Birgit Rogalla
Ocean/Ice Modeller
I am an ocean/ice modeller in the Polar Oceans group at the British Antarctic Survey, broadly interested in understanding the impacts of climate change on the physical dynamics and biogeochemical cycling of polar regions. In my current work, I use the NEMO ocean model to study how human activities and natural variability impact ocean-driven melt of Antarctic ice shelves. During my PhD, I studied the Arctic Ocean, more specifically Inuit Nunangat, an important pathway that conveys water from the Arctic Ocean to the North Atlantic Ocean. Building on new sets of observations of trace elements from the international GEOTRACES programme, I created some of the first computer models simulating the concentrations of the nutrient manganese and the pollutant lead in these regions to look at what controls their distributions and to use them as tools to study the pathways of river water and Atlantic water in the ocean. Prior to arriving in oceanography, I also dabbled in research in fluvial geomorphology and experimental cosmology with the Canadian Hydrogen Intensity Mapping Experiment (CHIME).
2023-present Ocean/Ice Modeller (British Antarctic Survey)
2016-2023 Ph.D. in Oceanography (University of British Columbia, Canada)
2012-2016 B.Sc. in Honours Physics (University of British Columbia, Canada)