RRS Ernest Shackleton was returned to her owners, Norwegian shipping company G C Rieber Shipping on 30 April 2019, after 20 years of polar duties for BAS. Find out more here.
RRS Ernest Shackleton (ES), was primarily a logistics vessel used to transport cargo, fuel and passengers. The ship also has a basic scientific capability and undertakes some research work. During the northern summer, the ES is commercially chartered and usually works in the North Sea.
The ship was built by Kverner Klevin Leirvik A/S, Norway for GC for Rieber Shipping, and launched in 1995 as the MV Polar Queen. She was acquired by BAS in Aug 1999 under a long-term charter arrangement and registered in the Falkland Island on 30 Sep 1999. Her maiden voyage with BAS took place during the 1999/2000 field season. Her renaming as the RRS Ernest Shackleton by Alexandra Shackleton took place on 13 May 2000.
RRS Ernest Shackleton moored against the sea ice at the Brunt ice Shelf near Halley Research Station
The vessel was renamed RRS Ernest Shackleton after the famed polar explorer.
The vessel is ice strengthened and capable of a wide range of logistic tasks as well as having a scientific capability.
She has a cargo tender “Tula” on deck for ship-to-shore transfer of equipment for those occasions when the ship cannot berth alongside.
After 20 years of polar duties for BAS, she returned to her owners, Norwegian shipping company G C Rieber, in April 2019. The vessel will continue her polar service with new owners the Istituto Nazionale di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale (OGS).
Some scientific equipment may be installed on board for the duration of a particular scientific cruise and removed at the end. This equipment is not listed here.
Laboratory space
Dry lab, with computer flooring, work benches and all required facilities: 45 m²
Wet lab, with stainless steel interior and all required facilities: 45 m²
Preparations made for installing two container labs. (ISO 20 ft) with connection point to aft research deck area.
Research facilities
Telescopic crane at stern: 10 tonnes
ROV crane on upper deck 5 tonnes/10 metre-hydraulic and able to pick up from sea level
Navigation information system to all lab areas
Uncontaminated sea water supply to wet lab
Separate HVAC for laboratories
Slow speed and position-keeping facilities
Track Steering and Dynamic Positioning
12 kHz hydrographic echo sounder – monitor in dry lab
Preparations (hull dome) made for installation of bottom mapping system (Simrad EM 12-13 kHz)
Sonar room with void sluice valves up to 16 inch
Helicopter facilities
Max weight of helicopter: 10 tonnes on wheels
Designed for Super Puma
Diameter of deck: 18 metres
Refuelling, navigation communication and fire fighting equipment to high standards; upper cargo hold to be used as hangar
Mess room, day rooms, exercise facilities and sauna
Passengers’ laundry facilities
Total capacity: 80 persons including crew
Fully air conditioned
Hi-fog firefighting equipment
37 cabins (1,2,3 and 4-berth)
Hospital facilities
Computerised engine monitoring – ICS class
Navigation and communication equipment to highest standards, including ECDIS, GMDSS and W1 (DnV) classification of bridge
Built to the Norwegian Ship Control Rules, Solas and IMO
Special Purpose Vessel A534(13) Resolution
MOB-Boat. Survival suits for all personnel
Fire monitoring and protection including Hi-fog for accommodation and foam guns for helicopter deck
Intercom and public address system
TV monitoring system to cover most areas of the vessel
Safety manuals and QA operations system according to DnV
SEP, incorporating IMO-ISM code
Double hull construction
Equipped with oily water separator, incinerator, garbage compactor and waste water treatment according to Antarctic Treaty Environmental Protocol and MARPOL
Fuel oil storage arranged to minimise risk of accidental spills
Proven design – model tested in ice tank
Inerta 160 – low resistance hull paint
Patented propeller and rudder protection
Machinery cooling stand-by arrangement
De-icing in foreship and superstructure
Cargo logistics
Underdeck bale of about 3000 m³
Container loading in forward upper hold and on forward hatch
Plugs for four reader containers
Arctic fuel in ship’s fuel tanks
Jet A-1 aviation fuel in separate tanks
Aft hatch flush with helicopter deck (for cargo handling)
Cargo crane – 30 tonnes at 20-metre outreach
Decks prepared for heavy vehicles
Offshore survey
Dynamic Positioning – AUT R
HPR tracking systems Hi Pap and 410
Taut wire, interface to Artemis, DGPS and Fan Beam
ROV crane 5 tonnes at 10 metres
12 kHz hydrographic echo sounder
Preparations (hull dome) made for installation of bottom mapping system (Simrad EM 12-13 kHz)
Telescopic crane at stern: 10 tonnes
Two separate stabilising tanks
Offshore crane: 50 tonnes at 10 metres
Main particulars
L.o.a. 80.0 metres
L.p.p. 72.4 m
B. mld. 17.0 m
Draft 6.15 m
Draft (scantl.) 6.85 m
Deadweight (at 6.15 m) 1,800 tonnes
Fuel oil 1380 m³
Freshwater 165 m³
Aviation fuel (Jet A-1) 195 m³
Consumption: 9.5 tonnes/24 h at 12 knots
Consumption: 17 tonnes/24 h at 14 knots (max speed)
Endurance: about 130 days/40,000 nautical miles
2 x Bergen Diesel BRM 6 each 2550 kW at 720 rom
Single screw C.P. propeller in nozzle from twin output/single output gearbox
Azimuth thruster forward as emergency ‘take you home’ propulsion
Electrical power
2 x 2200 kW shaft generators
2 x 600 kW aux. generators
1 x 150 kW emergency generator
450 V – 60 Hz for heavy consumers
230 V – 60 Hz for accommodation/general use
120 V – 60 Hz for lab. space
230 V and 120 V UPS 60 Hz for lab. spaces
230 V and 120 V 60 Hz clean power for lab. spaces
230 V – 50 Hz clean power for lab. spaces
Internal regulations
Norwegian ship control rules, SOLAS, IMO and IMO A534 (13) Resolution
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