria ORCID record for Maria Vittoria Guarino. (2023) Model-data comparison of Antarctic winter sea-ice extent and Southern Ocean sea-surface temperatures during Marine Isotope Stage 5e. Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology, 38 (). 11 pp. 10.1029/2022PA004600
Malmierca-Vallet, Irene ORCID record for Irene Malmierca-Vallet, Sime, Louise C. ORCID record for Louise C. Sime, community members, the D-O. (2023) Dansgaard–Oeschger events in climate models: review and baseline Marine Isotope Stage 3 (MIS3) protocol. Climate of the Past, 19 (). 28 pp. 10.5194/cp-19-915-2023
Sime, Louise C. ORCID record for Louise C. Sime, Sivankutty, Rahul, Malmierca Vallet, Irene ORCID record for Irene Malmierca Vallet, de Boer, Agatha M., Sicard, Marie. (2023) Summer surface air temperature proxies point to near-sea-ice-free conditions in the Arctic at 127 ka. Climate of the Past, 19 (). pp. 10.5194/cp-19-883-2023
Guarino, Maria Vittoria ORCID record for Maria Vittoria Guarino, Sime, Louise ORCID record for Louise Sime, Diamond, Rachel ORCID record for Rachel Diamond, Schroeder, David, Ridley, Jeff. (2023) The coupled system response to 250 years of freshwater forcing: Last Interglacial CMIP6–PMIP4 HadGEM3 simulations. Climate of the Past, 19 (). 17 pp. 10.5194/cp-19-865-2023
Corby, Tom, Baily, Gavin, Mckenzie, Jonathan, Sime, Louise ORCID record for Louise Sime, Lane, Giles, Dickson, Erin, Roussos, George. (2023) Political atmospherics: climate visualisations at the Manifest Data Lab. Journal of Visual Art Practice, 22 (). 7 pp. 10.1080/14702029.2022.2151192
Sicard, Marie, de Boer, A.M., Sime, L.C. ORCID record for L.C. Sime. (2022) Last Interglacial Arctic sea ice as simulated by the latest generation of climate models. Past Global Changes Magazine, 30 (). pp. 10.22498/pages.30.2.92
McClymont, Erin L., Bentley, M.J., Hodgson, D.A. ORCID record for D.A. Hodgson, Spencer-Jones, C.L., Wardley, T., West, M.D., Croudace, I.W., Berg, S., Grocke, D.R., Kuhn, G., Jamieson, S.S.R., Sime, L.C. ORCID record for L.C. Sime, Phillips, R.A.. (2022) Snow petrel stomach-oil deposits as a new biological archive of Antarctic sea ice. Past Global Changes Magazine, 30 (). pp. 10.22498/pages.30.2.82
de Boer, Agatha M., Hutchinson, David K., Roquet, Fabien, Sime, Louise C. ORCID record for Louise C. Sime, Burls, Natalie J., Heuzé, Céline. (2022) The impact of Southern Ocean topographic barriers on the ocean circulation and the overlying atmosphere. Journal of Climate, 35 (). 17 pp. 10.1175/JCLI-D-21-0896.1
Crosta, Xavier, Kohfeld, Karen E., Bostock, Helen C., Chadwick, Matthew ORCID record for Matthew Chadwick, Du Vivier, Alice, Esper, Oliver, Etourneau, Johan, Jones, Jacob, Leventer, Amy, Müller, Juliane, Rhodes, Rachel H., Allen, Claire S. ORCID record for Claire S. Allen, Ghadi, Pooja, Lamping, Nele, Lange, Carina, Lawler, Kelly-Anne, Lund, David, Marzocchi, Alice ORCID record for Alice Marzocchi, Meissner, Katrin J., Menviel, Laurie, Nair, Abhilash, Patterson, Molly, Pike, Jennifer, Prebble, Joseph G., Riesselman, Christina, Sadatzki, Henrik, Sime, Louise C. ORCID record for Louise C. Sime, Shukla, Sunil K., Thöle, Lena, Vorrath, Maria-Elena, Xiao, Wenshen, Yang, Jiao. (2022) Antarctic sea ice over the past 130 000 years, Part 1: A review of what proxy records tell us. Climate of the Past, 18 (). pp. 10.5194/cp-18-1729-2022
Ellerhoff, Beatrice, Kirschner, Moritz J., Ziegler, Elisa, Holloway, Max D., Sime, Louise ORCID record for Louise Sime, Rehfeld, Kira. (2022) Contrasting state-dependent effects of natural forcing on global and local climate variability. Geophysical Research Letters, 49 (). 12 pp. 10.1029/2022GL098335
McClymont, Erin L., Bentley, Michael J., Hodgson, Dominic A. ORCID record for Dominic A. Hodgson, Spencer-Jones, Charlotte L., Wardley, Thomas, West, Martin D., Croudace, Ian W., Berg, Sonja, Gröcke, Darren R., Kuhn, Gerhard, Jamieson, Stewart S.R., Sime, Louise ORCID record for Louise Sime, Phillips, Richard A.. (2022) Summer sea-ice variability on the Antarctic margin during the last glacial period reconstructed from snow petrel (Pagodroma nivea) stomach-oil deposits. Climate of the Past, 18 (). pp. 10.5194/cp-18-381-2022
Patterson, Molly O., Levy, Richard H., Kulhanek, Denise K., van de Flierdt, Tina, Horgan, Huw, Dunbar, Gavin B., Naish, Timothy R., Ash, Jeanine, Pyne, Alex, Mandeno, Darcy, Winberry, Paul, Harwood, David M., Florindo, Fabio, Jimenez-Espejo, Francisco J., Läufer, Andreas, Yoo, Kyu-Cheul, Seki, Osamu, Stocchi, Paolo, Klages, Johann P., Lee, Jae Il, Colleoni, Florence, Suganuma, Yusuke, Gasson, Edward, Ohneiser, Christian, Flores, José-Abel, Try, David, Kirkman, Rachel, Koch, Daleen, Science Team, SWAIS 2C inc., Sime, Louise ORCID record for Louise Sime, Smith, James ORCID record for James Smith. (2022) Sensitivity of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet to +2 °C (SWAIS 2C). Scientific Drilling, 30 (). pp. 10.5194/sd-30-101-2022
Chadwick, Matthew ORCID record for Matthew Chadwick, Allen, Claire S. ORCID record for Claire S. Allen, Sime, Louise C. ORCID record for Louise C. Sime, Crosta, Xavier, Hillenbrand, Claus-Dieter ORCID record for Claus-Dieter Hillenbrand. (2022) Reconstructing Antarctic winter sea-ice extent during Marine Isotope Stage 5e. Climate of the Past, 18 (). pp. 10.5194/cp-18-129-2022
Sime, L. ORCID record for L. Sime, Malmierca, I. ORCID record for I. Malmierca, Diamond, R. ORCID record for R. Diamond, Schroeder, D.. (2022) Better forecasts of sea ice change? Melt puddles and melt models. Past Global Changes Horizons, 2 (). pp. 10.22498/pages.horiz.2.38
Chadwick, M. ORCID record for M. Chadwick, Allen, C.S. ORCID record for C.S. Allen, Sime, L.C. ORCID record for L.C. Sime, Crosta, X., Hillenbrand, C.-D. ORCID record for C.-D. Hillenbrand. (2022) How does the Southern Ocean palaeoenvironment during Marine Isotope Stage 5e compare to the modern?. Marine Micropaleontology, 170 (). 14 pp. 10.1016/j.marmicro.2021.102066
Corby, Tom, Baily, Gavin, Mackenzie, Jonathan, Lane, Giles, Dickson, Erin, Sime, Louise ORCID record for Louise Sime, Roussos, George. (2021) The Data Imaginaries of Climate Art: The Manifest Data Project. Leonardo, (). pp. 10.1162/leon_a_02136
Diamond, Rachel ORCID record for Rachel Diamond, Sime, Louise C. ORCID record for Louise C. Sime, Schroeder, David, Guarino, Maria-Vittoria ORCID record for Maria-Vittoria Guarino. (2021) The contribution of melt ponds to enhanced Arctic sea-ice melt during the Last Interglacial. The Cryosphere, 15 (). 16 pp. 10.5194/tc-15-5099-2021
Bühler, Janica C., Roesch, Carla, Kirschner, Moritz, Sime, Louise ORCID record for Louise Sime, Holloway, Max D., Rehfeld, Kira. (2021) Comparison of the oxygen isotope signatures in speleothem records and iHadCM3 model simulations for the last millennium. Climate of the Past, 17 (). pp. 10.5194/cp-17-985-2021
Goursaud, Sentia, Holloway, Max, Sime, Louise ORCID record for Louise Sime, Wolff, Eric, Valdes, Paul, Steig, Eric J., Pauling, Andrew. (2021) Antarctic Ice Sheet elevation impacts on water isotope records during the Last Interglacial. Geophysical Research Letters, 48 (). 10 pp. 10.1029/2020GL091412
Otto-Bliesner, Bette, Brady, Esther, Zhao, Anni, Brierley, Chris, Axford, Yarrow, Capron, Emilie, Govin, Aline, Hoffman, Jeremy, Isaacs, Elizabeth, Kageyama, Masa, Scussolini, Paolo, Tzedakis, Polychronis C., Williams, Charlie, Wolff, Eric, Abe-Ouchi, Ayako, Braconnot, Pascale, Ramos Buarque, Silvana, Cao, Jian, de Vernal, Anne, Guarino, Maria Vittoria ORCID record for Maria Vittoria Guarino, Guo, Chuncheng, LeGrande, Allegra N., Lohmann, Gerrit, Meissner, Katrin, Menviel, Laurie, Nisancioglu, Kerim, O'ishi, Ryouta, Salas Y Melia, David, Shi, Xioaoxu, Sicard, Marie, Sime, Louise ORCID record for Louise Sime, Tomas, Robert, Volodin, Evgeny, Yeung, Nicolas, Zhang, Qiong, Zhang, Zhonghi, Zheng, Weipeng. (2021) Large-scale features of Last Interglacial climate: results from evaluating the lig127k simulations for the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP6)-Paleoclimate Modeling Intercomparison Project (PMIP4).. Climate of the Past, 17 (). 32 pp. 10.5194/cp-17-63-2021
Kageyama, Masa, Sime, Louise C. ORCID record for Louise C. Sime, Sicard, Marie, Guarino, Maria Vittoria ORCID record for Maria Vittoria Guarino, de Vernal, Anne, Schroeder, David, Stein, Ruediger, Malmierca Vallet, Irene ORCID record for Irene Malmierca Vallet, Abe-Ouchi, Ayako, Bitz, Cecilia, Braconnot, Pascale, Brady, Esther, Chamberlain, Matthew A., Feltham, Danny, Guo, Chuncheng, Lohmann, Gerrit, Meissner, Katrin, Menviel, Laurie, Morozova, Polina, Nisancioglu, Kerim H., Otto-Bliesner, Bette, O'ishi, Ryouta, Sherriff-Tadano, Sam, Stroeve, Julienne, Shi, Xiaoxu, Sun, Bo, Volodin, Evgeny, Yeung, Nicholas, Zhang, Qiong, Zhang, Zhongshi, Ziehn, Tilo. (2021) A multi-model CMIP6-PMIP4 study of Arctic sea ice at 127ka: Sea ice data compilation and model differences. Climate of the Past, 17 (). 26 pp. 10.5194/cp-17-37-2021
Malmierca-Vallet, Irene ORCID record for Irene Malmierca-Vallet, Sime, Louise C. ORCID record for Louise C. Sime, Valdes, Paul J., Tindall, Julia C.. (2020) Sea ice feedbacks influence the isotopic signature of Greenland ice sheet elevation changes: Last interglacial HadCM3 simulations. Climate of the Past, 16 (). 24 pp. 10.5194/cp-16-2485-2020
Perren, Bianca B. ORCID record for Bianca B. Perren, Hodgson, Dominic A. ORCID record for Dominic A. Hodgson, Roberts, Stephen J. ORCID record for Stephen J. Roberts, Sime, Louise ORCID record for Louise Sime, Van Nieuwenhuyze, Wim, Verleyen, Elie, Vyverman, Wim. (2020) Southward migration of the Southern Hemisphere westerly winds corresponds with warming climate over centennial timescales. Communications Earth & Environment, 1 (). 8 pp. 10.1038/s43247-020-00059-6
Brown, Josephine R., Brierley, Chris M., An, Soon-Il, Guarino, Maria Vittoria ORCID record for Maria Vittoria Guarino, Stevenson, Samantha, Williams, Charles J.R., Zhang, Qiong, Zhao, Anni, Braconnot, Pascale, Brady, Esther C., Chandan, Deepak, D'Agostino, Roberta, Guo, Chuncheng, LeGrande, Allegra N., Lohmann, Gerrit, Morozova, Polina A., Ohgaito, Rumi, O'ishi, Ryouta, Otto-Bliesner, Bette, Peltier, Richard W., Shi, Xiaoxu, Sime, Louise ORCID record for Louise Sime, Volodin, Evgeny M., Zhang, Zhongshi, Weipeng, Zheng. (2020) Comparison of past and future simulations of ENSO in CMIP5/PMIP3 and CMIP6/PMIP4 models. Climate of the Past, 16 (). 29 pp. 10.5194/cp-2019-155
Guarino, Maria Vittoria ORCID record for Maria Vittoria Guarino, Sime, Louise C. ORCID record for Louise C. Sime, Schröeder, David, Malmierca Vallet, Irene ORCID record for Irene Malmierca Vallet, Rosenblum, Erica, Ringer, Mark, Ridley, Jeff, Feltham, Danny, Bitz, Cecilia, Steig, Eric J., Wolff, Eric, Stroeve, Julienne, Sellar, Alistair. (2020) Sea-ice-free Arctic during the Last Interglacial supports fast future loss. Nature Climate Change, 10 (). pp. 10.1038/s41558-020-0865-2
Williams, Charles J.R., Guarino, Maria Vittoria ORCID record for Maria Vittoria Guarino, Capron, Emilie, Malmierca Vallet, Irene ORCID record for Irene Malmierca Vallet, Singarayer, Joy S., Sime, Louise ORCID record for Louise Sime, Lunt, Daniel J., Valdes, Paul J.. (2020) CMIP6/PMIP4 simulations of the mid-Holocene and Last Interglacial using HadGEM3: comparison to the pre-industrial era, previous model versions and proxy data. Climate of the Past, 16 (). 22 pp. 10.5194/cp-16-1429-2020
Domingo, Dario, Malmierca Vallet, Irene ORCID record for Irene Malmierca Vallet, Sime, Louise ORCID record for Louise Sime, Voss, Jochen, Capron, Emilie. (2020) Using ice cores and Gaussian process emulation to recover changes in the Greenland Ice Sheet during the last interglacial. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 125 (). 19 pp. 10.1029/2019JF005237
Dalaiden, Quentin, Goosse, Hugues, Klein, François, Lenaerts, Jan T.M., Holloway, Max ORCID record for Max Holloway, Sime, Louise ORCID record for Louise Sime, Thomas, Elizabeth R. ORCID record for Elizabeth R. Thomas. (2020) How useful is snow accumulation in reconstructing surface air temperature in Antarctica? A study combining ice core records and climate models. The Cryosphere, 14 (). pp. 10.5194/tc-14-1187-2020
Guarino, Maria Vittoria ORCID record for Maria Vittoria Guarino, Sime, Louise ORCID record for Louise Sime, Schroeder, David, Lister, Grenville M.S., Hatcher, Rosalyn. (2020) Machine dependence and reproducibility for coupled climate simulations: the HadGEM3-GC3.1 CMIP Preindustrial simulation. Geoscientific Model Development, 13 (). pp. 10.5194/gmd-13-139-2020
Chadwick, Matthew ORCID record for Matthew Chadwick, Allen, Claire S. ORCID record for Claire S. Allen, Sime, Louise C. ORCID record for Louise C. Sime, Hillenbrand, Claus-Dieter ORCID record for Claus-Dieter Hillenbrand. (2020) Analysing the timing of peak warming and minimum winter sea-ice extent in the Southern Ocean during MIS 5e. Quaternary Science Reviews, 229 (). 16 pp. 10.1016/j.quascirev.2019.106134
Turner, Fiona, Wilkinson, Richard, Buck, Caitlin, Jones, Julie, Sime, Louise ORCID record for Louise Sime. (2019) Ice Cores and Emulation: Learning More About Past Ice Sheet Shapes.. In: 4th Bayesian Young Statisticians Meeting, BAYSM 2018 Warwick; United Kingdom, 2 July 2018 through 3 July 2018. Springer.
Bracegirdle, Thomas J. ORCID record for Thomas J. Bracegirdle, Colleoni, Florence, Abram, Nerilie J., Bertler, Nancy A.N., Dixon, Daniel A., England, Mark, Favier, Vincent, Fogwill, Chris J., Fyfe, John C., Goodwin, Ian, Goose, Hugues, Hobbs, Will, Jones, Julie M., Keller, Elizabeth D., Khan, Alia L., Phipps, Steven J., Raphael, Marilyn N., Russell, Joellen, Sime, Louise ORCID record for Louise Sime, Thomas, Elizabeth R. ORCID record for Elizabeth R. Thomas, van den Broeke, Michiel R., Wainer, Ilana. (2019) Back to the Future: Using long-term observational and paleo-proxy reconstructions to improve model projections of Antarctic climate. Geosciences, 9 (). pp. 10.3390/geosciences9060255
Sime, Louise ORCID record for Louise Sime, Hopcroft, Peter O., Rhodes, Rachael H.. (2019) Impact of abrupt sea ice loss on Greenland water isotopes during the last glacial period. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 116 (). pp. 10.1073/pnas.1807261116
Voarintsoa, Ny Riavo G, Matero, Ilkka SO, Railsback, L Bruce, Gregoire, Lauren J, Tindall, Julia, Sime, Louise ORCID record for Louise Sime, Cheng, Hai, Edwards, R Lawrence, Brook, George A, Kathayat, Gayatri, Li, Xianglei, Rakotondrazafy, Amos Fety Michel, Razanatseheno, Marie Olga Madison. (2019) Investigating the 8.2 ka event in northwestern Madagascar: insight from data–model comparisons. Quaternary Science Reviews, 204 (). pp. 10.1016/j.quascirev.2018.11.030
Sime, L.C. ORCID record for L.C. Sime, Carlson, A.E., Holloway, M. ORCID record for M. Holloway. (2019) On recovering Last Interglacial changes in the Antarctic ice sheet. Past Global Changes Magazine, 27 (). pp. 10.22498/pages.27.1.14
De Boer, Agatha M., Pascual-Ahuir, Gavilan Estanislao, Stevens, David P., Chafik, Léon, Hutchinson, David K., Zhang, Qiong, Sime, Louise C. ORCID record for Louise C. Sime, Willmott, Andrew J.. (2018) Interconnectivity between volume transports through Arctic straits. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 123 (). pp. 10.1029/2018JC014320
Holloway, Max D. ORCID record for Max D. Holloway, Sime, Louise C. ORCID record for Louise C. Sime, Singarayer, Joy S., Tindall, Julia C., Valdes, Paul J.. (2018) Simulating the 128 ka Antarctic climate response to Northern Hemisphere ice sheet melting using the isotope-enabled HadCM3. Geophysical Research Letters, 45 (). pp. 10.1029/2018GL079647
Malmierca Vallet, Irene ORCID record for Irene Malmierca Vallet, Sime, Louise C. ORCID record for Louise C. Sime, Tindall, Julia C, Capron, Emilie ORCID record for Emilie Capron, Valdes, Paul J, Vinther, Bo M. (2018) Simulating the Last Interglacial Greenland stable water isotope peak: the role of Arctic sea ice changes. Quaternary Science Reviews, 198 (). pp. 10.1016/j.quascirev.2018.07.027
Saunders, Krystyna M., Roberts, Stephen J. ORCID record for Stephen J. Roberts, Perren, Bianca ORCID record for Bianca Perren, Butz, Christoph, Sime, Louise ORCID record for Louise Sime, Davies, Sarah, Van Nieuwenhuyze, Wim, Grosjean, Martin, Hodgson, Dominic A. ORCID record for Dominic A. Hodgson. (2018) Holocene dynamics of the Southern Hemisphere westerly winds and possible links to CO2 outgassing. Nature Geoscience, 11 (). pp. 10.1038/s41561-018-0186-5
Holloway, Max D. ORCID record for Max D. Holloway, Sime, Louise C. ORCID record for Louise C. Sime, Allen, Claire S. ORCID record for Claire S. Allen, Hillenbrand, Claus-Dieter ORCID record for Claus-Dieter Hillenbrand, Bunch, Pete, Wolff, Eric, Valdes, Paul J.. (2017) The spatial structure of the 128 ka Antarctic sea ice minimum. Geophysical Research Letters, 44 (). pp. 10.1002/2017GL074594
Rhodes, Rachael H., Brook, Edward J., McConnell, Joseph R., Blunier, Thomas, Sime, Louise C. ORCID record for Louise C. Sime, Faïn, Xavier, Mulvaney, Robert ORCID record for Robert Mulvaney. (2017) Atmospheric methane variability: Centennial-scale signals in the Last Glacial Period. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 31 (). pp. doi:10.1002/2016GB005570
Sime, Louise S. ORCID record for Louise S. Sime, Hodgson, Dominic ORCID record for Dominic Hodgson, Bracegirdle, Thomas J. ORCID record for Thomas J. Bracegirdle, Allen, Claire ORCID record for Claire Allen, Perren, Bianca ORCID record for Bianca Perren, Roberts, Stephen ORCID record for Stephen Roberts, de Boer, Agatha M.. (2016) Sea ice led to poleward-shifted winds at the Last Glacial Maximum: the influence of state dependency on CMIP5 and PMIP3 models. Climate of the Past, 12 (). pp. doi:10.5194/cp-12-2241-2016
Holloway, Max D. ORCID record for Max D. Holloway, Sime, Louise C. ORCID record for Louise C. Sime, Singarayer, Joy S., Tindall, Julia C., Bunch, Pete, Valdes, Paul J.. (2016) Antarctic last interglacial isotope peak in response to sea ice retreat not ice-sheet collapse. Nature Communications, 7 (). 9 pp. doi:10.1038/ncomms12293
Holloway, Max D. ORCID record for Max D. Holloway, Sime, Louise C. ORCID record for Louise C. Sime, Singarayer, Joy S., Tindall, Julia C., Valdes, Paul J.. (2016) Reconstructing paleosalinity from δ18O: Coupled model simulations of the Last Glacial Maximum, Last Interglacial and Late Holocene. Quaternary Science Reviews, 131 (). pp. doi:10.1016/j.quascirev.2015.07.007
Capron, Emilie ORCID record for Emilie Capron, Govin, Aline, Stone, Emma J., Masson-Delmotte, Valérie, Mulitza, Stefan, Otto-Bliesner, Bette, Sime, Louise C. ORCID record for Louise C. Sime, Waelbroeck, Claire, Wolff, Eric W.. (2014) Temporal and spatial structure of multi‐millennial temperature changes at high latitudes during the Last Interglacial. Quaternary Science Reviews, 103 (). pp. 10.1016/j.quascirev.2014.08.018
Sime, Louise C. ORCID record for Louise C. Sime. (2014) Greenland deglaciation puzzles. Science, 345 (). pp. 10.1126/science.1257842
Sime, Louise C. ORCID record for Louise C. Sime, Karlsson, Nanna B., Paden, John D., Gogineni, S. Prasad. (2014) Isochronous information in a Greenland ice sheet radio-echo sounding dataset. Geophysical Research Letters, 41 (). pp. 10.1002/2013GL057928
Kohfeld, K.E., Graham, R.M., de Boer, A.M., Sime, L.C. ORCID record for L.C. Sime, Wolff, E.W., Le Quéré, C., Bopp, L.. (2013) Southern Hemisphere westerly wind changes during the Last Glacial Maximum: paleo-data synthesis. Quaternary Science Reviews, 68 (). pp. doi:10.1016/j.quascirev.2013.01.017
Sime, Louise C. ORCID record for Louise C. Sime, Risi, Camille, Tindall, Julia C., Sjolte, Jesper, Wolff, Eric W., Masson-Delmotte, Valérie, Capron, Emilie ORCID record for Emilie Capron. (2013) Warm climate isotopic simulations: what do we learn about interglacial signals in Greenland ice cores?. Quaternary Science Reviews, 67 (). pp. doi:10.1016/j.quascirev.2013.01.009
Sime, Louise C. ORCID record for Louise C. Sime, Kohfeld, Karen E., Le Quere, Corinne, Wolff, Eric, de Boer, Agatha M., Graham, Robert M., Bopp, Laurent. (2013) Southern Hemisphere westerly wind changes during the Last Glacial Maximum: model-data comparison. Quaternary Science Reviews, 64 (). pp. 10.1016/j.quascirev.2012.12.008
Sime, Louise C. ORCID record for Louise C. Sime, Masson-Delmotte, V., Risi, C., Sjolte, J.. (2013) Sea surface temperature controls on warm climate water isotopes in Greenland ice cores. PAGES News, 21 (). pp. 10.22498/pages.21.1.28
Royles, Jessica ORCID record for Jessica Royles, Sime, Louise C. ORCID record for Louise C. Sime, Hodgson, Dominic A. ORCID record for Dominic A. Hodgson, Convey, Peter ORCID record for Peter Convey, Griffiths, Howard. (2013) Differing source water inputs, moderated by evaporative enrichment, determine the contrasting δ18OCELLULOSE signals in maritime Antarctic moss peat banks. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 118 (). pp. doi:10.1002/jgrg.20021
Masson-Delmotte, Valerie, Capron, E. ORCID record for E. Capron, Goosse, H., Pol, K., Siddall, M., Sime, L. ORCID record for L. Sime, Bradley, S., Stenni, B.. (2013) Antarctic interglacial climate variability and implications for changes in ice sheet topography. PAGES News, 21 (). pp. 10.22498/pages.21.1.18
Mulvaney, Robert ORCID record for Robert Mulvaney, Abram, Nerilie J., Hindmarsh, Richard C.A. ORCID record for Richard C.A. Hindmarsh, Arrowsmith, Carol, Fleet, Louise, Triest, Jack, Sime, Louise ORCID record for Louise Sime, Alemany, Olivier, Foord, Susan. (2012) Recent Antarctic Peninsula warming relative to Holocene climate and ice shelf history. Nature, 489 (). pp. 10.1038/nature11391
Sime, Louise ORCID record for Louise Sime, Lang, Nicola, Thomas, Elizabeth ORCID record for Elizabeth Thomas, Benton, Ailsa, Mulvaney, Robert ORCID record for Robert Mulvaney. (2011) On high-resolution sampling of short ice cores: dating and temperature information recovery from Antarctic Peninsula virtual cores. Journal of Geophysical Research, 116 (). 17 pp. 10.1029/2011JD015894
Levine, J.G., Wolff, E.W., Jones, A.E. ORCID record for A.E. Jones, Sime, L.C. ORCID record for L.C. Sime, Valdes, P.J., Archibald, A.T., Carver, G.D., Warwick, N.J., Pyle, J.A.. (2011) Reconciling the changes in atmospheric-methane sources and sinks between the Last Glacial Maximum and the pre-industrial era. Geophysical Research Letters, 38 (). 6 pp. 10.1029/2011GL049545
Levine, James G., Wolff, Eric W., Jones, Anna E. ORCID record for Anna E. Jones, Sime, Louise C. ORCID record for Louise C. Sime. (2011) The role of atomic chlorine in glacial-interglacial changes in the carbon-13 content of atmospheric methane. Geophysical Research Letters, 38 (). 6 pp. 10.1029/2010GL046122
Masson-Delmotte, V., Braconnot, P., Hoffman, G., Jouzel, J., Kageyama, M., Landais, A., Lejeune, Q., Risi, C., Sime, Louise ORCID record for Louise Sime, Sjolte, J., Swingedouw, D., Vinther, B.. (2011) Sensitivity of interglacial Greenland temperature and delta 18 O: ice core data, orbital and increased CO2 climate simulations.. Climate of the Past, 7 (). pp. 10.5194/cp-7-1041-2011
Sime, Louise ORCID record for Louise Sime, Wolff, Eric. (2011) Antarctic accumulation seasonality. Nature, 479 (). 6 pp. 10.1038/nature10613
Sime, Louise C. ORCID record for Louise C. Sime, Hindmarsh, Richard C.A. ORCID record for Richard C.A. Hindmarsh, Corr, Hugh. (2011) Automated processing to derive dip angles of englacial radar reflectors in ice sheets. Journal of Glaciology, 57 (). pp.
Masson-Delmotte, V., Buiron, D., Ekaykin, A., Frezzotti, M., Gallee, H., Jouzel, J., Krinner, G., Landais, A., Motoyama, H., Oerter, H., Pol, K., Pollard, D., Ritz, C., Schlosser, E., Sime, Louise C. ORCID record for Louise C. Sime, Sodemann, H., Stenni, B., Uemura, R., Vimeux, F.. (2011) A comparison of the present and last interglacial periods in six Antarctic ice cores. Climate of the Past, 7 (). pp. 10.5194/cp-7-397-2011
Abram, Nerilie J., Thomas, Elizabeth R. ORCID record for Elizabeth R. Thomas, McConnell, Joseph R., Mulvaney, Robert ORCID record for Robert Mulvaney, Bracegirdle, Thomas J. ORCID record for Thomas J. Bracegirdle, Sime, Louise C. ORCID record for Louise C. Sime, Aristarain, Alberto J.. (2010) Ice core evidence for a 20th century decline in sea ice in the Bellingshausen Sea, Antarctica. Journal of Geophysical Research, 115 (). 9 pp. 10.1029/2010JD014644
Hodgson, Dominic A. ORCID record for Dominic A. Hodgson, Sime, Louise C. ORCID record for Louise C. Sime. (2010) Palaeoclimate Southern westerlies and CO2. Nature Geoscience, 3 (). pp. 10.1038/ngeo970
Wolff, E.W., Barbante, C., Becagli, S., Bigler, M., Boutron, C.F., Castellano, E., de Angelis, M., Federer, U., Fischer, H., Fundel, F., Hansson, M., Hutterli, Manuel, Jonsell, U., Karlin, T., Kaufmann, P., Lambert, F., Littot, G.C., Mulvaney, Robert ORCID record for Robert Mulvaney, Rothlisberger, Regine, Ruth, U., Severi, M., Siggard-Andersen, M.L., Sime, Louise ORCID record for Louise Sime, Steffensen, J.P., Stocker, T.F., Traversi, R., Twarloh, B., Udisti, R., Wagenbach, D., Wegner, A.. (2010) Changes in environment over the last 800,000 years from chemical analysis of the EPICA Dome C ice core. Quaternary Science Reviews, 29 (). pp. doi:10.1016/j.quascirev.2009.06.013
- Water isotopes in UKESM2
- Past Westerly Winds
- Weddell Sea ice sheet and climate
- Climate and Ice during the Last Interglacial
- Late Quaternary changes in the Westerly Winds over the Southern Ocean
- iStar-D The contribution to sea-level rise from the Amundsen Sea sector of Antarctica
- Changes in environment over the last 800,000 years from chemical analysis of the EPICA Dome C ice core
Some links to current major funded projects that I lead or co-lead:
NERC: Surface Fluxes in Antarctica: SURFEIT: PI Louise Sime (2.3m to BAS)
EU-H2020 Major European Grant: Tipping Points in the Earths System: Led by Dr Peter Ditlevsen (8 mill EUR in total): WP lead Louise Sime (680K EUR to BAS)
AHRC: research grant: Materializing Data, Embodying Climate Change. Led by Professor Tom Corby: University of the Arts London. AH/S00369X/1 (685K), co-led by Dr Louise Sime. [LINK?]
ERC advanced grant: WACSWAIN. (3000K) Led by Prof Eric Wolff; co-investigator Dr Louise Sime.
NERC standard grant: Retreat of Southern Hemisphere Sea Ice, 130 000 to 116 000 years BP . Led by Dr Louise Sime: BAS (360K)
NSFGEO-NERC standard grant: Paleoclimate signatures of the climate response to West Antarctic ice sheet collapse. Joint US and UK project. Led by Dr Louise Sime: BAS (202K); and Prof Eric Steig; University of Washington (300K).
Links to major funded projects now finished, that I led or co-led:
NERC standard grant: Late Quaternary changes in the Westerly Winds over the Southern Ocean. Led by Dr Dom Hodgson, BAS (650K)l; co-led by Dr Louise Sime.
NERC new investigator grant: The Age Structure of the Greenland ice sheet from Airborne Radar Data (ASGARD). Led by Dr Louise Sime: BAS (79K)
Ancient Antarctic ice loss offers insights into future climate scenarios
News 29 January, 2025
Record low Antarctic sea ice ‘extremely unlikely’ without climate change
News 20 May, 2024
Team heads for Antarctica to study global warming effects
News 8 November, 2023
DEEPICE: Network of young researchers to unveil past climate change in Antarctica
News 13 October, 2021
Past evidence supports complete loss of Arctic sea-ice by 2035
News 10 August, 2020
Arctic sea ice loss in past linked to abrupt climate events
News 12 February, 2019
Impact Women’s Network: Impact on Climate Change—Working together for a 1.5°C future
Event 1 May, 2019
FEATURED PAPER: Winds and sea ice
News 23 March, 2017
FEATURED PAPER: Sea-ice reduction
News 18 October, 2016
New Antarctic ice discovery aids future climate predictions
News 16 August, 2016
PRESS RELEASE: Warmer spells detected in ice cores
News 18 November, 2009
Some recent invites:
2024 CMIP7 FastTrack invited seminar on the abruptLIG CMIP7 FastTrack protocol (June 2024).
2024 LIG workshop in Stockholm, Sweden, Invited speaker on Last Interglacials (May 2024).
2024 EGU2024, Highlight talk: Last Interglacial and CMIP6 (April 2024).
2024 Bern, Switzerland: Abrupt sea ice loss and polar changes (March 2024).
2023 GRISO workshop in Bergen, Norway: First Invited Keynote: Arctic and Greenland Ice Sheet change during the Last Interglacial (April, 2023).
2023 Dunedin, NZ, Icesheet change during past Interglacials (Feb, 2023).
2022 Wellington, NZ, Sea level rise and icesheet change during past Interglacials (Dec, 2022).
2022 EGU: Invited talk: Diversity in Interglacials – past warm periods.
2022 DEEPICE FINSE winter school lecturer: https://deepice.cnrs.fr/deepice-events/
2021 Glasgow COP26: Invited panel member: Climate Risk & Tipping Points in the Polar Regions (Panel + Q&A)
2021 University of the Arts COP26 event speaker/panellist: Ask a Climate Scientist: COP, Science, Culture and Politics
Some press coverage of our groups work:
The Guardian: www.theguardian.com/science/2017/jan/19/sea-levels-could-rise-bysix-to-nine-metres-over-time-new-study-warns
The Independent: http://www.independent.co.uk/news/science/west-antarctic-ice-sheet-sea-level-rise-global-warming-climate-change-british-antarctic-survey-a7195481.html
The Mail Online: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/wires/reuters/article-3743104/Antarcticas-sea-ice-said-vulnerable-sudden-retreat.html
The New York Times: http://www.nytimes.com/reuters/2016/08/16/world/europe/16reuters-climatechange-antarctica.html?ref=world&_r=0
- Team Leader, Ice Dynamics and Paleoclimate
- BAS member of the NERC Peer review College, NERC Peer review College
- Member of the Sea Ice Prediction Network, Sea Ice Prediction Network