Eugene Murphy
E Fellow
Professor Eugene Murphy
Is an Emeritus Fellow of the British Antarctic Survey (BAS), which is part of the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC), UKRI. Between 1998 and 2022 he led the Ecosystems Programme as Principal Investigator and Science Leader. He was also an Individual Merit Promotion Scientist (IM Band 3) and a Visiting Professor at the University of Newcastle until 2022. He is currently an Honorary Professor in the School of Environmental Sciences, University of East Anglia and an Adjunct Professor at the University of Tasmania. He has a BSc in Marine Biology and a PhD in fisheries science and modelling and has over 40 years research experience. In 2014 Eugene was appointed the Science Leader of the Ecosystems Team, which is part of the BAS Science Portfolio: Polar Science for Planet Earth. Over the previous 15 years he led two large research programmes examining the dynamics of Southern Ocean ecosystems. His research background is in ocean ecosystem science and ecological modelling, with expertise in population dynamics, food webs, physical and biological process interactions, biogeochemistry, fisheries science. He has undertaken and led research projects on data analyses and modelling and at sea studies, including as lead scientist in the Antarctic.
Eugene has published over 100 peer-reviewed articles across a wide range of marine science. He has served on a range of national and international grant and programme review bodies over the last 25 years. During that time he has been active in the development of science in the Southern Ocean to address issues of fishery management and sutainability under the Commission for Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR). He was involved in the IGBP Global Ocean Ecosystem Dynamics Programme (GLOBEC) in aspects of ocean ecosystem modelling and Southern Ocean science for over 10 years. More recently he led the development of the international Integrating Climate and Ecosystem Dynamics Southern Ocean programme (ICED), developing analyses of circumpolar Southern Ocean ecosystems. He is also currently a member of the scientific steering committee and Vice-Chair of the global ocean programme Integrating Marine Biosphere Research (IMBeR) co-sponsored by SCOR and Future Earth.
Research interests
Prof. Eugene J. Murphy
My main focus is on the controls on the structure and functioning (operation) of ocean ecosystems and how physical-chemical and biological process interactions at different scales affect the ecosystem structure. This requires a multi-disciplinary approach that combines oceanographic and ecological studies. The geographical focus of my research has been the Southern Ocean and the ecological focus has centred on Antarctic krill, which is a key species in Southern Ocean food webs.
Particular topics of interest include: the role of zooplankton in marine food webs, zooplankton population dynamics, coupled models of krill dynamics and dispersal, predator-prey interactions in patchy systems, connectivity in ocean ecosystems, cross scale processes, food web modelling, end-to-end modelling of ecosystems and emergent structure of ecosystems, variability in oceanic ecosystems, impacts of fisheries and climate change in ocean ecosystems, linking biogeochemical and food web processes, sustainable management of fisheries and the role of ecological processes in the Earth System.
Specific achievements include:
- Scale-based approaches to analyses of ocean ecosystems that have influenced national Southern Ocean research efforts for over 25 years and contributed to global understanding of the controls on the structure and functioning of ocean ecosystems.
- Integrated assessment of the structure and functioning of large scale ocean ecosystems focussed on the Scotia Sea region of the Southern Ocean.
- Development of understanding of how climate variability across the Southern Hemisphere affects ocean and sea-ice and the structure and functioning of oceanic ecosystems.
- Elucidation of the role of advection in the dispersal and distribution of krill populations and in maintenance of ecosystem structure in the Southern Ocean.
- Models of the population dynamics of krill and coupled physical-biological models of their dispersal, growth and survival.
- Models of predator-prey processes and the impacts of historical and future change on krill and ecosystems in the Southern Ocean.
- Development and maintenance of one of the longest multi-disciplinary and multi-trophic long term ecological observational sites in the Southern Ocean and one of the few available for any area of the world ocean.
- Contributions to the development of ecosystem based approaches to sustainable management of marine living resources through the Commission for Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR).
- Development of international integarted analyses of the structure and fucntioning of circumpolar Southern Ocean ecosystems and the interactive effects of climate change.
- Development of scenarios, models and projections of future change in Southern Ocean and global ocean ecosystems.
Current research
The focus is on developing large-scale (to circumpolar) analyses and models of the controls on the structure and functioning of Southern Ocean, Arctic and global ocean ecosystems.
Specific projects include
- Analyses of the variability and impacts of variability on the structure and functioning of ocean ecosystems and key species.
- Modelling the life cycle of Antarctic krill to predict circumpolar distribution and abundance.
- Developing approaches to modelling the structure and functioning of oceanic food webs as part of work on the end-to-end operation of ecosystems.
- Comparative analyses of the structure and functioning of Antarctic and Arctic ocean ecosystems and the impacts of change in polar ecosystems.
- Analyses of the combined effects of climate change, fisheries and other human activities on the structure and functioning of ocean ecosystems and key species.
Current major projects and funding:
- Science Leader of the BAS Ecosystems Team and Southern Ocean Ecosystems Project encompassing ~35staff until 2022.
- Capital equipment awards over the last 5 years.
- Co-I or partner on current grants:
- Variability and Change in Antarctic Ecosystems. NERC-BAS ALI-Science.
- Scotia Sea open-ocean biological laboratories, NERC NC-SS SCOOBIES.
- Controls over Ocean Mesopelagic Interior Carbon Storage (COMICS), NERC Large Grant (R Sanders, NOC; G Tarling, BAS).
- SWARM project: from swarming behaviour to trophic interactions: modelling dynamics of Antarctic krill in ecosystem hotspots using behaviour-based models (T.A. Klevjer, Norway).
- Building data resources for managing the SGSSI Marine Protected Area. DarwinPlus (S Grant BAS)
- Modelling the movement of Antarctic Krill, Antarctic Wildlife Research Fund AWRF (S Thorpe, BAS)
International funded activities include
- IMBeR/SCOR funding for the ICED SSC and programme development.
- SCAR funding for the ICED activities and programme development.
Chapman, S. C., E. J. Murphy, D. A. Stainforth, and N. W. Watkins, 2020: Trends in Winter Warm Spells in the Central England Temperature Record. J. Appl. Meteor. Climatol., 59, 1069–1076,
Rogers, A.D., Frinault, B.A.V., Barnes, D.K.A., Bindoff, N.L., Downie, R., Ducklow, H.W., Friedlaender, A.S., Hart, T., Hill, S.L., Hofmann, E.E., Linse, K., McMahon, C.R., Murphy, E.J., Pakhomov, E.A., Reygondeau, G., Staniland, I.J., Wolf-Gladrow, D.A. & Wright, R.M. 2020 Antarctic Futures: An Assessment of Climate-Driven Changes in Ecosystem Structure, Function, and Service Provisioning in the Southern Ocean. In Annual Review of Marine Science, Vol 12 (eds. C.A. Carlson & S.J. Giovannoni), pp. 87-+. 10.1146/annurev-marine-010419-011028
Turner, J., Guarino, M.V., Arnatt, J., Jena, B., Marshall, G.J., Phillips, T., Bajish, C.C., Clem, K., Wang, Z.M., Andersson, T., Murphy, E.J. & Cavanagh, R. 2020 Recent Decrease of Summer Sea Ice in the Weddell Sea, Antarctica.Article,Geophysical Research Letters, 47. (doi:10.1029/2020gl087127).
Veytia, D., Corney, S., Meiners, K.M., Kawaguchi, S., Murphy, E.J. & Bestley, S. 2020 Circumpolar projections of Antarctic krill growth potential.Article, Nature Climate Change, 10, 568-+. (doi:10.1038/s41558-020-0758-4).
Meijers, A.J.S., Meredith, M.P., Murphy, E.J., Chambers, D.P., Belchier, M. & Young, E.F. 2019 The role of ocean dynamics in king penguin range estimation.Editorial Material,Nature Climate Change, 9, 120-121. (doi:10.1038/s41558-018-0388-2).
Saunders, R.A., Hill, S.L., Tailing, G.A. & Murphy, E.J. 2019 Myctophid Fish (Family Myctophidae) Are Central Consumers in the Food Web of the Scotia Sea (Southern Ocean).Review,Frontiers in Marine Science, 6. (doi:10.3389/fmars.2019.00530).
Thorpe, S.E., Tarling, G.A. & Murphy, E.J. 2019 Circumpolar patterns in Antarctic krill larval recruitment: an environmentally driven model.Article,Marine Ecology Progress Series, 613, 77-96. (doi:10.3354/meps12887).
Trathan, P., Warwick-Evans, V., Hinke, J., Young, E., Murphy, E.J., Carneiro, A., Dias, M. Kovacs, K., Lowther, A., Godø, O., Kokubun, N., Kim, J-H.; Takahashi, A., Santos, M.. in press Managing fishery development in sensitive ecosystems: Identifying penguin habitat use to direct management in Antarctica. Ecosphere
Young E., Niklas, T.P., Meredith. M., Bruyn, M., Belchier, M., Murphy, E.J. and Carvahlo, G. 2018 Stepping stones to isolation: Impacts of a changing climate on the connectivity of fragmented fish populations. Evolutionary Applications 11, 978-994. (doi:doi:10.1111/eva.12613).
Cavanagh, R.D., Murphy, E.J., Bracegirdle, T.J., Turner, J., Knowland, C.A., Corney, S.P., Smith, W.O., Waluda, C.M., Johnston, N.M., Bellerby, R.G.J., Constable, A.J., Costa, D.P., Hofmann, E.E., Jackson, J.A., Staniland, I.J., Wolf-Gladrow, D. & Xavier, J.C. 2017 A Synergistic Approach for Evaluating Climate Model Output for Ecological Applications.Original Research, Frontiers in Marine Science, 4. (doi:10.3389/fmars.2017.00308).
Meyer, B., Freier, U., Grimm, V., Groeneveld, J., Hunt, B.P.V., Kerwath, S., Kin, R., Klaas, C., Pakhomov, E., Meiners, K.M., Melbourne-Thomas, J., Murphy, E.J., Thorpe, S.E., Stammerjohn, S., Wolf-Gladrow, D., Auerswald, L., Gotz, A., Halbach, L., Jarman, S., Kawaguchi, S., Krumpen, T., Nehrke, G., Ricker, R., Sumner, M., Teschke, M., Trebilco, R. & Yilmaz, N.I. 2017 The winter pack-ice zone provides a sheltered but food-poor habitat for larval Antarctic krill. Nature Ecology & Evolution, 1, (doi:10.1038/s41559-017-0368-3).
Murphy, E.J., Thorpe, S.E., Tarling, G.A., Watkins, J.L., Fielding, S. & Underwood, P. 2017 Restricted regions of enhanced growth of Antarctic krill in the circumpolar Southern Ocean. Scientific Reports, 7, 14. (doi:10.1038/s41598-017-07205-9).
Turner, J. and Comiso, J. 2017. Solve Antarctica’s sea-ice puzzle. Comment, Nature. Nature, 547, 275–277, doi:10.1038/547275a.
Murphy, E.J. 2017. The superb krill—when a species really is key. Ecology 98:2736-2737. (doi:doi:10.1002/ecy.1923)
Cavanagh, R.D., Broszeit, S., Pilling, G.M., Grant, S.M., Murphy, E.J. & Austen, M.C. 2016 Valuing biodiversity and ecosystem services: a useful way to manage and conserve marine resources? Proceedings of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences, 283, 8. (doi:10.1098/rspb.2016.1635).
Constable, A.J., Costa, D.P., Schofield, O., Newman, L., Urban, E.R., Fulton, E.A., Melbourne-Thomas, J., Ballerini, T., Boyd, P.W., Brandt, A., de la Mare, W.K., Edwards, M., Eleaume, M., Emmerson, L., Fennel, K., Fielding, S., Griffiths, H., Gutt, J., Hindell, M.A., Hofmann, E.E., Jennings, S., La, H.S., McCurdy, A., Mitchell, B.G., Moltmann, T., Muelbert, M., Murphy, E.J., Press, A.J., Raymond, B., Reid, K., Reiss, C., Rice, J., Salter, I., Smith, D.C., Song, S., Southwell, C., Swadling, K.M., Van de Putte, A.V. & Zdenka, W. 2016 Developing priority variables (“ecosystem Essential Ocean Variables” – eEOVs) for observing dynamics and change in Southern Ocean ecosystems. Journal of Marine Systems, 161, 26-41. (doi:10.1016/j.jmarsys.2016.05.003).
Hunt, G.L., Drinkwater, K.F., Arrigo, K., Berge, J., Daly, K.L., Danielson, S., Daase, M., Hop, H., Isla, E., Karnovsky, N., Laidre, K., Mueter, F.J., Murphy, E.J., Renaud, P.E., Smith, W.O., Trathan, P., Turner, J. & Wolf-Gladrow, D. 2016 Advection in polar and sub-polar environments: Impacts on high latitude marine ecosystems. Progress in Oceanography, 149, 40-81. (doi:10.1016/j.pocean.2016.10.004).
McCormack, C.G., Born, W., Irvine, P.J., Achterberg, E.P., Amano, T., Ardron, J., Foster, P.N., Gattuso, J.P., Hawkins, S.J., Hendy, E., Kissling, W.D., Lluch-Cota, S.E., Murphy, E.J., Ostle, N., Owens, N.J.P., Perry, R.I., Portner, H.O., Scholes, R.J., Schurr, F.M., Schweiger, O., Settele, J., Smith, R.K., Smith, S., Thompson, J., Tittensor, D.P., van Kleunen, M., Vivian, C., Vohland, K., Warren, R., Watkinson, A.R., Widdicombe, S., Williamson, P., Woods, E., Blackstock, J.J. & Sutherland, W.J. 2016 Key impacts of climate engineering on biodiversity and ecosystems, with priorities for future research. Journal of Integrative Environmental Sciences, 13, 103-128. (doi:10.1080/1943815x.2016.1159578).
Murphy, E.J., Cavanagh, R.D., Drinkwater, K.F., Grant, S.M., Heymans, J.J., Hofmann, E.E., Hunt, G.L. & Johnston, N.M. 2016 Understanding the structure and functioning of polar pelagic ecosystems to predict the impacts of change. Proceedings of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences, 283, 10. (doi:10.1098/rspb.2016.1646).
Sanders, R. J., S. A. Henson, A. P. Martin, T. R. Anderson, R. Bernardello, P. Enderlein, S. Fielding, S. L. C. Giering, M. Hartmann, M. Iversen, S. Khatiwala, P. Lam, R. Lampitt, D. J. Mayor, M. C. Moore, E. Murphy, S. C. Painter, A. J. Poulton, K. Saw, G. Stowasser, G. A. Tarling, S. Torres-Valdes, M. Trimmer, G. A. Wolff, A. Yool, and M. Zubkov. 2016. Controls over Ocean Mesopelagic Interior Carbon Storage (COMICS): Fieldwork, Synthesis, and Modeling Efforts. Frontiers in Marine Science 3. (doi:10.3389/fmars.2016.00136)
Silk, J.R.D., Thorpe, S.E., Fielding, S., Murphy, E.J., Trathan, P.N., Watkins, J.L. & Hill, S.L. 2016 Environmental correlates of Antarctic krill distribution in the Scotia Sea and southern Drake Passage. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 73, 2288-2301. (doi:10.1093/icesjms/fsw097).
Hofmann, E., Bundy, A., Drinkwater, K., Piola, A.R., Avril, B., Robinson, C., Murphy, E.J., Maddison, L., Svendsen, E., Hall, J. & Xu, Y. 2015 IMBER – Research for marine sustainability: Synthesis and the way forward. Anthropocene, 12, 42-53. (doi:10.1016/j.ancene.2015.12.002).
Johnston, N., Murphy, E., & Cavanagh, R. (2016). Unlocking the past to understand the future. Antarctic Science, 28(1), 1-1. doi:10.1017/S0954102015000619 Guest Editorial.
Smith, M.J., Tittensor, D.P., Lyutsarev, V. & Murphy, E. 2015 Inferred support for disturbance-recovery hypothesis of North Atlantic phytoplankton blooms. Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans, 120, 7067-7090. (doi:10.1002/2015jc011080).
Xavier, J.C., Hill, S.L., Belchier, M., Bracegirdle, T.J., Murphy, E.J. & Dias, J.L. 2015 From Ice to Penguins: The Role of Mathematics in Antarctic Research. Cham, Springer Int Publishing Ag; 389-414 p.
Young, E.F., Belchier, M., Hauser, L., Horsburgh, G.J., Meredith, M.P., Murphy, E.J., Pascoal, S., Rock, J., Tysklind, N. & Carvalho, G.R. 2015 Oceanography and life history predict contrasting genetic population structure in two Antarctic fish species. Evolutionary Applications, 8, 486-509. (doi:10.1111/eva.12259).
Constable, A.J., Melbourne-Thomas, J., Corney, S.P., Arrigo, K.R., Barbraud, C., Barnes, D.K.A., Bindoff, N.L., Boyd, P.W., Brandt, A., Costa, D.P., Davidson, A.T., Ducklow, H.W., Emmerson, L., Fukuchi, M., Gutt, J., Hindell, M.A., Hofmann, E.E., Hosie, G.W., Iida, T., Jacob, S., Johnston, N.M., Kawaguchi, S., Kokubun, N., Koubbi, P., Lea, M.A., Makhado, A., Massom, R.A., Meiners, K., Meredith, M.P., Murphy, E.J., Nicol, S., Reid, K., Richerson, K., Riddle, M.J., Rintoul, S.R., Smith, W.O., Southwell, C., Stark, J.S., Sumner, M., Swadling, K.M., Takahashi, K.T., Trathan, P.N., Welsford, D.C., Weimerskirch, H., Westwood, K.J., Wienecke, B.C., Wolf-Gladrow, D., Wright, S.W., Xavier, J.C. & Ziegler, P. 2014 Climate change and Southern Ocean ecosystems I: how changes in physical habitats directly affect marine biota. Global Change Biology, 20, 3004-3025. (doi:10.1111/gcb.12623).
Fielding, S., Watkins, J.L., Trathan, P.N., Enderlein, P., Waluda, C.M., Stowasser, G., Tarling, G.A. & Murphy, E.J. 2014 Interannual variability in Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) density at South Georgia, Southern Ocean: 1997-2013. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 71, 2578-2588. (doi:10.1093/icesjms/fsu104).
Guihen, D., Fielding, S., Murphy, E.J., Heywood, K.J. & Griffiths, G. 2014 An assessment of the use of ocean gliders to undertake acoustic measurements of zooplankton: the distribution and density of Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) in the Weddell Sea. Limnology and Oceanography-Methods, 12, 373-389. (doi:10.4319/lom.2014.12.373).
McBride, M.M., Dalpadado, P., Drinkwater, K.F., Godo, O.R., Hobday, A.J., Hollowed, A.B., Kristiansen, T., Murphy, E.J., Ressler, P.H., Subbey, S., Hofmann, E.E. & Loeng, H. 2014 Krill, climate, and contrasting future scenarios for Arctic and Antarctic fisheries. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 71, 1934-1955. (doi:10.1093/icesjms/fsu002).
Murphy, E.J., Clarke, A., Abram, N.J. & Turner, J. 2014 Variability of sea-ice in the northern Weddell Sea during the 20th century. Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans, 119, 4549-4572. (doi:10.1002/2013jc009511).
Young, E.F., Thorpe, S.E., Banglawala, N. & Murphy, E.J. 2014 Variability in transport pathways on and around the South Georgia shelf, Southern Ocean: Implications for recruitment and retention. Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans, 119, 241-252. (doi:10.1002/2013jc009348).
Evans M.R., Bithell M., Cornell S.J., Dall S.R.X, Díaz S., Emmott, S., Ernande B., Grimm V., Hodgson D.J., Lewis S.L., Mace G.M., Morecroft M., Moustakas A., Murphy E.J., Newbold T., Norris K.J., Petchey O., Smith M., Travis J.M. and Benton T.G. in press. Predictive Ecology, Proceedings of the Royal Society B
Grant S.M., Hill S.L., Trathan P.N. and Murphy E.J. 2013 Ecosystem services of the Southern Ocean: trade-offs in decision-making, Antarctic Science, doi: 7/S0954102013000308
Gutt, Julian; Adams, Byron; Bracegirdle, Thomas; Cowan, Don; Cummings, Vonda; di Prisco, Guido; Gradinger, Rolf; Isla, Enrique; McIntyre, Trevor; Murphy, Eugene; Peck, Lloyd; Schloss, Irene; Smith, Craig; Suckling, Coleen; Takahashi, Akinori; Verde, Cinza; Wall, Diana H.; Xavier, José. 2013 Antarctic Thresholds – Ecosystem Resilience and Adaptation” (AnT-ERA), a new SCAR-biology programme. Polarforschung, 82 (2). 147-150.
Murphy E.J., Hofmann E.E., Watkins J.L., Johnston N.M., Pinones A., Ballerini T., Hill S.L., Trathan P.N., Tarling G.A., Cavanagh R.A., Young E.F., Thorpe S.E., Fretwell P. 2013 Comparison of the structure and function of Southern Ocean regional ecosystems: The Antarctic Peninsula and South Georgia. Journal of Marine Systems 109, 22-42. (doi:10.1016/j.jmarsys.2012.03.011).
Bednarsek N., Tarling G.A., Bakker D.C.E., Fielding S., Jones E.M., Venables H.J., Ward P., Kuzirian A., Leze B., Feely R.A., Murphy E.J. 2012 Extensive dissolution of live pteropods in the Southern Ocean. Nature Geoscience 5(12), 881-885. (doi:10.1038/ngeo1635).
Goodall-Copestake W.P., Tarling G.A., Murphy E.J. 2012 On the comparison of population-level estimates of haplotype and nucleotide diversity: a case study using the gene cox1 in animals. Heredity 109(1), 50-56. (doi:10.1038/hdy.2012.12).
Hill S.L., Keeble K., Atkinson A., Murphy E.J. 2012 A foodweb model to explore uncertainties in the South Georgia shelf pelagic ecosystem. Deep-Sea Research Part II-Topical Studies in Oceanography 59, 237-252. (doi:10.1016/j.dsr2.2011.09.001).
Mackey A.P., Atkinson A., Hill S.L., Ward P., Cunningham N.J., Johnston N.M., Murphy E.J. 2012 Antarctic macrozooplankton of the southwest Atlantic sector and Bellingshausen Sea: Baseline historical distributions (Discovery Investigations, 1928-1935) related to temperature and food, with projections for subsequent ocean warming. Deep-Sea Research Part II-Topical Studies in Oceanography 59, 130-146. (doi:10.1016/j.dsr2.2011.08.011).
Murphy E.J., Cavanagh R.D., Hofmann E.E., Hill S.L., Constable A.J., Costa D.P., Pinkerton M.H., Johnston N.M., Trathan P.N., Klinck J.M., Wolf-Gladrow D.A., Daly K.L., Maury O., Doney S.C. 2012 Developing integrated models of Southern Ocean food webs: Including ecological complexity, accounting for uncertainty and the importance of scale. Progress in Oceanography 102, 74-92. (doi:10.1016/j.pocean.2012.03.006).
Murphy E.J., Hofmann E.E. 2012 End-to-end in Southern Ocean ecosystems. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 4(3), 264-271. (doi:10.1016/j.cosust.2012.05.005).
Renner A.H.H., Thorpe S.E., Heywood K.J., Murphy E.J., Watkins J.L., Meredith M.P. 2012 Advective pathways near the tip of the Antarctic Peninsula: Trends, variability and ecosystem implications. Deep-Sea Research Part I-Oceanographic Research Papers 63, 91-101. (doi:10.1016/j.dsr.2012.01.009).
Tarling G.A., Stowasser G., Ward P., Poulton A.J., Zhou M., Venables H.J., McGill R.A.R., Murphy E.J. 2012a Seasonal trophic structure of the Scotia Sea pelagic ecosystem considered through biomass spectra and stable isotope analysis. Deep-Sea Research Part II-Topical Studies in Oceanography 59, 222-236. (doi:10.1016/j.dsr2.2011.07.002).
Tarling G.A., Ward P., Atkinson A., Collins M.A., Murphy E.J. 2012b DISCOVERY 2010: Spatial and temporal variability in a dynamic polar ecosystem. Deep-Sea Research Part II-Topical Studies in Oceanography 59, 1-13. (doi:10.1016/j.dsr2.2011.10.001).
Young E.F., Rock J., Meredith M.P., Belchier M., Murphy E.J., Carvalho G.R. 2012 Physical and behavioural influences on larval fish retention: contrasting patterns in two Antarctic fishes. Marine Ecology Progress Series 465, 201-215. (doi:10.3354/meps09908).
Clarke A., Johnston N.M., MurphyE.J. and Rodgers A.D. 2012 Introduction: Antarctic ecology in a changing world, 1-10, In: Rodgers A.D., Johnston,N.M., Murphy E.J. and Clarke A. (eds.), Antarctic Ecosystems: An extreme environment in a changing world. Eds, Wiley-Blackwell, UK.
Clarke A., Barnes D. K. A., Bracegirdle T. J., Ducklow H. W., King J. C., Meredith M. P., Murphy E. J., and Peck L. S. 2012 The impact of regional climate change on the marine ecosystem of the Western Antarctic Peninsula, 93-120, In: Rodgers, A.D., Johnston, N.M., Murphy, E.J. and A. Clarke (eds.), Antarctic Ecosystems: An extreme environment in a changing world. Eds, Wiley-Blackwell, UK. p.
Murphy E.J., Watkins J.L., Trathan P.N., Reid K., Meredith M.P., Hill S.L., Thorpe S.E., Johnston N.M., Clarke A., Tarling G.A., Collins M.A., Forcada J., Atkinson A., Ward P., Staniland I.J., Pond D.W., Cavanagh R.A., Shreeve R.S., Korb R.E., Whitehouse M.J. , Rodhouse P.G., Enderlein P., Hirst A.G., Martin A.R., Briggs D.R., Cunningham N.J. and Fleming A.H. 2012 Spatial and Temporal Operation of the Scotia Sea Ecosystem, 160-212. In: Rodgers, A.D., Johnston, N.M., Murphy, E.J. and A. Clarke (eds.), Antarctic Ecosystems: An extreme environment in a changing world. Eds, Wiley-Blackwell, UK.
Trathan P. N., Forcada J. and Murphy E. J. 2012, Environmental forcing and Southern Ocean marine predator populations. Effects of climate change and variability, 335-353. In: Rodgers, A.D., Johnston, N.M., Murphy, E.J. and A. Clarke (eds.), Antarctic Ecosystems: An extreme environment in a changing world. Eds, Wiley-Blackwell, UK.
Rodgers A.D., Johnston N.M., Murphy E.J. and Clarke A. (eds.) 2012 Antarctic Ecosystems: An extreme environment in a changing world. Eds, Wiley-Blackwell, UK, 538pp.
Tarling G. A., Ward P., Atkinson A., Collins M. A., and Murphy E. J. (eds) 2012c, DISCOVERY 2010: Spatial and temporal variability in a dynamic polar ecosystem, Deep-Sea Research Part II-Topical Studies in Oceanography, 59, 1-13, doi:10.1016/j.dsr2.2011.10.001.
Cury P.M., Boyd I.L., Bonhommeau S., Anker-Nilssen T., Crawford R.J.M., Furness R.W., Mills J.A., Murphy E.J., Oesterblom H., Paleczny M., Piatt J.F., Roux J.-P., Shannon L., Sydeman W.J. 2011 Global Seabird Response to Forage Fish Depletion-One-Third for the Birds. Science 334(6063), 1703-1706. (doi:10.1126/science.1212928).
Young E.F., Meredith M.P., Murphy E.J., Carvalho G.R. 2011 High-resolution modelling of the shelf and open ocean adjacent to South Georgia, Southern Ocean. Deep-Sea Research Part II-Topical Studies in Oceanography 58(13-16), 1540-1552. (doi:10.1016/j.dsr2.2009.11.003).
Beekmans B.W.P.M., Forcada J., Murphy E.J., de Baar H.J.W., Bathmann U.V., Fleming A.H. 2010 Generalised additive models to investigate environmental drivers of Antarctic minke whale (Balaenoptera bonaerensis) spatial density in austral summer. Journal of Cetacean Research and Management 11(2), 115-129.
Goodall-Copestake W.P., Perez-Espona S., Clark M.S., Murphy E.J., Seear P.J., Tarling G.A. 2010 Swarms of diversity at the gene cox1 in Antarctic krill. Heredity 104(5), 513-518. (doi:10.1038/hdy.2009.188).
Reid K., Watkins J.L., Murphy E.J., Trathan P.N., Fielding S., Enderlein P. 2010 Krill population dynamics at South Georgia: implications for ecosystem-based fisheries management. Marine Ecology Progress Series 399, 243-252. (doi:10.3354/meps08356).
Drinkwater K, Hunt G., Lehodey P., Luca-Cota S., Murphy E.J., Sakurai Y., Schwing F, Beaugrand G., and Sundby S. 2010 Climate forcing on marine ecosystems,11-29, In: Barange M., Field J.G., Harris R.P., Hofmann E.E., Perry R.I. and Werner F. (eds): Marine Ecosystems and Global Change, Oxford University Press 2010. DOI: 10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199558025.001.0001
Moloney, C.L., Jarre A., Kimura S., Mackas D.L., Maury O., Murphy E.J., Peterson W.T., Runge J.A. and Tadokoro K. 2010 Dynamics of marine ecosystems: ecological processes, 179-217, In: Barange M., Field J.G., Harris R.P., Hofmann E.E., Perry R.I. and Werner F. (eds) Marine Ecosystems and Global Change, Oxford University Press 2010. DOI:
Tarling G.A., Klevjer T., Fielding S., Watkins J., Atkinson A., Murphy E.J., Korb R., Whitehouse M. and Leaper R. 2009 Variability and predictability of Antarctic krill swarm structure. Deep-Sea Research Part I-Oceanographic Research Papers 56(11), 1994-2012. (doi:10.1016/j.dsr.2009.07.004).
Hill S., Belchier M., Collins M., Fielding S., Murphy E.J., Trathan P., Venables H. and Waluda C. (United Kingdom) 2009 Multiple indicators suggest a strong ecosystem anomaly at South Georgia in 2009. CCAMLR WG-EMM-09/23, 16pp.
Atkinson A., Siegel V., Pakhomov E.A., Rothery P., Loeb V., Ross R.M., Quetin L.B., Schmidt K., Fretwell P., Murphy E.J., Tarling G.A., Fleming A.H. 2008 Oceanic circumpolar habitats of Antarctic krill. Marine Ecology Progress Series 362, 1-23. (doi:10.3354/meps07498).
Forcada J., Trathan P.N., Murphy E.J. 2008 Life history buffering in Antarctic mammals and birds against changing patterns of climate and environmental variation. Global Change Biology 14(11), 2473-2488. (doi:10.1111/j.1365-2486.2008.01678.x).
Meredith M.P., Murphy E.J., Hawker E.J., King J.C., Wallace M.I. 2008 On the interannual variability of ocean temperatures around South Georgia, Southern Ocean: Forcing by El Nino/Southern Oscillation and the Southern Annular Mode. Deep-Sea Research Part II-Topical Studies in Oceanography 55(18-19), 2007-2022. (doi:10.1016/j.dsr2.2008.05.020).
Murphy E.J., Cavanagh R.C., Johnston N.M., Reid K. & Hofmann E. 2008 Integrating circumpolar Climate and Ecosystem Dynamics: ICED. Science and Implementation Plan. IGBP: GLOBEC and IMBER, 2008.
Clarke, A., N.M. Johnston, E. J. Murphy and A. D. Rogers., (2007a), Introduction. Antarctic ecology from genes to ecosystems: the impact of climate change and the importance of scale, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences, 362(1477), 5-9, doi:10.1098/rstb.2006.1943.
Clarke, A., E. J. Murphy, M. P. Meredith, J. C. King, L. S. Peck, D. K. A. Barnes, and R. C. Smith (2007b), Climate change and the marine ecosystem of the western Antarctic Peninsula, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences, 362(1477), 149-166, doi:10.1098/rstb.2006.1958.
Edwards, A. M., et al. (2007b), Revisiting Levy flight search patterns of wandering albatrosses, bumblebees and deer, Nature, 449(7165), 1044-U1045, doi:10.1038/nature06199.
Murphy, E. J., P. N. Trathan, J. L. Watkins, K. Reid, M. P. Meredith, J. Forcada, S. E. Thorpe, N. M. Johnston, and P. Rothery (2007a), Climatically driven fluctuations in Southern Ocean ecosystems, Proceedings of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences, 274(1629), 3057-3067, doi:10.1098/rspb.2007.1180.
Murphy, E. J., Watkins, J. L., Trathan, P. N., Reid, K., Meredith, M. P., Thorpe, S. E., Johnston, N. M., Clarke, A., Tarling, G. A., Collins, M. A., Forcada, J., Shreeve, R. S., Atkinson, A., Korb, R., Whitehouse, M. J., Ward, P., Rodhouse, P. G., Enderlein, P., Hirst, A. G., Martin, A. R., Hill, S. L., Staniland, I. J., Pond, D. W., Briggs, D. R., Cunningham, N. J. & Fleming, A. H. 2007 Spatial and temporal operation of the Scotia Sea ecosystem: a review of large-scale links in a krill centred food web. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences 362, 113-148.
Nicol, S., J. Croxall, P. Trathan, N. Gales, and E. Murphy (2007), Paradigm misplaced? Antarctic marine ecosystems are affected by climate change as well as biological processes and harvesting, Antarctic Science, 19(3), 291-295, doi:10.1017/s0954102007000491.
Reid, K., J. P. Croxall, and E. J. Murphy (2007), The power of ecosystem monitoring, Aquatic Conservation-Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, 17, S79-S92, doi:10.1002/aqc.909.
Rogers, A. D., E. J. Murphy, N. M. Johnston, and A. Clarke (2007), Introduction. Antarctic ecology: from genes to ecosystems. Part 2. Evolution, diversity and functional ecology, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences, 362(1488), 2187-2189, doi:10.1098/rstb.2007.2135.
Saunders, R. A., A. S. Brierley, J. L. Watkins, K. Reid, E. J. Murphy, P. Enderlein, and D. G. Bone (2007), Intra-annual variability in the density of Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) at south Georgia, 2002-2005: Within-year variation provides a new framework for interpreting previous ‘annual’ estimates of krill density, Ccamlr Science, 14, 27-41.
Tarling, G. A., J. Cuzin-Roudy, S. E. Thorpe, R. S. Shreeve, P. Ward, and E. J. Murphy (2007), Recruitment of Antarctic krill Euphausia superba in the South Georgia region: adult fecundity and the fate of larvae, Marine Ecology Progress Series, 331, 161-179, doi:10.3354/meps331161.
Thorpe, S. E., E. J. Murphy, and J. L. Watkins (2007), Circumpolar connections between Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba Dana) populations: Investigating the roles of ocean and sea ice transport, Deep-Sea Research Part I-Oceanographic Research Papers, 54(5), 792-810, doi:10.1016/j.dsr.2007.01.008.
Trathan, P. N., J. Forcada, and E. J. Murphy (2007), Environmental forcing and Southern Ocean marine predator populations: effects of climate change and variability, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences, 362(1488), 2351-2365, doi:10.1098/rstb.2006.1953.
Rogers A., Murphy E.J., Clarke A. & Johnston N.M. (eds) 2007. Antarctic ecology: from genes to ecosystems. Part 1. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society. 362 (1477). Jan 2007.
Rogers A., Murphy E.J., Clarke A. & Johnston N.M. (eds) 2007. Antarctic ecology: from genes to ecosystems. Part 1I. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society. 362 (1488). Dec 2007.
Atkinson, A., Shreeve, R. S., Hirst, A. G., Rothery, P., Tarling, G. A., Pond, D. W., Korb, R. E., Murphy, E. J. & Watkins, J. L. 2006 Natural growth rates in Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba): II. Predictive models based on food, temperature, body length, sex, and maturity stage. Limnology and Oceanography 51, 973-987.
Brierley, A. S., Saunders, R. A., Bone, D. G., Murphy, E. J., Enderlein, P., Conti, S. G. & Demer, D. A. 2006 Use of moored acoustic instruments to measure short-term variability in abundance of Antarctic krill. Limnology and Oceanography-Methods 4, 18-29.
Fach, B. A., Hofmann, E. E. & Murphy, E. J. 2006 Transport of Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) across the Scotia Sea. Part II. Krill growth and survival. Deep-Sea Research Part I-Oceanographic Research Papers 53, 1011-1043.
Forcada, J., Trathan, P. N., Reid, K., Murphy, E. J. & Croxall, J. P. 2006 Contrasting population changes in sympatric penguin species in association with climate warming. Global Change Biology 12, 411-423.
Hill, S. L., Murphy, E. J., Reid, K., Trathan, P. N. & Constable, A. J. 2006 Modelling Southern Ocean ecosystems: krill, the food-web, and the impacts of harvesting. Biological Reviews 81, 581-608.
Tarling, G. A., Shreeve, R. S., Hirst, A. G., Atkinson, A., Pond, D. W., Murphy, E. J. & Watkins, J. L. 2006 Natural growth rates in Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba): I. Improving methodology and predicting intermolt period. Limnology and Oceanography 51, 959-972.
Reid, K., Murphy, E.J., Croxall, J.P., Trathan, P.N. 2006 Population dynamics of Antarctic krill Euphausia superba at South Georgia – sampling with predators provides new insights In: Boyd, I.L., Wanless, S., Camphuysen, C.J. (Eds.), Top Predators in Marine Ecosystems, Cambridge University Press.
Trathan, P.N., Murphy, E. J., Forcada, J., Croxall, J. P., Reid, K., Thorpe, S.E. 2006 Physical forcing in the southwest Atlantic: ecosystem control. In: Boyd, I.L., Wanless, S., Camphuysen, C.J. (Eds.), Top Predators in Marine Ecosystems, Cambridge University Press.
Forcada, J., Trathan, P. N., Reid, K. & Murphy, E. J. 2005 The effects of global climate variability in pup production of Antarctic fur seals. Ecology 86, 2408-2417.
Meredith, M. P., Brandon, M. A., Murphy, E. J., Trathan, P. N., Thorpe, S. E., Bone, D. G., Chernyshkov, P. P. & Sushin, V. A. 2005 Variability in hydrographic conditions to the east and northwest of South Georgia, 1996-2001. Journal of Marine Systems 53, 143-167.
Reid, K., Croxall, J. P., Briggs, D. R. & Murphy, E. J. 2005 Antarctic ecosystem monitoring: quantifying the response of ecosystem indicators to variability in Antarctic krill. ICES Journal of Marine Science 62, 366-373.
Hofmann, E. E. & Murphy, E. J. 2004 Advection, krill, and Antarctic marine ecosystems. Antarctic Science 16, 487-499.
Jessopp, M. J., Forcada, J., Reid, K., Trathan, P. N. & Murphy, E. J. 2004 Winter dispersal of leopard seals (Hydrurga leptonyx) environmental factors influencing demographics and seasonal abundance. Journal of Zoology 263, 251-258.
Murphy, E. J., Thorpe, S. E., Watkins, J. L. & Hewitt, R. 2004a Modeling the krill transport pathways in the Scotia Sea: spatial and environmental connections generating the seasonal distribution of krill. Deep-Sea Research Part II-Topical Studies in Oceanography 51, 1435-1456.
Murphy, E. J., Watkins, J. L., Meredith, M. P., Ward, P., Trathan, P. N. & Thorpe, S. E. 2004b Southern Antarctic Circumpolar Current Front to the northeast of South Georgia: Horizontal advection of krill and its role in the ecosystem. Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans 109.
Brentnall, S. J., Richards, K. J., Brindley, J. & Murphy, E.J. 2003 Plankton patchiness and its effect on larger-scale productivity. Journal of Plankton Research 25, 121-140.
Croxall, J. P., Trathan, P. N. & Murphy, E. J. 2003 Adelie penguins and environmental change – Response. Science 300, 429-430.
Meredith, M. P., Watkins, J. L., Murphy, E. J., Cunningham, N. J., Wood, A. G., Korb, R., Whitehouse, M. J., Thorpe, S. E. & Vivier, F. 2003a An anticyclonic circulation above the Northwest Georgia Rise, Southern Ocean. Geophysical Research Letters 30. Meredith, M. P., Watkins, J. L.,
Murphy, E. J., Ward, P., Bone, D. G., Thorpe, S. E., Grant, S. A. & Ladkin, R. S. 2003b Southern ACC front to the northeast of South Georgia: Pathways, characteristics, and fluxes. Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans 108.
Platt, T., Broomhead, D. S., Sathyendranath, S., Edwards, A. M. & Murphy, E. J. 2003 Phytoplankton biomass and residual nitrate in the pelagic ecosystem. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Series A-Mathematical Physical and Engineering Sciences 459, 1063-1073.
Trathan, P. N., Brierley, A. S., Brandon, M. A., Bone, D. G., Goss, C., Grant, S. A., Murphy, E. J. & Watkins, J. L. 2003 Oceanographic variability and changes in Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) abundance at South Georgia. Fisheries Oceanography 12, 569-583.
Croxall, J. P., Trathan, P. N. & Murphy, E. J. 2002 Environmental change and Antarctic seabird populations. Science 297, 1510-1514.
Fach, B. A., Hofmann, E. E. & Murphy, E. J. 2002 Modeling studies of antarctic krill Euphausia superba survival during transport across the Scotia Sea. Marine Ecology-Progress Series 231, 187-203.
Reid, K., Murphy, E. J., Loeb, V. & Hewitt, R. P. 2002 Krill population dynamics in the Scotia Sea: variability in growth and mortality within a single population. Journal of Marine Systems 36, 1-10.
Trathan, P. N. & Murphy, E. J. 2002 Sea surface temperature anomalies near South Georgia: Relationships with the pacific El Nino regions. Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans 108.
Ward, P., Whitehouse, M., Meredith, M., Murphy, E.J., Shreeve, R., Korb, R., Watkins, J., Thorpe, S., Woodd-Walker, R., Brierley, A., Cunningham, N., Grant, S. & Bone, D. 2002 The Southern Antarctic Aircumpolar Current Front: physical and biological coupling at South Georgia. Deep-Sea Research Part I-Oceanographic Research Papers 49, 2183-2202.
Murphy, E. J. & Reid, K. 2001 Modelling Southern Ocean krill population dynamics: biological processes generating fluctuations in the South Georgia ecosystem. Marine Ecology-Progress Series 217, 175-189.
Murphy, E.J. 2001 Krill. In: Encyclopedia of Ocean Sciences (Steele, JH, Turekian, KK, Thorpe SA, Academic Press, London, p. 1405-1413.
Brandon, M. A., Murphy, E. J., Trathan, P. N. & Bone, D. G. 2000 Physical oceanographic conditions to the northwest of the sub-Antarctic Island of South Georgia. Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans 105, 23983-23996.
Grant, S., Ward, P., Murphy, E.J., Bone, D. & Abbott, S. 2000 Field comparison of an LHPR net sampling system and an Optical Plankton Counter (OPC) in the Southern Ocean. Journal of Plankton Research 22, 619-638.
Trathan, P. N., Brandon, M. A., Murphy, E. J. & Thorpe, S. E. 2000 Transport and structure within the Antarctic Circumpolar Current to the north of South Georgia. Geophysical Research Letters 27, 1727-1730.
Brandon, M. A., Murphy, E. J., Whitehouse, M. J., Trathan, P. N., Murray, A. W. A., Bone, D. G. & Priddle, J. 1999 The shelf break front to the east of the sub-Antarctic island of South Georgia. Continental Shelf Research 19, 799-819.
Murphy, E. J. & Rodhouse, P. G. 1999 Rapid selection effects in a short-lived semelparous squid species exposed to exploitation: inferences from the optimisation of life-history functions. Evolutionary Ecology 13, 517-537.
Reid, K., Watkins, J. L., Croxall, J. P. & Murphy, E. J. 1999 Krill population dynamics at South Georgia 1991-1997, based on data from predators and nets. Marine Ecology-Progress Series 177, 103-114.
Hofmann, E. E., Klinck, J. M., Locarnini, R. A., Fach, B. & Murphy, E.J. 1998 Krill transport in the Scotia Sea and environs. Antarctic Science 10, 406-415.
Murphy, E. J., Boyd, P. W., Leakey, R. J. G., Atkinson, A., Edwards, E. S., Robinson, C., Priddle, J., Bury, S. J., Robins, D. B., Burkill, P. H., Savidge, G., Owens, N. J. P. & Turner, D. 1998a Carbon flux in ice-ocean-plankton systems of the Bellingshausen Sea during a period of ice retreat. Journal of Marine Systems 17, 207-227.
Murphy, E. J., Watkins, J. L., Reid, K., Trathan, P. N., Everson, I., Croxall, J. P., Priddle, J., Brandon, M. A., Brierley, A. S. & Hofmann, E. 1998b Interannual variability of the South Georgia marine ecosystem: Biological and physical sources of variation in the abundance of krill. Fisheries Oceanography 7, 381-390.
Priddle, J., Boyd, I. L., Whitehouse, M. J., Murphy, E. J. & Croxall, J. P. 1998a Estimates of Southern Ocean primary production – constraints from predator carbon demand and nutrient drawdown. Journal of Marine Systems 17, 275-288.
Priddle, J., Nedwell, D. B., Whitehouse, M. J., Reay, D. S., Savidge, G., Gilpin, L. C., Murphy, E. J. & Ellis-Evans, J. C. 1998b Re-examining the Antarctic Paradox: speculation on the Southern Ocean as a nutrient-limited system. In Annals of Glaciology, Vol 27, 1998, vol. 27, pp. 661-668. Cambridge.
Trathan, P. N., Murphy, E. J., Croxall, J. P. & Everson, I. 1998 Use of at-sea distribution data to derive potential foraging ranges of macaroni penguins during the breeding season. Marine Ecology-Progress Series 169, 263-275.
Trathan, P. N., Murphy, E. J., Everson, I. & Parkes, G. 1998 Analysis of haul data from the South Georgia krill fishery. CCAMLR Science 5, 9-30.
Rodhouse, P. G., Murphy, E. J. & Coelho, M. L. 1998. Impact of fishing on squid life histories. In Squid recruitment dynamics – the genus Illex as a model, the commercial Illex species and influences on variability (Rodhouse, P. G., Dawe, E. G. & O’Dor, R. K., eds.), pp. 255-268. FAO Fisheries Technical Paper, No.376, Rome, FAO.
Murphy, E.J, & King, J. 1997 Climate change – Icy message from the Antarctic. Nature 389, 20-21.
Murphy, E.J., P.N. Trathan, Everson, I. And G. Parkes (1997). Krill fishing in the Scotia Sea in relation to bathymetry: including the detailed distribution around South Georgia. CCAMLR Science 4, 1 17, 1997.
Priddle, J., Whitehouse, M. J., Atkinson, A., Brierley, A. S. & Murphy, E. J. 1997 Diurnal changes in near-surface ammonium concentration – interplay between zooplankton and phytoplankton. Journal of Plankton Research 19, 1305-1330.
Trathan, P. N., Brandon, M. A. & Murphy, E. J. 1997 Characterization of the Antarctic Polar Frontal Zone to the north of South Georgia in summer 1994. Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans 102, 10483-10497.
Priddle J. Nedwell D.B. Savidge G. & Murphy E.J. 1997 The Southern Ocean plant growth and the global oceanic carbon cycle. The Globe, No. 36, 8 9.
Atkinson, A., Ward, P. & Murphy, E. J. 1996 Diel periodicity of Subantarctic copepods: Relationships between vertical migration, gut fullness and gut evacuation rate. Journal of Plankton Research 18, 1387-1405.
Fedulov, P.P., Murphy, E.J. & Shulgovsky, K.E. 1996 Environment – krill interactions in the South Georgia Marine System. CCAMLR science, 3; 13-30.
Priddle, J., Leakey, R. J. G., Archer, S. D. & Murphy, E. J. 1996 Eukaryotic microbiota in the surface waters and sea ice of the Southern Ocean: Aspects of physiology, ecology and biodiversity in a ‘two-phase’ ecosystem. Biodiversity and Conservation 5, 1473-1504.
Rodhouse, P. G., Prince, P. A., Trathan, P. N., Hatfield, E. M. C., Watkins, J. L., Bone, D. G., Murphy, E. J. & White, M. G. 1996 Cephalopods and mesoscale oceanography at the Antarctic Polar Front: Satellite tracked predators locate pelagic trophic interactions. Marine Ecology-Progress Series 136, 37-50.
Savidge, G., Priddle, J., Gilpin, L. C., Bathmann, U., Murphy, E. J., Owens, N. J. P., Pollard, R. T., Turner, D. R., Veth, C. & Boyd, P. 1996 An assessment of the role of the marginal ice zone in the carbon cycle of the Southern Ocean. Antarctic Science 8, 349-358.
Trathan, P.N., Croxall, J.P. & Murphy, E.J. 1996 Dynamics of Antarctic penguin populations in relation to the inter-annual variability in sea-ice distribution. Polar Biology. 16: 321-330.
Viswanathan, G. M., Afanasyev, V., Buldyrev, S. V., Murphy, E. J., Prince, P. A. & Stanley, H. E. 1996 Levy flight search patterns of wandering albatrosses. Nature 381, 413-415.
E.J. Murphy (Book Review) Polis, G.A. & Winemiller, K.O. (eds) 1996 Food Webs: Integration of patterns and dynamics. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries. 6: 371-372.
Trathan, P.N., Daunt, F.H.J. & Murphy, E.J. (eds). 1996 South Georgia: an ecological atlas. BAS Unpublished Report, 91pp. Foreign and Commonwealth Office project.
Murphy, E. J. 1995 Spatial Structure of the Southern-Ocean Ecosystem – Predator-Prey Linkages in Southern-Ocean Food Webs. Journal of Animal Ecology 64, 333-347.
Murphy, E. J., Clarke, A., Symon, C. & Priddle, J. 1995 Temporal Variation in Antarctic Sea-Ice – Analysis of a Long-Term Fast-Ice Record from the South-Orkney Islands. Deep-Sea Research Part I-Oceanographic Research Papers 42, 1045-1062.
Priddle, J., Leakey, R., Symon, C., Whitehouse, M., Robins, D., Cripps, G., Murphy, E.J. & Owens, N. 1995 Nutrient Cycling by Antarctic Marine Microbial Plankton. Marine Ecology-Progress Series 116, 181-198.
Trathan, P. N., Everson, I., Miller, D. G. M., Watkins, J. L. & Murphy, E. J. 1995 Krill Biomass in the Atlantic. Nature 373, 201-202.
Murphy, E.J. 1995 CCAMLR WG-EMM Report: Environment, WG-EMM, Bergen.
Daunt, F.H.J., Trathan, P.N., Murphy, E.J. & Rodhouse, P.G.K. 1995 World Wide Fund for Nature Project 92/92 Antarctic Fisheries Oceanography; Report July (1995)
Murphy, E. J., Rodhouse, P. G. & Nolan, C. P. 1994 Modeling the Selective Effects of Fishing on Reproductive Potential and Population-Structure of Squid. Ices Journal of Marine Science 51, 299-313.
Rodhouse, P. G., Piatkowski, U., Murphy, E. J., White, M. G. & Bone, D. G. 1994 Utility and Limits of Biomass Spectra – the Nekton Community Sampled with the Rmt-25 in the Scotia Sea During Austral Summer. Marine Ecology-Progress Series 112, 29-39.
Marchant, H. and Murphy E.J. 1994 Interactions at the base of the Antarctic marine food web. In: Sayed, El-S. Southern Ocean Ecology: the BIOMASS perspective, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, p267:285.
Madureira, L. S. P., Everson, I. & Murphy, E. J. 1993 Interpretation of Acoustic Data at 2 Frequencies to Discriminate between Antarctic Krill (Euphausia-Superba Dana) and Other Scatterers. Journal of Plankton Research 15, 787-802.
Murphy, E.J., J. Field, B. Kagan, C. Lin, V. Ryabchenko, J. Sarmiento and J. Steele. 1993 Global extrapolation. In: Evans, GT and MF Fasham (eds) Towards a model of ocean biogeochemical processes. NATO ASI Series, Series 1: Global Environmental Change. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, p21:46.
Trathan, P.N., Agnew, D., Miller, D.G., Watkins, J.L., Everson, I., Throley, M.R., Murphy, E.J., Murray, A.W.A. and Goss, C. 1993. Krill biomass in Area 48 and Area 58: Recalculation of FIBEX Data. SC-CCAMLR-SSp/9 WG-Krill-92/20, 157181.
Trathan, P.N., Murphy, E.J., Symon, C.J. & Rodhouse, P.G. (1993). Ecological and oceanographic relationships in the Southern Ocean. GIS Europe 2(6), 34-36.
Murphy, E.J., Symon, C., Priddle, J. & Clarke, A. 1993 Interannual variation in the distribution of Antarctic sea-ice: biological implications. Poster, Nansen Centennial Symposium, Solstrand, Bergen, 21-25 June, 1993, (Abstracted).
Priddle, J., Owens, N., Turner, D. & Murphy, E.J. 1993 Biogeochemistry of the upper ocean during the spring ice retreat in the Bellingshausen Sea. Poster, Nansen Centennial Symposium, Solstrand, Bergen, 21-25 June, 1993, (Abstracted).
Brand, A.R. & Murphy, E.J. 1992 A tagging study of north Irish Sea scallop (Pecten maximus) populations: comparisons of an inshore and offshore fishing ground. Journal of Medical & Applied Malacology 1992, 4: 153-164.
Murphy, E.J., I. Everson and A, Murray. 1991 Analyses of acoustic line transect data from the waters around South Georgia: estimation of krill (Euphausia superba Dana) biomass. CCAMLR, Selected Scientific Papers SC-CCAMLR-SSP/8: 225-243.
Murphy, E.J. & Priddle, J. 1991 Pathways of carbon flux in the marine microbial community around South Georgia. Antarctic Science : Global Concerns, SCAR, Bremen, Germany, 23-27 September 1991, (Abstracted).
Murphy, E.J. 1991 Ecosystem Analysis, WG-Krill Report, Yalta, USSR, CCAMLR, 1991.
Murphy, E.J. 1990 Ecosystem Analysis, WG-Krill Report, Leningrad, USSR, CCAMLR, 1990.
Allison, E.H., Brand, A.R. & Murphy, E.J. 1989 Mortality rates of North Irish Sea, Pecten maxmius, from tagging experiments. 7th International Pectinid Workshop, Portland, Maine, U.S.A., 1989 (Abstracted).
Murphy, E.J. 1989 Krill and Ecosystems. WG-Krill Report, South-West Fisheries, La Jolla, CAMMLR, 1989.
Murphy E.J., Morris D.J., Watkins J.L. & Priddle J. 1988 Scales of interaction between Antarctic Krill and the environment. In: Antarctic Ocean and Resources Variability (Ed by D. Sahrhage), pp. 120 130. Springer Verlag, Berlin.
Priddle, J., Croxall, J.P., Everson, I., Heywood, R.B., Murphy, E.J., Prince, P.A. & Sear, S. 1988 Large scale fluctuations in distribution and abundance of krill : a discussion of possible causes. In: Antarctic Ocean and Resources Variability (Ed by D. Sahrhage), pp. 169-182, Springer Verlag, Berlin.
Everson, I. & Murphy, E. J. 1987 Mesoscale Variability in the Distribution of Krill Euphausia-Superba. Marine Ecology-Progress Series 40, 53-60.
Murphy, E.J. & Brand, A.R. 1987 Yield per recruit analyses for North Irish Sea scallop (Pecten maximus) stocks. 6th International Pectinid Workshop, Bangor, Scotland, 1987 (Abstracted).
Brand, A.R. & Murphy, E.J. 1986 Tagging study of North Irish Sea scallop (Pecten maximus (L.) populations: comparisons of an inshore and offshore fishing ground. In: Heppel, D. Ninth International Malacological Congress, National Museum of Scotland, Edinburgh.
Brand, A.R. & Murphy, E.J. 1985 Estimation of mortality rates by a mark-release recapture experiment for the Isle of Man scallop stocks (II). 5th International Pectinid Workshop, Aberdeen, Scotland, 1983 (Abstracted).
Murphy, E.J. & Brand, A.R. 1985 Towards a spatial model for the North Irish Sea scallop populations. 5th International Pectinid Workshop, Aberdeen, Scotland, 1983 (Abstracted).
Murphy, E.J. & Brand, A.R. 1983 A mark-release recapture experiment on Manx scallop (Pecten maximus) beds for the estimation of mortality rates. 4th International Pectinid Workshop, Aberdeen, Scotland, 1983 (Abstracted).
Murphy, E.J. & Brand, A.R. 1983 Regional variation in the biometrics of Manx scallop (Pecten maximus) stocks and the associated fishery. 4th International Pectinid Workshop, Aberdeen, Scotland, 1983 (Abstracted).
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Murphy, Kieran, Arcos, Denisse Fierro, Rohr, Tyler, Green, David, Novaglio, Camilla, Baker, Katherine, Ortega-Cisneros, Kelly, Eddy, Tyler D., Harrison, Cheryl S., Hill, Simeon L. ORCID record for Simeon L. Hill, Eskuche-Keith, Patrick, Cataldo-Mendez, Camila, Petrik, Colleen M., Pinkerton, Matthew, Spence, Paul, Stollberg, Ilaria, Subramaniam, Roshni C., Trebilco, Rowan, Tulloch, Vivitskaia, Palacios-Abrantes, Juliano, Bestley, Sophie, Bianchi, Daniele, Boyd, Philip, Buchanan, Pearse J., Bryndum-Buchholz, Andrea, Coll, Marta, Corney, Stuart, Datta, Samik, Everett, Jason D., Forestier, Romain, Fulton, Elizabeth A., Galton-Fenzi, Benjamin Keith, Guibourd de Luzinais, Vianney, Heneghan, Ryan, Mason, Julia G., Maury, Olivier, McMahon, Clive R., Murphy, Eugene J. ORCID record for Eugene J. Murphy, Richardson, Anthony J., Tittensor, Derek P., Spillias, Scott, Steenbeek, Jeroen, Veytia, Devi, Blanchard, Julia. (2025) Developing a Southern Ocean Marine Ecosystem Model Ensemble to Assess Climate Risks and Uncertainties. Earth's Future, 13 (). 25 pp. 10.1029/2024EF004849
Hill, Simeon L, ORCID record for Simeon L, Hill, Atkinson, Angus, Arata, Javier, Belcher, Anna ORCID record for Anna Belcher, Bengtson-Nash, Susan, Bernard, Kim S., Cleary, Alison ORCID record for Alison Cleary, Conroy, John, Driscoll, Ryan, Fielding, Sophie ORCID record for Sophie Fielding, Flores, Hauke, Forcada, Jaume ORCID record for Jaume Forcada, Halfter, Svenja, Hinke, Jefferson, Hückstädt, Luis, Johnston, Nadine M. ORCID record for Nadine M. Johnston, Kane, Mary, Kawaguchi, So, Krafft, Bjørn A., Krüger, Lucas, La, Hyoung Sul, Liszka, Cecilia ORCID record for Cecilia Liszka, Meyer, Bettina, Murphy, Eugene ORCID record for Eugene Murphy, Pakhomov, Evgeny, Perry, Frances, Piñones, Andrea, Polito, Michael J., Reid, Keith, Reiss, Christian, Rombola, Emilce, Saunders, Ryan A. ORCID record for Ryan A. Saunders, Schmidt, Katrin, Sylvester, Zephryr, Takahashi, Akinori, Tarling, Geraint A. ORCID record for Geraint A. Tarling, Trathan, Philip N. ORCID record for Philip N. Trathan, Veytia, Devi, Watters, George, Xavier, José C. ORCID record for José C. Xavier, Yang, Guang. (2024) Observing change in pelagic animals as sampling methods shift: the case of Antarctic krill. Frontiers in Marine Science, 11 (). 20 pp. 10.3389/fmars.2024.1307402
Young, Emma F. ORCID record for Emma F. Young, Thorpe, Sally E. ORCID record for Sally E. Thorpe, Renner, Angelika H.H., Murphy, Eugene J. ORCID record for Eugene J. Murphy. (2024) Environmental and behavioural drivers of Antarctic krill distribution at the South Orkney Islands: A regional perspective. Journal of Marine Systems, 241 (). 16 pp. 10.1016/j.jmarsys.2023.103920
Murphy, Eugene J. ORCID record for Eugene J. Murphy, Johnston, Nadine M. ORCID record for Nadine M. Johnston, Hofmann, Eileen E., Phillips, Richard A., Jackson, Jennifer A. ORCID record for Jennifer A. Jackson, Constable, Andrew J.. (2023) The Southern Ocean Ecosystem Affects The Entire World. Frontiers for Young Minds, 11 (). 10 pp. 10.3389/frym.2023.1089779
Constable, A.J., Melbourne-Thomas, J., Muelbert, M.M.C., McCormack, S., Brasier, M., Caccavo, J.A, Cavanagh, R.D. ORCID record for R.D. Cavanagh, Grant, S.M. ORCID record for S.M. Grant, Griffiths, H.J. ORCID record for H.J. Griffiths, Gutt, J., Henley, S.F., Höfer, J., Hollowed, A.B., Johnston, N.M. ORCID record for N.M. Johnston, Morley, S.A. ORCID record for S.A. Morley, Murphy, E.J. ORCID record for E.J. Murphy, Pinkerton, M.H., Schloss, I.R., Swadling, K.M., van de Putte, A.P.. (2023) Marine Ecosystem Assessment for the Southern Ocean: Summary for Policymakers. Online, SCAR, SCOR and IMBeR, 74 pp. (.) 10.5281/zenodo.8359585
Bahlburg, Dominik, Hüppe, Lukas, Böhrer, Thomas, Thorpe, Sally E. ORCID record for Sally E. Thorpe, Murphy, Eugene J. ORCID record for Eugene J. Murphy, Berger, Uta, Meyer, Bettina. (2023) Plasticity and seasonality of the vertical migratory behaviour of Antarctic krill using acoustic data from fishing vessels. Royal Society Open Science, 10 (). 17 pp. 10.1098/rsos.230520
Merkel, B., Trathan, P. ORCID record for P. Trathan, Thorpe, S. ORCID record for S. Thorpe, Murphy, E.J. ORCID record for E.J. Murphy, Pehlke, H., Teschke, K., Griffith, G.P.. (2023) Quantifying circumpolar summer habitat for Antarctic krill and Ice krill, two key species of the Antarctic marine ecosystem. ICES Journal Marine Science, 80 (). 14 pp. 10.1093/icesjms/fsad110
Bahlburg, Dominik, Thorpe, Sally E. ORCID record for Sally E. Thorpe, Meyer, Bettina, Berger, Uta, Murphy, Eugene J. ORCID record for Eugene J. Murphy. (2023) An intercomparison of models predicting growth of Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba): The importance of recognizing model specificity. PLoS ONE, 18 (). 29 pp. 10.1371/journal.pone.0286036
Melbourne-Thomas, Jess, Tommasi, Desiree, Gehlen, Marion, Murphy, Eugene J. ORCID record for Eugene J. Murphy, Beckensteiner, Jennifer, Bravo, Francisco, Eddy, Tyler D., Fischer, Mibu, Fulton, Elizabeth, Gogina, Mayya, Hofmann, Eileen, Ito, Maysa, Mynott, Sara, Ortega-Cisneros, Kelly, Osiecka, Anna N., Payne, Mark R., Saldívar-Lucio, Romeo, Scherrer, Kim J.N.. (2023) Integrating human dimensions in decadal-scale prediction for marine social–ecological systems: lighting the grey zone. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 80 (). 15 pp. 10.1093/icesjms/fsac228
Murphy, Eugene ORCID record for Eugene Murphy. (2022) Ocean sustainability: act before it’s too late [Correspondence]. Nature, 609 (). pp. 10.1038/d41586-022-02981-5
Johnston, Nadine M. ORCID record for Nadine M. Johnston, Murphy, Eugene J. ORCID record for Eugene J. Murphy, Atkinson, Angus, Constable, Andrew J., Cotté, Cédric, Cox, Martin, Daly, Kendra L., Driscoll, Ryan, Flores, Hauke, Halfter, Svenja, Henschke, Natasha, Hill, Simeon L. ORCID record for Simeon L. Hill, Höfer, Juan, Hunt, Brian P. V., Kawaguchi, So, Lindsay, Dhugal, Liszka, Cecilia ORCID record for Cecilia Liszka, Loeb, Valerie, Manno, Clara ORCID record for Clara Manno, Meyer, Bettina, Pakhomov, Evgeny A., Pinkerton, Matthew H., Reiss, Christian S., Richerson, Kate, Smith, Walker O., Steinberg, Deborah K., Swadling, Kerrie M., Tarling, Geraint A. ORCID record for Geraint A. Tarling, Thorpe, Sally E. ORCID record for Sally E. Thorpe, Veytia, Devi, Ward, Peter, Weldrick, Christine K., Yang, Guang. (2022) Status, change, and futures of zooplankton in the Southern Ocean. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 9 (). 41 pp. 10.3389/fevo.2021.624692
Thorpe, Sally E. ORCID record for Sally E. Thorpe, Murphy, Eugene J. ORCID record for Eugene J. Murphy. (2022) Spatial and temporal variability and connectivity of the marine environment of the South Sandwich Islands, Southern Ocean. Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, 198 (). 16 pp. 10.1016/j.dsr2.2022.105057
Liszka, Cecilia M. ORCID record for Cecilia M. Liszka, Thorpe, Sally E. ORCID record for Sally E. Thorpe, Wootton, Marianne, Fielding, Sophie ORCID record for Sophie Fielding, Murphy, Eugene J. ORCID record for Eugene J. Murphy, Tarling, Geraint A. ORCID record for Geraint A. Tarling. (2022) Plankton and nekton community structure in the vicinity of the South Sandwich Islands (Southern Ocean) and the influence of environmental factors. Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, 198 (). 16 pp. 10.1016/j.dsr2.2022.105073
Tarling, Geraint ORCID record for Geraint Tarling, Abrahamsen, Povl ORCID record for Povl Abrahamsen, Lucas, Natasha ORCID record for Natasha Lucas, Brearley, Alexander ORCID record for Alexander Brearley, Fleming, Andrew ORCID record for Andrew Fleming, Shepherd, Andrew, Liszka, Cecilia ORCID record for Cecilia Liszka, Manno, Clara ORCID record for Clara Manno, Murphy, Eugene ORCID record for Eugene Murphy, Meredith, Michael ORCID record for Michael Meredith, Ratcliffe, Norman ORCID record for Norman Ratcliffe, Braakmann-Folgmann, Anne, Gerrish, Laura ORCID record for Laura Gerrish. (2022) The birth and death of ‘megaberg’ A68. The Marine Biologist, 22 (). pp.
Murphy, Eugene J. ORCID record for Eugene J. Murphy, Robinson, Carol, Hobday, Alistair J., Newton, Alice, Glaser, Marion, Evans, Karen, Dickey-Collas, Mark, Brodie, Stephanie, Gehlen, Marion. (2021) The global pandemic has shown we need an action plan for the ocean. Frontiers in Marine Science, 8 (). 6 pp. 10.3389/fmars.2021.760731
Jones, Daniel C. ORCID record for Daniel C. Jones, Ceia, Filipe R., Murphy, Eugene ORCID record for Eugene Murphy, Delord, Karine, Furness, Robert W., Verdy, Ariane, Mazloff, Matthew, Phillips, Richard A., Sagar, Paul M., Sallée, Jean-Baptiste, Schreiber, Ben, Thompson, David R., Torres, Leigh G., Underwood, Phillip J., Weimerskirch, Henri, Xavier, José C. ORCID record for José C. Xavier. (2021) Untangling local and remote influences in two major petrel habitats in the oligotrophic Southern Ocean. Global Change Biology, 27 (). 13 pp. 10.1111/gcb.15839
Baines, Mick, Kelly, Natalie, Reichelt, Maren, Lacey, Claire, Pinder, Simon, Fielding, Sophie ORCID record for Sophie Fielding, Murphy, Eugene ORCID record for Eugene Murphy, Trathan, Phil ORCID record for Phil Trathan, Biuw, Martin, Lindstrøm, Ulf, Krafft, Bjørn A., Jackson, Jennifer A. ORCID record for Jennifer A. Jackson. (2021) Population abundance of recovering humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) and other baleen whales in the Scotia Arc, South Atlantic. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 676 (). 18 pp. 10.3354/meps13849
McCormack, Stacey A., Melbourne-Thomas, Jessica, Trebilco, Rowan, Griffith, Gary, Hill, Simeon ORCID record for Simeon Hill, Hoover, Carie, Johnston, Nadine M. ORCID record for Nadine M. Johnston, Marina, Tomás I., Murphy, Eugene J. ORCID record for Eugene J. Murphy, Pakhomov, Evgeny A., Pinkerton, Matt, Plagányi, Éva, Saravia, Leonardo A., Subramaniam, Roshni C., Van de Putte, Anton P., Constable, Andrew J.. (2021) Southern Ocean food web modelling: Progress, prognoses, and future priorities for research and policy makers. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 9 (). 21 pp. doi:10.3389/fevo.2021.624763
Veytia, D., Bestley, S., Kawaguchi, S., Meiners, K.M., Murphy, E.J. ORCID record for E.J. Murphy, Fraser, A.D., Kusahara, K., Kimura, N., Corney, S.. (2021) Overwinter sea-ice characteristics important for Antarctic krill recruitment in the southwest Atlantic. Ecological Indicators, 129 (). 14 pp. 10.1016/j.ecolind.2021.107934
Krafft, B.A., Macaulay, G.J., Skaret, G., Knutsen, T., Bergstad, O.A., Lowther, A., Huse, G., Fielding, S. ORCID record for S. Fielding, Trathan, P. ORCID record for P. Trathan, Murphy, E. ORCID record for E. Murphy, Choi, S-G., Chung, S., Han, I., Lee, K., Zhao, X., Wang, X., Ying, Y., Yu, X., Demianenko, K., Podhornyi, V., Vishnyakova, K., Pshenichnov, L., Chuklin, A., Shyshman, H., Cox, M.J., Reid, K., Watters, G.M., Reiss, C.S., Hinke, J.T., Arata, J., Godø, O.R., Hoem, N.. (2021) Standing stock of Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba Dana, 1850) (Euphausiacea) in the Southwest Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean, 2018–19. Journal of Crustacean Biology, 41 (). 17 pp. 10.1093/jcbiol/ruab046
Cavanagh, Rachel D. ORCID record for Rachel D. Cavanagh, Trathan, Philip N. ORCID record for Philip N. Trathan, Hill, Simeon L. ORCID record for Simeon L. Hill, Melbourne-Thomas, Jess, Meredith, Michael P. ORCID record for Michael P. Meredith, Hollyman, Philip ORCID record for Philip Hollyman, Krafft, Björn A., Muelbert, Monica M.C., Murphy, Eugene J. ORCID record for Eugene J. Murphy, Sommerkorn, Martin, Turner, John ORCID record for John Turner, Grant, Susie M. ORCID record for Susie M. Grant. (2021) Utilising IPCC assessments to support the ecosystem approach to fisheries management within a warming Southern Ocean. Marine Policy, 131 (). 11 pp. 10.1016/j.marpol.2021.104589
Trathan, P.N. ORCID record for P.N. Trathan, Fielding, S. ORCID record for S. Fielding, Hollyman, P. ORCID record for P. Hollyman, Murphy, E.J. ORCID record for E.J. Murphy, Warwick-Evans, V. ORCID record for V. Warwick-Evans, Collins, M.A. ORCID record for M.A. Collins. (2021) Enhancing the ecosystem approach for the fishery for Antarctic krill within the complex, variable and changing ecosystem at South Georgia. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 78 (). 17 pp. 10.1093/icesjms/fsab092
Murphy, Eugene J. ORCID record for Eugene J. Murphy, Johnston, Nadine M. ORCID record for Nadine M. Johnston, Hofmann, Eileen E., Phillips, Richard A., Jackson, Jennifer A. ORCID record for Jennifer A. Jackson, Constable, Andrew J., Henley, Sian F., Melbourne-Thomas, Jess, Trebilco, Rowan, Cavanagh, Rachel D. ORCID record for Rachel D. Cavanagh, Tarling, Geraint A. ORCID record for Geraint A. Tarling, Saunders, Ryan A. ORCID record for Ryan A. Saunders, Barnes, David K.A. ORCID record for David K.A. Barnes, Costa, Daniel P., Corney, Stuart P., Fraser, Ceridwen I., Höfer, Juan, Hughes, Kevin A. ORCID record for Kevin A. Hughes, Sands, Chester J. ORCID record for Chester J. Sands, Thorpe, Sally E. ORCID record for Sally E. Thorpe, Trathan, Philip N. ORCID record for Philip N. Trathan, Xavier, José C.. (2021) Global connectivity of Southern Ocean ecosystems. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 9 (). 29 pp. 10.3389/fevo.2021.624451
van Putten, I., Kelly, R., Cavanagh, R.D. ORCID record for R.D. Cavanagh, Murphy, E.J. ORCID record for E.J. Murphy, Breckwoldt, A., Brodie, S., Cvitanovic, C., Dickey-Collas, M., Maddison, L., Melbourne-Thomas, J., Arrizabalaga, H., Azetsu-Scott, K., Beckley, L.E., Bellerby, R., Constable, A.J., Cowie, G., Evans, K., Glaser, M., Hall, J., Hobday, A.J., Johnston, N.M. ORCID record for N.M. Johnston, Llopiz, J.K., Mueter, F., Muller-Karger, F.E., Weng, K.C., Wolf-Gladrow, D., Xavier, J.C. ORCID record for J.C. Xavier. (2021) A decade of incorporating social sciences in the Integrated Marine Biosphere Research project (IMBeR): Much done, much to do?. Frontiers in Marine Science, 8 (). 14 pp. 10.3389/fmars.2021.662350
Dickens, John, Hollyman, Philip R. ORCID record for Philip R. Hollyman, Hart, Tom, Clucas, Gemma V., Murphy, Eugene J. ORCID record for Eugene J. Murphy, Poncet, Sally, Trathan, Phil ORCID record for Phil Trathan, Collins, Martin A. ORCID record for Martin A. Collins. (2021) Developing UAV monitoring of South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands’ iconic land-based marine predators. Frontiers in Marine Science, 8 (). 16 pp. 10.3389/fmars.2021.654215
Cavanagh, Rachel D. ORCID record for Rachel D. Cavanagh, Melbourne-Thomas, Jess, Grant, Susie M. ORCID record for Susie M. Grant, Barnes, David K.A. ORCID record for David K.A. Barnes, Hughes, Kevin A. ORCID record for Kevin A. Hughes, Halfter, Svenja, Meredith, Michael P. ORCID record for Michael P. Meredith, Murphy, Eugene J. ORCID record for Eugene J. Murphy, Trebilco, Rowan, Hill, Simeon L. ORCID record for Simeon L. Hill. (2021) Future risk for Southern Ocean ecosystem services under climate change. Frontiers in Marine Science, 7 (). 21 pp. 10.3389/fmars.2020.615214
Hobday, Alistair J., Robinson, Carol, Murphy, Eugene J. ORCID record for Eugene J. Murphy, Newton, Alice, Glaser, Marion, Brodie, Stephanie. (2020) Fostering global science networks in a post-COVID-19 world. Oceanography, 33 (). 2 pp. 10.5670/oceanog.2020.414
Manno, C. ORCID record for C. Manno, Fielding, S. ORCID record for S. Fielding, Stowasser, G. ORCID record for G. Stowasser, Murphy, E.J. ORCID record for E.J. Murphy, Thorpe, S.E. ORCID record for S.E. Thorpe, Tarling, G.A. ORCID record for G.A. Tarling. (2020) Continuous moulting by Antarctic krill drives major pulses of carbon export in the north Scotia Sea, Southern Ocean. Nature Communications, 11 (). 8 pp. 10.1038/s41467-020-19956-7
Turner, John ORCID record for John Turner, Guarino, Maria Vittoria ORCID record for Maria Vittoria Guarino, Arnatt, Jack, Jena, Babula, Marshall, Gareth J. ORCID record for Gareth J. Marshall, Phillips, Tony ORCID record for Tony Phillips, Bajish, C.C., Clem, Kyle, Wang, Zhaomin, Andersson, Tom ORCID record for Tom Andersson, Murphy, Eugene J. ORCID record for Eugene J. Murphy, Cavanagh, Rachel ORCID record for Rachel Cavanagh. (2020) Recent decrease of summer sea ice in the Weddell Sea, Antarctica. Geophysical Research Letters, 47 (). pp. 10.1029/2020GL087127
Chapman, S.C., Murphy, E.J. ORCID record for E.J. Murphy, Stainforth, D.A., Watkins, N.W.. (2020) Trends in winter warm spells in the Central England temperature record. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 59 (). 8 pp. 10.1175/JAMC-D-19-0267.1
Veytia, Devi, Corney, Stuart, Meiners, Klaus M., Kawaguchi, So, Murphy, Eugene J. ORCID record for Eugene J. Murphy, Bestley, Sophie. (2020) Circumpolar projections of Antarctic krill growth potential. Nature Climate Change, 10 (). pp. 10.1038/s41558-020-0758-4
Rogers, A.D., Frinault, B.A.V., Barnes, D.K.A. ORCID record for D.K.A. Barnes, Bindoff, N.L., Downie, R., Ducklow, H.W., Friedlaender, A.S., Hart, T., Hill, S.L. ORCID record for S.L. Hill, Hofmann, E.E., Linse, K. ORCID record for K. Linse, McMahon, C.R., Murphy, E.J. ORCID record for E.J. Murphy, Pakhomov, E.A., Reygondeau, G., Staniland, I.J. ORCID record for I.J. Staniland, Wolf-Gladrow, D.A., Wright, R.. (2020) Antarctic Futures: An Assessment of Climate-Driven Changes in Ecosystem Structure, Function, and Service Provisioning in the Southern Ocean. Annual Review of Marine Science, 12 (). pp. 10.1146/annurev-marine-010419-011028
Saunders, Ryan A. ORCID record for Ryan A. Saunders, Hill, Simeon L. ORCID record for Simeon L. Hill, Tarling, Geraint A. ORCID record for Geraint A. Tarling, Murphy, Eugene J. ORCID record for Eugene J. Murphy. (2019) Myctophid fish (Family Myctophidae) are central consumers in the food web of the Scotia Sea (Southern Ocean). Frontiers in Marine Science, 6 (). pp. 10.3389/fmars.2019.00530
Murphy, Eugene ORCID record for Eugene Murphy. (2019) Krill. In: Cochran, J. Kirk, Bokuniewicz, Henry J., Yager, Patricia L. (eds.). Encyclopedia of Ocean Sciences (Third Edition), , Academic Press, pp. 10.1016/B978-0-12-409548-9.11634-3
Thorpe, Sally E. ORCID record for Sally E. Thorpe, Tarling, Geraint A. ORCID record for Geraint A. Tarling, Murphy, Eugene J. ORCID record for Eugene J. Murphy. (2019) Circumpolar patterns in Antarctic krill larval recruitment: an environmentally-driven model. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 613 (). pp. 10.3354/meps12887
Meijers, Andrew J.S. ORCID record for Andrew J.S. Meijers, Meredith, Michael P. ORCID record for Michael P. Meredith, Murphy, Eugene J. ORCID record for Eugene J. Murphy, Chambers, D. P., Belchier, Mark ORCID record for Mark Belchier, Young, Emma F. ORCID record for Emma F. Young. (2019) The role of ocean dynamics in king penguin range estimation. Nature Climate Change, 9 (). pp. 10.1038/s41558-018-0388-2
Trathan, Phil N. ORCID record for Phil N. Trathan, Warwick-Evans, Victoria ORCID record for Victoria Warwick-Evans, Hinke, J.T., Young, Emma F. ORCID record for Emma F. Young, Murphy, Eugene J. ORCID record for Eugene J. Murphy, Carneiro, A.P.B., Dias, M.P., Kovacs, K.M., Lowther, A.D., Godø, O.R., Kokubun, N., Kim, J.H., Takahashi, A., Santos, M.. (2018) Managing fishery development in sensitive ecosystems: Identifying penguin habitat use to direct management in Antarctica. Ecosphere, 9 (). pp. 10.1002/ecs2.2392
. Cochran, J. Kirk, Bokuniewicz, Henry J., Yager, Patricia L. (eds.). (2018) The State of the Polar Oceans 2018. , , pp. (.)
Meredith, Michael ORCID record for Michael Meredith, Sundfjord, Arild, Henson, Stephanie, Meijers, Andrew ORCID record for Andrew Meijers, Murphy, Eugene ORCID record for Eugene Murphy, Bellerby, Richard, Daase, Malin, Cottier, Finlo, Belchier, Mark ORCID record for Mark Belchier, Chierici, Melissa, Ellingsen, Ingrid, Falk-Petersen, Stig, Hill, Simeon ORCID record for Simeon Hill, Holland, Paul ORCID record for Paul Holland, Tarling, Geraint ORCID record for Geraint Tarling, Trathan, Phil ORCID record for Phil Trathan, Turner, John ORCID record for John Turner, Wilkinson, Jeremy ORCID record for Jeremy Wilkinson, Batchellier, Layla, Capper, Linda, Oliver, Jamie. Cochran, J. Kirk, Bokuniewicz, Henry J., Yager, Patricia L. (eds.). (2018) The state of the polar oceans 2018: making sense of our changing world. Cambridge, British Antarctic Survey, 14 pp. (.)
Young, Emma F. ORCID record for Emma F. Young, Tysklind, Niklas, Meredith, Michael P. ORCID record for Michael P. Meredith, de Bruyn, Mark, Belchier, Mark ORCID record for Mark Belchier, Murphy, Eugene J. ORCID record for Eugene J. Murphy, Carvalho, Gary R.. (2018) Stepping stones to isolation: impacts of a changing climate on the connectivity of fragmented fish populations. Evolutionary Applications, 11 (). pp. 10.1111/eva.12613
Meyer, Bettina, Freier, Ulrich, Grimm, Volker, Groeneveld, Jürgen, Hunt, Brian P. V., Kerwath, Sven, King, Rob, Klaas, Christine, Pakhomov, Evgeny, Meiners, Klaus M., Melbourne-Thomas, Jessica, Murphy, Eugene J. ORCID record for Eugene J. Murphy, Thorpe, Sally E. ORCID record for Sally E. Thorpe, Stammerjohn, Sharon, Wolf-Gladrow, Dieter, Auerswald, Lutz, Götz, Albrecht, Halbach, Laura, Jarman, Simon, Kawaguchi, So, Krumpen, Thomas, Nehrke, Gernot, Ricker, Robert, Sumner, Michael, Teschke, Mathias, Trebilco, Rowan, Yilmaz, Noyan I.. (2017) The winter pack-ice zone provides a sheltered but food-poor habitat for larval Antarctic krill. Nature Ecology & Evolution, 1 (). pp. 10.1038/s41559-017-0368-3
Cavanagh, Rachel D. ORCID record for Rachel D. Cavanagh, Murphy, Eugene J. ORCID record for Eugene J. Murphy, Bracegirdle, Thomas J. ORCID record for Thomas J. Bracegirdle, Turner, John ORCID record for John Turner, Knowland, Cheryl A., Corney, Stuart P., Smith, Walker O., Waluda, Claire M. ORCID record for Claire M. Waluda, Johnston, Nadine M. ORCID record for Nadine M. Johnston, Bellerby, Richard G.J., Constable, Andrew J., Costa, Daniel p., Hofmann, Eileen E., Jackson, Jennifer A. ORCID record for Jennifer A. Jackson, Staniland, Iain J. ORCID record for Iain J. Staniland, Wolf-Gladrow, Dieter, Xavier, Jose C. ORCID record for Jose C. Xavier. (2017) A synergistic approach for evaluating climate model output for ecological applications. Frontiers in Marine Science, 4 (). pp. 10.3389/fmars.2017.00308
Murphy, Eugene J. ORCID record for Eugene J. Murphy, Thorpe, Sally E. ORCID record for Sally E. Thorpe, Tarling, Geraint A. ORCID record for Geraint A. Tarling, Watkins, Jonathan L., Fielding, Sophie ORCID record for Sophie Fielding, Underwood, Philip. (2017) Restricted regions of enhanced growth of Antarctic krill in the circumpolar Southern Ocean. Scientific Reports, 7 (). 14 pp. 10.1038/s41598-017-07205-9
Murphy, Eugene ORCID record for Eugene Murphy. (2017) The superb krill – when a species really is key. Review of “Biology and ecology of Antarctic krill”. Ecology, 98 (). pp. 10.1002/ecy.1923
McCormack, Caitlin G., Born, Wanda, Irvine, Peter J., Achterberg, Eric P., Amano, Tatsuya, Ardron, Jeff, Foster, Pru N., Gattuso, Jean-Pierre, Hawkins, Stephen J., Hendy, Erica, Kissling, W. Daniel, Lluch-Cota, Salvador E., Murphy, Eugene J. ORCID record for Eugene J. Murphy, Ostle, Nick, Owens, Nicholas J.P., Perry, R. Ian, Pörtner, Hans O., Scholes, Robert J., Schurr, Frank M., Schweiger, Oliver, Settele, Josef, Smith, Rebecca K., Smith, Sarah, Thompson, Jill ORCID record for Jill Thompson, Tittensor, Derek P., van Kleunen, Mark, Vivian, Chris, Vohland, Katrin, Warren, Rachel, Watkinson, Andrew R., Widdicombe, Steve, Williamson, Phillip, Woods, Emma, Blackstock, Jason J., Sutherland, William J.. (2016) Key impacts of climate engineering on biodiversity and ecosystems, with priorities for future research. Journal of Integrative Environmental Sciences, 13 (). 34 pp. 10.1080/1943815X.2016.1159578
Cavanagh, Rachel D. ORCID record for Rachel D. Cavanagh, Broszeit, Stefanie, Pilling, Graham M., Grant, Susie M. ORCID record for Susie M. Grant, Murphy, Eugene J. ORCID record for Eugene J. Murphy, Austen, Melanie C.. (2016) Valuing biodiversity and ecosystem services: a useful way to manage and conserve marine resources?. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, B, 283 (). pp. 10.1098/rspb.2016.1635
Murphy, Eugene J. ORCID record for Eugene J. Murphy, Cavanagh, Rachel D. ORCID record for Rachel D. Cavanagh, Drinkwater, Ken F., Grant, Susie M. ORCID record for Susie M. Grant, Heymans, J.J., Hofmann, Eileen E., Hunt, George L., Johnston, Nadine M. ORCID record for Nadine M. Johnston. (2016) Understanding the structure and functioning of polar pelagic ecosystems to predict the impacts of change. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, B, 283 (). pp. 10.1098/rspb.2016.1646
Hunt, George L., Drinkwater, Kenneth F., Arrigo, Kevin, Berge, Jørgen, Daly, Kendra L., Danielson, Seth, Daase, Malin, Hop, Haakon, Isla, Enrique, Karnovsky, Nina, Laidre, Kristin, Mueter, Franz J., Murphy, Eugene J. ORCID record for Eugene J. Murphy, Renaud, Paul E., Smith, Walker O., Trathan, Philip ORCID record for Philip Trathan, Turner, John ORCID record for John Turner, Wolf-Gladrow, Dieter. (2016) Advection in polar and sub-polar environments: Impacts on high latitude marine ecosystems. Progress in Oceanography, 149 (). pp. doi:10.1016/j.pocean.2016.10.004
Constable, Andrew J., Meredith, Michael P. ORCID record for Michael P. Meredith, Ducklow, Hugh W., Murphy, Eugene J. ORCID record for Eugene J. Murphy, Linse, Katrin ORCID record for Katrin Linse, Kawaguchi, So. (2016) Impacts and effects of ocean warming on Antarctic ecosystems and species. In: Baxter, J. M., Laffoley, D. D'A. (eds.). Explaining ocean warming: causes, scale, effects and consequences, Gland, Switzerland, IUCN, pp. 10.2305/IUCN.CH.2016.08.en
Constable, Andrew J., Costa, Daniel P., Schofield, Oscar, Newman, Louise, Urban, Edward R., Fulton, Elizabeth A., Melbourne-Thomas, Jessica, Ballerini, Tosca, Boyd, Philip W., Brandt, Angelika, de la Mare, Bill, Edwards, Martin, Eléaume, Marc, Emmerson, Louise, Fennel, Katja, Fielding, Sophie ORCID record for Sophie Fielding, Griffiths, Huw ORCID record for Huw Griffiths, Gutt, Julian, Hindell, Mark A., Hofmann, Eileen E., Jennings, Simon, La, Hyoung Sul, McCurdy, Andrea, Mitchell, B. Greg, Moltmann, Tim, Muelbert, Monica, Murphy, Eugene ORCID record for Eugene Murphy, Press, Tony, Raymond, Ben, Reid, Keith, Reiss, Christian, Rice, Jake, Salter, Ian, Smith, David C., Song, Sun, Southwell, Colin, Swadling, Kerrie M., Van de Putte, Anton, Willis, Zdenka. (2016) Developing priority variables (“ecosystem Essential Ocean Variables” — eEOVs) for observing dynamics and change in Southern Ocean ecosystems. Journal of Marine Systems, 161 (). pp. doi:10.1016/j.jmarsys.2016.05.003
Silk, Janet R.D., Thorpe, Sally E. ORCID record for Sally E. Thorpe, Fielding, Sophie ORCID record for Sophie Fielding, Murphy, Eugene J. ORCID record for Eugene J. Murphy, Trathan, Philip N. ORCID record for Philip N. Trathan, Watkins, Jonathan L., Hill, Simeon L. ORCID record for Simeon L. Hill. (2016) Environmental correlates of Antarctic krill distribution in the Scotia Sea and southern Drake Passage. ICES Journal of Marine Sciences, 73 (). pp. 10.1093/icesjms/fsw097
Sanders, R. ORCID record for R. Sanders, Henson, S.A. ORCID record for S.A. Henson, Martin, A.P. ORCID record for A.P. Martin, Anderson, T.R. ORCID record for T.R. Anderson, Bernardello, R., Enderlein, P., Fielding, S. ORCID record for S. Fielding, Giering, S. ORCID record for S. Giering, Hartmann, M., Iversen, M., Khatiwala, S., Lam, P., Mayor, D.J. ORCID record for D.J. Mayor, Moore, C.M., Murphy, E. ORCID record for E. Murphy, Painter, S.C., Poulton, A.J., Saw, K., Stowasser, G. ORCID record for G. Stowasser, Tarling, G.A. ORCID record for G.A. Tarling, Torres-valdes, S., Trimmer, M., Wolff, G.A., Yool, A. ORCID record for A. Yool. (2016) Controls over Ocean Mesopelagic Interior Carbon Storage (COMICS): fieldwork, synthesis and modelling efforts. Frontiers in Marine Science, 3 (). 7 pp. doi:10.3389/fmars.2016.00136
Hofmann, Eileen, Bundy, Alida, Drinkwater, Ken, Piola, Alberto R., Avril, Bernard, Robinson, Carol, Murphy, Eugene ORCID record for Eugene Murphy, Maddison, Lisa, Svendsen, Einar, Hall, Julie, Xu, Yi. (2015) IMBER – Research for marine sustainability: Synthesis and the way forward. Anthropocene, 12 (). pp. doi:10.1016/j.ancene.2015.12.002
Smith, Matthew J., Tittensor, Derek P., Lyutsarev, Vassily, Murphy, Eugene ORCID record for Eugene Murphy. (2015) Inferred support for disturbance-recovery hypothesis of North Atlantic phytoplankton blooms. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 120 (). pp. doi:10.1002/2015JC011080
Xavier, Jose C. ORCID record for Jose C. Xavier, Hill, S.L. ORCID record for S.L. Hill, Belchier, M. ORCID record for M. Belchier, Bracegirdle, T.J. ORCID record for T.J. Bracegirdle, Murphy, E.J. ORCID record for E.J. Murphy, Dias, J. Lopes. (2015) From ice to penguins: The role of mathematics in Antarctic research. In: Bourguignon, Jean-Pierre, Jeltsch, Rolf, Pinto, Alberto Adrego, Viana, Marcelo (eds.). Mathematics of Energy and Climate Change: International Conference and Advanced School Planet Earth, Portugal, March 21-28, 2013, Switzerland, Springer, pp. (CIM Series in Mathematical Sciences, 2). doi:10.1007/978-3-319-16121-1_20
Young, Emma F. ORCID record for Emma F. Young, Belchier, Mark ORCID record for Mark Belchier, Hauser, Lorenz, Horsburgh, Gavin J., Meredith, Michael P. ORCID record for Michael P. Meredith, Murphy, Eugene J. ORCID record for Eugene J. Murphy, Pascoal, Sonia, Rock, Jennifer, Tysklind, Niklas, Carvalho, Gary R.. (2015) Oceanography and life history predict contrasting genetic population structure in two Antarctic fish species. Evolutionary Applications, 8 (). pp. 10.1111/eva.12259
Fielding, Sophie ORCID record for Sophie Fielding, Watkins, Jonathan L., Trathan, Philip N. ORCID record for Philip N. Trathan, Enderlein, Peter, Waluda, Claire M. ORCID record for Claire M. Waluda, Stowasser, Gabriele ORCID record for Gabriele Stowasser, Tarling, Geraint A. ORCID record for Geraint A. Tarling, Murphy, Eugene J. ORCID record for Eugene J. Murphy. (2014) Inter-annual variability in Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) density at South Georgia, Southern Ocean: 1997 – 2013. ICES Journal of Marine Sciences, 71 (). pp. 10.1093/icesjms/fsu104
Constable, Andrew J., Melbourne-Thomas, Jessica, Corney, Stuart P., Arrigo, Kevin R., Barbraud, Christophe, Barnes, David K.A. ORCID record for David K.A. Barnes, Bindoff, Nathaniel L., Boyd, Philip W., Brandt, Angelika, Costa, Daniel P., Davidson, Andrew T., Ducklow, Hugh W., Emmerson, Louise, Fukuchi, Mitsuo, Gutt, Julian, Hindell, Mark A., Hofmann, Eileen E., Hosie, Graham W., Iida, Takahiro, Jacob, Sarah, Johnston, Nadine M. ORCID record for Nadine M. Johnston, Kawaguchi, So, Kokubun, Nobuo, Koubbi, Philippe, Lea, Mary-Anne, Makhado, Azwianewi, Massom, Rob A., Meiners, Klaus, Meredith, Michael P. ORCID record for Michael P. Meredith, Murphy, Eugene J. ORCID record for Eugene J. Murphy, Nicol, Stephen, Reid, Keith, Richerson, Kate, Riddle, Martin J., Rintoul, Stephen R., Smith, Walker O., Southwell, Colin, Stark, Jonathon S., Sumner, Michael, Swadling, Kerrie M., Takahashi, Kunio T., Trathan, Phil N. ORCID record for Phil N. Trathan, Welsford, Dirk C., Weimerskirch, Henri, Westwood, Karen J., Wienecke, Barbara C., Wolf-Gladrow, Dieter, Wright, Simon W., Xavier, Jose C. ORCID record for Jose C. Xavier, Ziegler, Philippe. (2014) Climate change and Southern Ocean ecosystems I: How changes in physical habitats directly affect marine biota. Global Change Biology, 20 (). pp. doi:10.1111/gcb.12623
McBride, Margaret M., Dalpadado, Padmini, Drinkwater, Kenneth F., Godo, Olav Rune, Hobday, Alistair J., Hollowed, Anne B., Kristiansen, Trond, Murphy, Eugene J. ORCID record for Eugene J. Murphy, Ressler, Patrick H., Subbey, Sam, Hofmann, Eileen E., Loeng, Harald. (2014) Krill, climate, and contrasting future scenarios for Arctic and Antarctic fisheries. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 71 (). pp. doi:10.1093/icesjms/fsu002
Murphy, E.J. ORCID record for E.J. Murphy, Clarke, A. ORCID record for A. Clarke, Abram, N.J., Turner, J. ORCID record for J. Turner. (2014) Variability of sea-ice in the northern Weddell Sea during the 20th century. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 119 (). pp. doi:10.1002/2013JC009511
Constable, Andrew, Costa, Dan, Murphy, Eugene ORCID record for Eugene Murphy, Hofmann, Eileen, Schofield, Oscar, Press, Anthony, Johnston, Nadine M. ORCID record for Nadine M. Johnston, Newman, Louise. (2014) Assessing status and change in Southern Ocean ecosystems. In: De Broyer, Claude, Koubbi, Philippe, Griffiths, Huw ORCID record for Huw Griffiths, Raymond, Ben, d'Udekem d'Acoz, Cedric, Van de Putte, Anton, Danis, Bruno, David, Bruno, Grant, Susie ORCID record for Susie Grant, Gutt, Julian, Held, Christoph, Hosie, Graham, Huettmann, Falk, Post, Alexandra, Ropert-Coudert, Yan (eds.). Biogeographic Atlas of the Southern Ocean, Cambridge, Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research, pp.
Guihen, Damien, Fielding, Sophie ORCID record for Sophie Fielding, Murphy, Eugene ORCID record for Eugene Murphy, Heywood, K, Griffiths, G. (2014) An assessment of the use of ocean gliders to undertake acoustic measurements of zooplankton: the distribution and density of Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) in the Weddell Sea. Limnology & Oceanography: Methods, 12 (). pp. 10.4319/lom.2014.12.373
Young, Emma ORCID record for Emma Young, Thorpe, Sally ORCID record for Sally Thorpe, Banglawala, Neelofer, Murphy, Eugene ORCID record for Eugene Murphy. (2014) Variability in transport pathways on and around the South Georgia shelf, Southern Ocean: Implications for recruitment and retention. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 119 (). pp. 10.1002/2013JC009348
Evans, M. R., Bithell, M., Cornell, S. J., Dall, S. R. X., Diaz, S., Emmott, S., Ernande, B., Grimm, V., Hodgson, D. J., Lewis, S. L., Mace, G. M., Morecroft, M., Moustakas, A., Murphy, E. ORCID record for E. Murphy, Newbold, T., Norris, K. J., Petchey, O., Smith, M., Travis, J. M. J., Benton, T. G.. (2013) Predictive systems ecology. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 280 (). pp. doi:10.1098/rspb.2013.1452
Grant, Susie M. ORCID record for Susie M. Grant, Hill, Simeon L. ORCID record for Simeon L. Hill, Trathan, Philip N. ORCID record for Philip N. Trathan, Murphy, Eugene J. ORCID record for Eugene J. Murphy. (2013) Ecosystem services of the Southern Ocean: trade-offs in decision-making. Antarctic Science, 25 (). pp. 10.1017/S0954102013000308
Fielding, Sophie ORCID record for Sophie Fielding, Guihen, Damien, Griffiths, Gwyn, Creed, Elizabeth, Curnow, Steve, Murphy, Eugene ORCID record for Eugene Murphy, Heywood, Karen. (2013) Acoustic detection of krill from an undersea glider. In: ICES Working group on Fisheries Acoustics Science and Technology Brest, France, 24-29 Apr 2012. .
Gutt, Julian, Adams, Byron, Bracegirdle, Thomas ORCID record for Thomas Bracegirdle, Cowan, Don, Cummings, Vonda, di Prisco, Guido, Gradinger, Rolf, Isla, Enrique, McIntyre, Trevor, Murphy, Eugene ORCID record for Eugene Murphy, Peck, Lloyd ORCID record for Lloyd Peck, Schloss, Irene, Smith, Craig, Suckling, Coleen ORCID record for Coleen Suckling, Takahashi, Akinori, Verde, Cinza, Wall, Diana H., Xavier, José ORCID record for José Xavier. (2013) Antarctic Thresholds – Ecosystem Resilience and Adaptation” (AnT-ERA), a new SCAR-biology programme. Polarforschung, 82 (). pp.
Murphy, E.J. ORCID record for E.J. Murphy, Hofmann, E.E., Watkins, J.L., Johnston, N.M. ORCID record for N.M. Johnston, Piñones, A., Ballerini, T., Hill, S.L. ORCID record for S.L. Hill, Trathan, P.N. ORCID record for P.N. Trathan, Tarling, G.A. ORCID record for G.A. Tarling, Cavanagh, R.A. ORCID record for R.A. Cavanagh, Young, E.F. ORCID record for E.F. Young, Thorpe, S.E. ORCID record for S.E. Thorpe, Fretwell, P. ORCID record for P. Fretwell. (2013) Comparison of the structure and function of Southern Ocean regional ecosystems: The Antarctic Peninsula and South Georgia. Journal of Marine Systems, 109-110 (). pp. doi:10.1016/j.jmarsys.2012.03.011
Brandt, A., De Broyer, C., Ebbe, B., Ellingsen, K.E., Gooday, A.J. ORCID record for A.J. Gooday, Janussen, D., Kaiser, S., Linse, K. ORCID record for K. Linse, Schueller, M., Thomson, M.R.A., Tyler, P.A., Vanreusel, A.. (2012) Southern Ocean Deep Benthic Biodiversity. In: Rogers, Alex D., Johnston, Nadine M. ORCID record for Nadine M. Johnston, Murphy, Eugene J. ORCID record for Eugene J. Murphy, Clarke, Andrew ORCID record for Andrew Clarke (eds.). Antarctic Ecosystems: An Extreme Environment in a Changing World, Chichester, Wiley/Blackwell, 564 pp. 10.1002/9781444347241.ch10
Barnes, David K.A. ORCID record for David K.A. Barnes, Conlan, Kathleen E.. (2012) The Dynamic Mosaic Disturbance and Development of Antarctic Benthic Communities. In: Rogers, Alex D., Johnston, Nadine M. ORCID record for Nadine M. Johnston, Murphy, Eugene J. ORCID record for Eugene J. Murphy, Clarke, Andrew ORCID record for Andrew Clarke (eds.). Antarctic Ecosystems: An Extreme Environment in a Changing World, , Blackwell Publishing, pp. 10.1002/9781444347241.ch9
Bednarsek, N., Tarling, G. A. ORCID record for G. A. Tarling, Bakker, D. C. E., Fielding, S. ORCID record for S. Fielding, Jones, E. M., Venables, H. J. ORCID record for H. J. Venables, Ward, P., Kuzirian, A., Lézé, B., Feely, R. A., Murphy, E.J. ORCID record for E.J. Murphy. (2012) Extensive dissolution of live pteropods in the Southern Ocean. Nature Geoscience, 5 (). pp. doi:10.1038/NGEO1635
Chown, Stephen L., Convey, Peter. (2012) Spatial and Temporal Variability in Terrestrial Antarctic Biodiversity. In: Rogers, Alex D., Johnston, Nadine M. ORCID record for Nadine M. Johnston, Murphy, Eugene J. ORCID record for Eugene J. Murphy, Clarke, Andrew ORCID record for Andrew Clarke (eds.). Antarctic Ecosystems: An Extreme Environment in a Changing World, , Blackwell Publishing Ltd, pp. 10.1002/9781444347241.ch1
Clarke, Andrew ORCID record for Andrew Clarke, Barnes, David K. A. ORCID record for David K. A. Barnes, Bracegirdle, Thomas J. ORCID record for Thomas J. Bracegirdle, Ducklow, Hugh. W., King, John C. ORCID record for John C. King, Meredith, Michael P. ORCID record for Michael P. Meredith, Murphy, Eugene J. ORCID record for Eugene J. Murphy, Peck, Lloyd S. ORCID record for Lloyd S. Peck. (2012) The impact of regional climate change on the marine ecosystem of the western Antarctic Peninsula. In: Rogers, Alex D., Johnston, Nadine M. ORCID record for Nadine M. Johnston, Murphy, Eugene J. ORCID record for Eugene J. Murphy, Clarke, Andrew ORCID record for Andrew Clarke (eds.). Antarctic Ecosystems: An Extreme Environment in a Changing World, , Blackwell Publishing, pp. 10.1002/9781444347241.ch4
Clarke, Andrew ORCID record for Andrew Clarke, Johnston, Nadine M. ORCID record for Nadine M. Johnston, Murphy, Eugene J. ORCID record for Eugene J. Murphy, Rogers, Alex D.. (2012) Introduction – Antarctic ecology in a changing world. In: Rogers, Alex D., Johnston, Nadine M. ORCID record for Nadine M. Johnston, Murphy, Eugene J. ORCID record for Eugene J. Murphy, Clarke, Andrew ORCID record for Andrew Clarke (eds.). Antarctic Ecosystems: An Extreme Environment in a Changing World, , Blackwell Publishing Ltd, pp. 10.1002/
Convey, P. ORCID record for P. Convey, Barnes, D K.A. ORCID record for D K.A. Barnes, Griffiths, H.J. ORCID record for H.J. Griffiths, Grant, S.M. ORCID record for S.M. Grant, Linse, K. ORCID record for K. Linse, Thomas, D.N.. (2012) Biogeography and Regional Classifications of Antarctica. In: Rogers, Alex D., Johnston, Nadine M. ORCID record for Nadine M. Johnston, Murphy, Eugene J. ORCID record for Eugene J. Murphy, Clarke, Andrew ORCID record for Andrew Clarke (eds.). Antarctic Ecosystems: An Extreme Environment in a Changing World, , Blackwell Publishing, pp. 10.1002/9781444347241.ch15
Ducklow, Hugh W., Clarke, Andrew ORCID record for Andrew Clarke, Dickhut, Rebecca, Doney, Scott C., Geisz, Heidi, Huang, Kuan, Martinson, Douglas G., Meredith, Michael P. ORCID record for Michael P. Meredith, Moeller, Holly V., Montes-Hugo, Martin, Schofield, Oscar, Stammerjohn, Sharon E., Steinberg, Debbie, Fraser, William. (2012) The Marine System of the Western Antarctic Peninsula. In: Rogers, Alex D., Johnston, Nadine M. ORCID record for Nadine M. Johnston, Murphy, Eugene J. ORCID record for Eugene J. Murphy, Clarke, Andrew ORCID record for Andrew Clarke (eds.). Antarctic Ecosystems: An Extreme Environment in a Changing World, , Blackwell Publishing, pp. 10.1002/9781444347241.ch5
Goodall-Copestake, W.P. ORCID record for W.P. Goodall-Copestake, Tarling, G.A. ORCID record for G.A. Tarling, Murphy, E.J. ORCID record for E.J. Murphy. (2012) On the comparison of population-level estimates of haplotype and nucleotide diversity: a case study using the gene cox1 in animals. Heredity, 109 (). pp. 10.1038/hdy.2012.12
Grant, Susie M. ORCID record for Susie M. Grant, Convey, Pete ORCID record for Pete Convey, Hughes, Kevin A. ORCID record for Kevin A. Hughes, Phillips, Richard A., Trathan, Phil N. ORCID record for Phil N. Trathan. (2012) Conservation and Management of Antarctic Ecosystems. In: Rogers, Alex D., Johnston, Nadine M. ORCID record for Nadine M. Johnston, Murphy, Eugene J. ORCID record for Eugene J. Murphy, Clarke, Andrew ORCID record for Andrew Clarke (eds.). Antarctic Ecosystems: An Extreme Environment in a Changing World, , Blackwell Publishing, pp. 10.1002/9781444347241.ch16
Hill, Simeon ORCID record for Simeon Hill, Keeble, Kathryn, Atkinson, Angus, Murphy, Eugene ORCID record for Eugene Murphy. (2012) A foodweb model to explore uncertainties in the South Georgia shelf pelagic ecosystem. Deep Sea Research II, 59-60 (). pp. 10.1016/j.dsr2.2011.09.001
Mackey, Andrew, Atkinson, Angus, Hill, Simeon ORCID record for Simeon Hill, Ward, Peter, Cunningham, Nathan, Johnston, Nadine ORCID record for Nadine Johnston, Murphy, Eugene ORCID record for Eugene Murphy. (2012) Antarctic macrozooplankton of the southwest Atlantic sector and Bellingshausen Sea: Baseline historical distributions (Discovery Investigations, 1928–1935) related to temperature and food, with projections for subsequent ocean warming. Deep Sea Research II, 59-60 (). pp. 10.1016/j.dsr2.2011.08.011
Murphy, E. J. ORCID record for E. J. Murphy, Watkins, J.L., Trathan, P.N. ORCID record for P.N. Trathan, Reid, K., Meredith, M.P. ORCID record for M.P. Meredith, Hill, S.L. ORCID record for S.L. Hill, Thorpe, S.E. ORCID record for S.E. Thorpe, Johnston, N.M. ORCID record for N.M. Johnston, Clarke, A. ORCID record for A. Clarke, Tarling, G.A. ORCID record for G.A. Tarling, Collins, M.A. ORCID record for M.A. Collins, Forcada, J. ORCID record for J. Forcada, Atkinson, A., Ward, P., Staniland, I.J. ORCID record for I.J. Staniland, Pond, D.W., Cavanagh, R.A. ORCID record for R.A. Cavanagh, Shreeve, R.S., Korb, R.E., Whitehouse, M.J., Rodhouse, P.G., Enderlein, P., Hirst, A.G., Martin, A.R., Briggs, D.R., Cunningham, N.J., Fleming, A.H. ORCID record for A.H. Fleming. (2012) Spatial and Temporal Operation of the Scotia Sea Ecosystem. In: Rogers, Alex D., Johnston, Nadine M. ORCID record for Nadine M. Johnston, Murphy, Eugene J. ORCID record for Eugene J. Murphy, Clarke, Andrew ORCID record for Andrew Clarke (eds.). Antarctic Ecosystems: An Extreme Environment in a Changing World, , Blackwell Publishing, pp. 10.1002/9781444347241.ch6
Murphy, E.J. ORCID record for E.J. Murphy, Cavanagh, R.D. ORCID record for R.D. Cavanagh, Hofmann, E.E., Hill, S.L. ORCID record for S.L. Hill, Constable, A.J., Costa, D.P., Pinkerton, M.H., Johnston, N.M. ORCID record for N.M. Johnston, Trathan, P.N. ORCID record for P.N. Trathan, Klinck, J.M., Wolf-Gladrow, D.A., Daly, K.L., Maury, O., Doney, S.C.. (2012) Developing integrated models of Southern Ocean food webs: including ecological complexity, accounting for uncertainty and the importance of scale. Progress in Oceanography, 102 (). pp. 10.1016/j.pocean.2012.03.006
Murphy, Eugene. J. ORCID record for Eugene. J. Murphy, Hofmann, Eileen. E.. (2012) End-to-end in Southern Ocean ecosystems. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 4 (). pp. 10.1016/j.cosust.2012.05.005
Pearce, David A. ORCID record for David A. Pearce, Laybourn-Parry, Joanna. (2012) Antarctic Lakes as Models for the Study of Microbial Biodiversity, Biogeography and Evolution. In: Rogers, Alex D., Johnston, Nadine M. ORCID record for Nadine M. Johnston, Murphy, Eugene J. ORCID record for Eugene J. Murphy, Clarke, Andrew ORCID record for Andrew Clarke (eds.). Antarctic Ecosystems: An Extreme Environment in a Changing World, , Blackwell Publishing, pp.
Pörtner, Hans O., Peck, Lloyd S. ORCID record for Lloyd S. Peck, Somero, George N.. (2012) Mechanisms Defining Thermal Limits and Adaptation in Marine Ectotherms: An Integrative View. In: Rogers, Alex D., Johnston, Nadine M. ORCID record for Nadine M. Johnston, Murphy, Eugene J. ORCID record for Eugene J. Murphy, Clarke, Andrew ORCID record for Andrew Clarke (eds.). Antarctic Ecosystems: An Extreme Environment in a Changing World, , Blackwell Publishing, pp. 10.1002/9781444347241.ch13
Renner, Angelika H.H., Thorpe, Sally E. ORCID record for Sally E. Thorpe, Heywood, Karen J., Murphy, Eugene J. ORCID record for Eugene J. Murphy, Watkins, Jon L., Meredith, Michael P. ORCID record for Michael P. Meredith. (2012) Advective pathways near the tip of the Antarctic Peninsula: Trends, variability and ecosystem implications. Deep Sea Research I, 63 (). pp. 10.1016/j.dsr.2012.01.009
Rogers, Alex D., Johnston, Nadine M. ORCID record for Nadine M. Johnston, Murphy, Eugene J. ORCID record for Eugene J. Murphy, Clarke, Andrew ORCID record for Andrew Clarke. ; Rogers, Alex D., Johnston, Nadine M. ORCID record for Nadine M. Johnston, Murphy, Eugene J. ORCID record for Eugene J. Murphy, Clarke, Andrew ORCID record for Andrew Clarke (eds.). (2012) Antarctic Ecosystems: An Extreme Environment in a Changing World. , , Blackwell Publishing Ltd, pp. 10.1002/9781444347241
Tarling, Geraint ORCID record for Geraint Tarling, Stowasser, Gabriele ORCID record for Gabriele Stowasser, Ward, Peter, Poulton, Alex J., Zhou, M., Venables, Hugh ORCID record for Hugh Venables, McGill, R.A.R., Murphy, Eugene ORCID record for Eugene Murphy. (2012) Seasonal trophic structure of the Scotia Sea pelagic ecosystem considered through biomass spectra and stable isotope analysis. Deep Sea Research II, 59-60 (). pp. 10.1016/j.dsr2.2011.07.002
Tarling, Geraint ORCID record for Geraint Tarling, Ward, Peter, Atkinson, Angus, Collins, Martin Anthony ORCID record for Martin Anthony Collins, Murphy, Eugene ORCID record for Eugene Murphy. (2012) DISCOVERY 2010: Spatial and temporal variability in a dynamic polar ecosystem. Deep Sea Research II, 59-60 (). pp. 10.1016/j.dsr2.2011.10.001
Trathan, Phil N. ORCID record for Phil N. Trathan, Forcada, Jaume ORCID record for Jaume Forcada, Murphy, Eugene J. ORCID record for Eugene J. Murphy. (2012) Environmental Forcing and Southern Ocean Marine Predator Populations. In: Rogers, Alex D., Johnston, Nadine M. ORCID record for Nadine M. Johnston, Murphy, Eugene J. ORCID record for Eugene J. Murphy, Clarke, Andrew ORCID record for Andrew Clarke (eds.). Antarctic Ecosystems: An Extreme Environment in a Changing World, , Blackwell Publishing, pp. 10.1002/9781444347241.ch11
Young, Emma F. ORCID record for Emma F. Young, Rock, Jennifer, Meredith, Michael P. ORCID record for Michael P. Meredith, Belchier, Mark ORCID record for Mark Belchier, Murphy, Eugene J. ORCID record for Eugene J. Murphy, Carvalho, Gary R.. (2012) Physical and behavioural influences on larval fish retention: contrasting patterns in two Antarctic fishes. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 465 (). pp. 10.3354/meps09908
Cury, Philippe M., Boyd, Ian L., Bonhommeau, Sylvain, Anker-Nilssen, Tycho, Crawford, Robert J.M., Furness, Robert W., Mills, James A., Murphy, Eugene J. ORCID record for Eugene J. Murphy, Österblom, Henrik, Paleczny, Michelle, Piatt, John F., Roux, Jean-Paul, Shannon, Lynne, Sydeman, William J.. (2011) Global seabird response to forage fish depletion – one-third for the birds. Science, 334 (). pp. 10.1126/science.1212928
Young, Emma F. ORCID record for Emma F. Young, Meredith, Michael P. ORCID record for Michael P. Meredith, Murphy, Eugene J. ORCID record for Eugene J. Murphy, Carvalho, Gary R.. (2011) High-resolution modelling of the shelf and open ocean adjacent to South Georgia, Southern Ocean. Deep-Sea Research, Part II, 58 (). pp. 10.1016/j.dsr2.2009.11.003
Atkinson, Angus, Tarling, Geraint ORCID record for Geraint Tarling, Pond, David, Stowasser, Gabriele ORCID record for Gabriele Stowasser, Schmidt, Katrin, Fielding, Sophie ORCID record for Sophie Fielding, Murphy, Eugene ORCID record for Eugene Murphy, Cavanagh, Rachel ORCID record for Rachel Cavanagh. (2010) Discovery 2010: understanding the Scotia Sea food web. GLOBEC International Newsletter, April (). pp.
Beekmans, Bas W.P.M., Forcada, Jaume ORCID record for Jaume Forcada, Murphy, Eugene J. ORCID record for Eugene J. Murphy, De Baar, Hein J.W., Bathmann, Ulrich V., Fleming, Andrew H. ORCID record for Andrew H. Fleming. (2010) Generalised additive models to investigate environmental drivers of Antarctic minke whale (Balaenoptera bonaerensis) spatial density in austral summer. Journal of Cetacean Research and Management, 11 (). pp. 10013/epic.36844
Goodall-Copestake, WP ORCID record for WP Goodall-Copestake, Perez-Espona, S, Clark, MS ORCID record for MS Clark, Murphy, EJ ORCID record for EJ Murphy, Seear, PJ, Tarling, GA ORCID record for GA Tarling. (2010) Swarms of diversity at the gene cox1 in Antarctic krill. Heredity, 104 (). pp. 10.1038/hdy.2009.188
Reid, Keith, Watkins, Jon L., Murphy, Eugene J. ORCID record for Eugene J. Murphy, Trathan, Phil N. ORCID record for Phil N. Trathan, Fielding, Sophie ORCID record for Sophie Fielding, Enderlein, Peter. (2010) Krill population dynamics at South Georgia: implications for ecosystem-based fisheries management. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 399 (). pp. 10.3354/meps08356
- Winter Krill at South Georgia
- Modelling Movement of Antarctic Krill
- Impact of Plastic in the Polar Regions
- Building data resources for managing the South Georgia & South Sandwich Islands Marine Protected Area
- Krill Hotspots
- Oceanographic models for the Scotia Sea
- EU-PolarNet
- Krill population dynamics at South Georgia: implications for ecosystem-based fisheries management
Integrating Climate and Ecosystem Dynamics in the Southern Ocean
New South Sandwich Islands research
News 15 June, 2022
Krill provide a highway for ocean carbon storage
News 27 November, 2020
Antarctic sea ice loss explained in new study
News 17 June, 2020
Increase in winter warm spells in UK temperature records
News 7 May, 2020
State of the Polar Oceans report published
News 18 July, 2018
Signy sea ice Timelapse camera (x1)
Study sheds new light on krill larvae survival
News 14 November, 2017
New study calls for unified research to understand changing ecosystems
News 2 October, 2017
Special feature highlights the value of biodiversity
News 7 December, 2016
PRESS RELEASE: Critical food supply level
News 22 December, 2011
Recent highlights:
How will Southern Ocean ecosystems be affected by future climate-related change?
As part of our international efforts in the ICED programme to develop projections of the future state of Southern Ocean ecosystems we are working to develop an agreed set of scenarios of how Southern Ocean environments may change. The aim is to provide a robust basis for assessing the potential effects of change in ocean ecosystems. In this study, we brought together a team of scientists to undertake a multidiscplinary assessement of available physical and chemical projections. We focussed patrticularly on sea ice, which is a crucial component of Southern Ocean ecosystems. We applied simple ecological criteria to select a subset of the available climate projection models (CMIP5) that best reproduced the historical pattern of seasonal sea ice formation and retreat. This process highlighted the importance of developing a mutlidicplinary approach to anlysing the potential impacts of future climate change in ocean ecosystems. It also provides a basic model approach for generating an agreed set of scenarios for developing ecological projections. The work is being developed (in conjunction with CCAMLR) to generate projections (with uncertainties) of the potential impacts of change in Southern Ocean ecosystems to help inform decision making for conservation and management.
Cavanagh, R.D., Murphy, E.J., Bracegirdle, T.J., Turner, J., Knowland, C.A., Corney, S.P., Smith, W.O., Waluda, C.M., Johnston, N.M., Bellerby, R.G.J., Constable, A.J., Costa, D.P., Hofmann, E.E., Jackson, J.A., Staniland, I.J., Wolf-Gladrow, D. & Xavier, J.C. 2017 A Synergistic Approach for Evaluating Climate Model Output for Ecological Applications.Original Research, Frontiers in Marine Science, 4. (doi:10.3389/fmars.2017.00308).
Of ice and krill – not as simple as we first thought….
Meyer, B., Freier, U., Grimm, V., Groeneveld, J., Hunt, B.P.V., Kerwath, S., Kin, R., Klaas, C., Pakhomov, E., Meiners, K.M., Melbourne-Thomas, J., Murphy, E.J., Thorpe, S.E., Stammerjohn, S., Wolf-Gladrow, D., Auerswald, L., Gotz, A., Halbach, L., Jarman, S., Kawaguchi, S., Krumpen, T., Nehrke, G., Ricker, R., Sumner, M., Teschke, M., Trebilco, R. & Yilmaz, N.I. 2017 The winter pack-ice zone provides a sheltered but food-poor habitat for larval Antarctic krill. Nature Ecology & Evolution, 1, (doi:10.1038/s41559-017-0368-3).
Not everywhere in the Southern Ocean is good for krill….
Murphy, E.J., Thorpe, S.E., Tarling, G.A., Watkins, J.L., Fielding, S. & Underwood, P. 2017 Restricted regions of enhanced growth of Antarctic krill in the circumpolar Southern Ocean. Scientific Reports, 7, 14. (doi:10.1038/s41598-017-07205-9).
We need to understand more about sea ice in the Southern Ocean….
Turner, J. and Comiso, J. 2017. Solve Antarctica’s sea-ice puzzle. Comment, Nature. Nature, 547, 275–277, doi:10.1038/547275a. One of lots of co-signatories of this article.