King Edward Point is primarily a marine and fisheries research station. Owned by the Government of South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands (GSGSSI) and operated by British Antarctic Survey (BAS) this facility provides critical research to support the management of the South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands Marine Protected Area and the sustainable fisheries that are licensed by GSGSSI in this important location in the Southern Ocean.
Surrounded by mountains and glaciers the subantarctic island of South Georgia is an important haven for wildlife. The waters surrounding the islands were declared as a sustainable use Marine Protected Area (MPA) in 2012 and research conducted here informs the management of the MPA and contributes to the broader management of the Southern Ocean, which is undertaken by the international treaty organisation, the Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR) – CCAMLR plays a key role in regulating fisheries in the Southern Ocean and in minimising any ecosystem impacts of that fishing. The waters around South Georgia are recognised as being among the most sustainably-managed in the world, with all the fisheries being certified as sustainable by the Marine Stewardship Council. In addition to its research activities on the island BAS also plays a key role in supporting GSGSSI Officers who are responsible for regulating fishing, tourism and other activities around South Georgia.
BAS staff regularly give science talks and presentations to the 10,000+ tourists, onboard cruise ships, who come to see the island’s wildlife and heritage sites each year. This is a key part of BAS’s public engagement programme to highlight the importance and relevance of research for conservation and management.
South Georgia is situated about 1,400km (860 miles) south-east of the Falkland Islands. This mountainous and glaciated island is 170 km long and between 2 km and 40 km wide, with Mount Paget in the Allardyce Range reaching 2,960 m.
Located midway along South Georgia, King Edward Point Research Station lies at the entrance to King Edward Cove, a small bay within Cumberland East Bay. Access is by ship only.
King Edward Point Research Station, South Georgia.
In summer, between 20-40 people usually live at King Edward Point station. During the winter there are 10 staff.
The GSGSSI employs three Government Officers who live and work at King Edward Point on an overlapping rota.
BAS staff are employed on contracts of 17 months. They include: one fisheries scientist; one zoological field assistant (seals & penguins); two boating officers; two technicians (electrical and mechanical); a doctor and a Station Leader.
Administration and status
South Georgia & the South Sandwich Islands (SGSSI) is a UK Overseas Territory, administered by the Government of South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands (GSGSSI). Based at Stanley in the Falkland Islands, the Government is represented at King Edward Point by Government Officers.
BAS staff at King Edward Point provide logistic and boating support for the GSGSSI as well as delivering an agreed science plan.
Surrounded by cold waters originating in Antarctica, South Georgia’s climate is harsher than expected from its latitude. More than half of the island is permanently covered by ice, and many large glaciers flow from its highest peaks – a sharp contrast to the green coastal belt of vegetation.
Protected by the surrounding mountains, King Edward Point’s weather is usually drier and calmer than the rest of South Georgia. Temperatures vary from -15°C to +20°C and although winter and summer seasons are well defined, snow can fall at any time. The island is usually snow covered from May to October.
From gentoo, macaroni and king penguins, to giant petrels, elephant seals, pintail ducks and both sooty & wandering albatross, South Georgia is an important wildlife haven.
Together with South Sandwich islands, these are home to five million seals of four different species, and 65 million breeding birds of 30 different species including the world’s only subantarctic songbird, the endemic South Georgia pipit.
Eleven of the 30 species of breeding birds on South Georgia are listed as threatened or near-threatened by the World Conservation Union (IUCN).
In summer, elephant seals and fur seals breed on the beach in front of the research station.
The waters around the islands are an important habitat for migrating whales, and are rich in fish and Antarctic krill – a key link in the Southern Ocean food web.
South Georgia has abundant populations of seabirds, including penguins. Several sites are within walking distance of King Edward Point.
Environmental protection
BAS policy is to minimise our impact on the environment in which we work. We take this responsibility seriously at King Edward Point and have introduced control measures, policy and procedures initiated by the GSGSSI and BAS. The BAS policies are in line with the GSGSSI Environmental Charter.
Habitat restoration
Rats were accidentally introduced to South Georgia by sealing and whaling ships, and have devastated populations of ground-nesting birds, including the South Georgia pipit.
In 2011, the South Georgia Heritage Trust embarked on the world’s largest rat eradication programme. By 2015, after three seasons of fieldwork, the South Georgia Habitat Restoration Project laid its last load of bait.
The ambitious project took advantage of the fact that South Georgia’s rat populations are naturally divided by the island’s glaciers, allowing Team Rat (as it became known) to target specific peninsulas.
The team used helicopters to lay more than 800 loads of bait over 1,000 km2 and populations of the South Georgian pipit are already beginning to recover. The pipit’s song can now be heard on the Thatcher Peninsula for the first time in decades.
Reindeer, which were introduced to two peninsulas by Norwegian whalers for food and recreation, were also eradicated from the island during 2011-2015 in a project run by the GSGSSI. The reindeer had caused significant damage to the island’s vegetation, including tussac grass, which is an important habitat for breeding birds.
Preventing introduction of other non-native species
The subantarctic climate of South Georgia is mild enough for foreign plants and animal species to survive. Dandelions, cow parsley and other non-native plants are already populating areas around the derelict whaling stations.
At King Edward Point, every care is taken to reduce the risk of further spreading these introduced species to other parts of the island and ensure no new alien species are introduced.
Fresh produce is inspected in a purpose-built secure building and washed upon delivery, and any non-native species found are preserved and returned for identification. New biosecurity protocols ensure that before arrival, visitors scrub their footwear and inspect their clothing, particularly velcro in waterproofs to remove any visual signs of seeds and soils.
Station life
Staff take turns to cook, clean and make bread. Traditionally, a more formal three-course meal is prepared for Saturday evenings.
To ensure their safety, station staff receive training in navigation and search and rescue techniques both in the UK and on arrival. The doctor provides first aid training and more advanced training on medical equipment. Remote medical support is provided by the BAS Medical Unit in the UK.
The annual first call of cargo, food and general supplies occurs in November by one of the BAS ships. In addition the GSGSSI fisheries patrol vessel, Pharos SG, sails between the Falklands and South Georgia usually on a monthly basis, ensuring regular supplies of mail and fresh food. Note that there is no aircraft runway at King Edward Point.
The team makes its own entertainment – from hill walking, skiing, a half marathon, model yacht racing, film nights, and an annual entry to the Antarctic film festival.
King Edward Point (KEP) Research Station is operated by BAS under an agreement with the Government of South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands (GSGSSI) and the Foreign and Commonwealth Office. The primary purpose of the station is to undertake research in support of the management of the South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands Marine Protected Area, including commercial fisheries for toothfish, icefish and krill.
The primary role of the research conducted at King Edward Point is to provide sound scientific advice to assist in the management of the MPA, with a major focus being science to support the sustainable management of the valuable commercial fisheries around the islands. This work underpins the stock assessments and population modelling of target species conducted for the GSGSSI by the Centre for Environment Fisheries and Aquaculture Science (CEFAS) and complements existing research conducted by BAS biologists in the Southern Ocean.
All fishing activity around South Georgia is regulated by internationally adopted measures agreed by the Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR) and by supplementary regulations issued by the GSGSSI. In contrast to other multilateral fisheries conventions, CCAMLR is concerned not only with the regulation of fishing, but also has a mandate to conserve the ecosystem. This ecosystem approach, which considers the whole Southern Ocean to be a suite of interlinked systems, distinguishes CCAMLR from other multilateral fisheries conventions.
Currently four species are exploited commercially from the cold rich waters around South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands. A longline fishery targets Patagonian toothfish (Dissostichus eliginoides) in South Georgia, whilst a small research fishery targets both Patagonian and Antarctic (D. mawsoni) toothfish in the South Sandwich Islands. The Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) certified South Georgia toothfish fishery is restricted to the austral winter to minimise the risk of seabird by-catch. The pelagic trawl fishery for Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) is also restricted to the winter months, in this case to avoid competition between the fishery and krill dependent predators, such as penguins and fur seals. Finally a small, MSC certified pelagic trawl fishery for mackerel icefish operates in some years.
Antarctic Krill – Euphausia superba. The catch of a net land off South Georgia.
Investigations at King Edward Point involve the analysis of specimens and data obtained from a number of sources. Collaboration with the CCAMLR scientific observer programme enables samples of target and by-catch species to be collected for analysis from the commercial fishery operating around South Georgia. A biennial trawl survey is conducted on the South Georgia shelf to monitor the status of mackerel icefish, assess the abundance of juvenile Patagonian toothfish, and assess the status of other demersal species. Samples from these surveys, such as stomach contents and otoliths, are analysed in the laboratories at KEP.
In addition, the KEP scientists undertake monthly plankton sampling in Cumberland Bay and the Bay of Isles from the GSGSSI Patrol vessel Pharos SG. These samples are analysed in the KEP laboratories and provide valuable data on seasonal and inter-annual variability in the abundance of fish larvae, Antarctic krill and other plankton.
KEP scientists also monitor the breeding success of Antarctic fur seals and gentoo penguins at Maiviken, which is a short walk from the station at KEP. Maiviken is designated as a CCAMLR Ecosystem Monitoring Programme (CEMP) site and data from this monitoring programme is submitted to CCAMLR on an annual basis. Giant petrel and elephant seal populations are also monitored in the vicinity of KEP on a seasonal basis.
Elephant seal populations are monitored near King Edward Point. Credit: Matt Marsh.
Earth observation research
In 2015, a new meteor radar was installed at King Edward Point to discover more about how small mountainous islands in large oceans impact global atmospheric circulation through gravity wave propagation.
Part of the South Georgia Wave Experiment (SG-WEX) run by the University of Bath, BAS, the Met Office and the University of Leeds, the radar works by detecting meteors or shooting stars as they enter the Earth atmosphere. By tracking the speed and direction of meteor trails, the radar provides information on the wind in that part of the atmosphere.
In 2011, the British Geological Survey (BGS) re-established the King Edward Point magnetic observatory, extending observations made by BAS from 1975 to 1982. The observatory plugs a significant gap in the global network of magnetic observatories, allowing better monitoring of the South Atlantic Anomaly and changes occurring deep within the Earth.
Jon Ager joined British Antarctic Survey as Director of the UK Antarctic Infrastructure Modernisation Programme in 2019, after serving for almost 35 years in the Royal Air Force and aerospace …
Alan Roper works from Ramboll and is currently Site Supervisor for the new wharf at King Edward Point Research Station in South Georgia as part of the Antarctic Infrastructure Modernisation …
Joe Corner, BAS Islands Project Manager, is currently overseeing the redevelopment of King Edward Point wharf on South Georgia Island in the Sub-Antarctic. The project will enable the new UK …
Kieran Love tells us what it is like to be the Zoological Field Assistant at King Edward Point Research Station (KEP) on South Georgia. So, what does being a zoological …
In this blog Jerry Gillham, station leader at King Edward Point Research Station, describes how his team have tackled an unusual cooking challenge. With no dedicated chef at King Edward …
Paul Fox, Senior Responsible Officer for RRS Sir David Attenborough, has written a guest blog for a behind-the-scenes look at NERC’s commission of a new polar research ship for Britain and the associated Antarctic infrastructure modernisation programme.
In this blog Dr Mark Belchier from British Antarctic Survey (BAS) explains why a team of experts visits King Edward Point biennially to carry out a survey of the fish …
Life on the sub Antarctic Island of South Georgia working for BAS is an amazing experience. South Georgia has the perfect combination of spectacular landscape and incredible wildlife. We have millions …
What a busy month! The rat eradication team had arrived at the end of January aboard RSS Ernest Shackleton so, by February they had settled in and the final phase …
December in King Edward Point began with the arrival of the Royal Research Ship James Clark Ross (JCR). She brought down all the supplies and the doctor (me) for the …
Greetings from the sub-Antarctic island of South Georgia where spring has finally sprung. September finished with the visit of two warships and then on the 1st October our fisheries biologist, …
With seven BAS and one Government officer on the island life has been quiet at KEP. Everyone has stayed on base, mainly because we don’t have the numbers to let …
Salutations from South Georgia. June is a very special month in the Antarctic because it is midwinter on 21st June. The Winter Solstice is a time of celebration on base …
Well hello, Matthew (boaty) here again! It was deemed that my blog from last month was of a standard that could not be matched, by any of the mortals on …
Following on from Daniel’s nature-based post I’m going to try and mix it up… though given the wildlife on South Georgia that’s not as easy as it might sound. Being …
Hello! It’s me Daniel, the Zoological Field Assistant. Let me tell you something about King Edward Point, from a base member’s point of view, this month will be filled with …
December, for the northern hemisphere, is a time of long dark nights and cold weather bringing misery to the roads as soon as the first snowflake falls; not so for …
On a chilly November morning, a group of excited folk crowded around the bronze statue of a Siberian Husky outside BAS headquarters in Cambridge, preparing to set off on a …
For the residents of KEP, September is the calm before the storm… the last month with just the wintering team on base before the start of the new season. October …
May is the greatest month of the year. ‘Quite a grand statement’ you might say,’ what about December?’. Forget December, its rubbish. May is the best for two reasons 1)It …
As I’m sitting here in the middle of May staring blankly at a word count of two in this document, I am wondering where the weeks and months are slipping …
After a brief hiatus in KEP web diaries, I apologise in advance for this being fairly epic entry, it’s been a busy month or so! Firstly, a hello from the …
September has been my first month on base and it has been incredible. I am here visiting Jo Cox (Government Officer) and I have been making the most of this …
The first thing that always springs to mind when it comes to writing the June diary is of course – Mid Winters day and all the celebrations that accompanies the …
Compared to recent months, May was a relatively quiet month and saw us eventually whittled down to our wintering team. The month kicked off with an oil spill response exercise, …
April at KEP is usually the point that summer starts to wind down and winter begins; numbers on station drop and the makeup of shipping changes from Tourism to Fishing. …
Most significantly this month, we have been joined by two new team members. Paula O’Sullivan and Jo Cox are both familiar faces to BAS; Paula having worked as a boating …
February has been a busy month on base, lots of people coming and going. The weather has been very changeable too, a scattering of beautiful sunny days, but also cold …
With 2011 on South Georgia being cast into the history books, 2012 started in earnest and once again the King Edward Point gang enjoyed a busy, varied and challenging start …
December is a busy time of year down here on South Georgia, being the height of summer. One of the tasks this month was a project to improve the mapping …
‘Remember, remember the fifth of November’ It was indeed one of the more memorable Guy Fawkes’ nights of my life: I had only arrived a few days previous with fellow …
The beginning of October saw a hefty amount of snow still with us here on the fair isle of South Georgia. It was in these snowy conditions that visitors arrived …
Greetings to all you dedicated avid KEP web diary readers. I’m sure you have had some healthy verbal meals served up to you by previous entries and have been digesting …
The month kicked off with cold weather and a continuation of our midwinter celebrations — interrupted at the time by shipping and work commitments which often occur outside of normal …
June at King Edward Point was a varied month. It featured the most important celebrations of the Antarctic calendar, events of astronomical significance, and was punctuated by holidays, fishing vessels …
A month of holidays, parties and a little bit of work! The two bank holidays of course coincided with some deep depressions bringing miserable weather however, Rob, Tommy and myself …
After a busy couple of months with the rat eradication project the start of April felt much quieter. The beginning of the month brought with it our first real drop …
Had it not been for the fact that there was a great deal of activity on base throughout the month of March, it would have been apparent to the “first …
With some incredibly warm and sunny weather everyone on base has been making the most of the magnificent scenery, taking photos and getting out walking in the mountains whenever the …
January 2011 and another year beings at King Edward Point, South Georgia… The New Year was welcomed in with a fantastic three course meal, drinks and party atmosphere a’flowing, and …
A busy month on base with lots of peaks being bagged, cruise ship visits, pups being born and the ex winterers leaving to get home in time for Christmas. At …
November was my first full month on the Island. A whirlwind month, despite being unusually calm, warm, and sunny. Experienced winterers recounted tales of woe & snow; of clouds in …
A door opens, a draught builds (the furious winds try to gain entry) and a Jenga tower of to-do lists, scrap paper of words I still haven’t looked up, wrappers …
The start of the month seemed to bring a health drive as most members of base had agreed to take part in a virtual 6,000km race across Antarctica, from the …
On the last day of March there is much licking of wounds to the body and the pride, tending of mild strains, aches and pains, and a general gingerness to …
February was a very busy time at KEP, it began with the aroma of fish and a hint of diesel perfuming the base, signalling the return of Team Fish from …
The year two thousand and ten started, as many do, with a party. The New Year’s celebrations at King Edward Point commenced with a formal dinner followed by the inevitable …
The month was started by the new members of the team going field training for 4 days, Ali Massey, Susan Woodward Tom Marshall and Matt Holmes to Sørling Valley. Tom …
Outside my office window an elephant seal weaner (weaned pup) has propelled itself caterpillar fashion (it’s termed “humping”) across the fresh snowfall and unsuccessfully attempted to gnaw through the base …
October on South Georgia is the most amazing month. From having seen the first elephant seals arrive in September and the first pups born around the vernal equinox, the massive …
September heralded springtime for us here at KEP. It will go down in my memory as the month of the great melt but thankfully the snow held out long enough …
August was a month of mixed weather here at KEP, it started with a pretty drastic thaw, which made the keen skiers amongst us a little worried that it may …
So July started off with myself getting another year older and yet again spending it away from home. I received some great gifts from the gang here. Thanks guys and …
The month started with a team expedition up to the repeater. The repeater is used to maintain VHF contact with field parties and the boats within the area that cannot …
And finally… the April diary entry for KEP. As Luke in March gave you the most comprehensive and poetic description of South Georgia’s wildlife, ecosystems and sporting glory, I shall …
March of the Penguins. And March they did indeed, to their deathbeds of moulted feathers blowing away in the wind with their last breath. Shaggy coats of half-moulted feathers, worn …
With a whirlwind of events one after the other, October seemed to be over as soon as it began, the weather changed from winter to spring, and in one day …
The winter sun has begun to appear from behind the hovering face of Duce just behind the base here at KEP. The sun shine will spread across the base now …
Here we are just after the mid-winter break! Days start getting longer etc!! It has been quite busy. We have a 5-metre rib out of action at the moment due …
South Georgia is well known nowadays for its wildlife but it once supported a massive and destructive whaling industry and in it’s heyday, 1925-26, nearly 8000 whales were processed, with …
When we signed our contracts with the British Antarctic Survey, it was with the understanding that we would be working and living on South Georgia for two years for scientists …
The BAS team at King Edward Point consists of nine people. The Base Commander, Doctor, three Scientists, a Generator Mechanic, and Electrical Technician and two Boatmen. Our main accommodation block, …
South Georgia is not an easy place to get to, if you’re a tourist you can get here by cruise ship or charter yacht, both options demand heavy financial investment …
I remember thinking as I left my interview for Field Operations Manager in Rothera Station at the British Antarctic Survey (BAS) that I should take a good look around as I …
Muster. Muster! MUSTER!!!! The fire alarm? Not the toaster again! As all at KEP gathered at the muster point the alarm fell silent. No Fire or drill this time…Olaf our …
April is a month of transition, the start of the austral winter, which means that the last of the summer visitors say farewell, snow arrives (rather early this year) and …
March started with a bang as several of the KEP crew tested out their thespian talents performing “Little Box of Oblivion”. The short play with 5 characters in it was …
February on base…? What a month for all-round activities, from work, our daily base life, to our continuing discovery of this wondrous island. Cumberland Bay this month played a very …
The New Year started for some of us (Miriam Iorwerth, Andrew Chase, Anjali Pande & Andy Barker) waking up near Maiviken Hut in bivvy bags with the sun beating down …
There really can’t be many experiences on earth like a South Georgia spring. Even when you’re looking forward to it, it grabs you. And it’s that bit more special because, …
Welcome one and all to another rip-roaring month of excitement on our very own private island. Well I am not going to bore you all with elaborate tales of the …
April has been a month of transition. The weather has changed from a summer / autumnal feeling to one of winter, visitors have changed from holiday makers to seasoned fishermen …
March has come and gone – all too quickly we feel. Another winter approaches and we say goodbye to cruise ships and yachts for another season. Although in saying that …
Well this time last year I had just finished work in South Wales and was starting my run into working for BAS. Of course 2 months holiday recovering from the …
Christmas at KEP On the back of the madness that was November comes of course December, the work that never ends, the odd party or celebration and of course for …
Excitement abounds Hi to all the devoted readers of the KEP Newsletter. November has been quite a milestone at KEP. The majority of KEPers celebrated their first year on South …
A quiet month September is a quiet month at KEP – time to wind down in between the fishing season and the tourist season. That, combined with not having a functional …
Another action-packed month Another action-packed month down at the KEP OK Coral. There have been a few getaways this month. The only problem was however the amount of time spent …
Back to normal July has arrived with the promise of longer days and hopefully for our intrepid skiers, heavy snow. It also heralded the return to normality after the mid-winter …
Midwinter The time is flying by – I can’t believe we have been here 8 months already. The sun disappeared from the base late last month and will not shine on …
Winter approaches May has once more come and gone and for the transient population of South Georgia it has been as busy a month as any. The winter has not …
Summer’s end April marks the end of the busy summer, the last of the summer visitors have gone – the scientists, technicians, tourists, seafarers, mountaineers and, of course, the taxidermist. …
First snow Well here we are the end of March, back home it’s heading towards the end of the winter season and its damp and cold. Here in South Georgia …
A busy month Hi to all our avid readers and Welcome to KEPs February edition. I’m one of the new team fish scientists at KEP. After being south for four …
New Year Well a Happy New Year to all you dedicated readers of the South Georgia News Letter. Since I arrived at KEP in November last year, we’ve been very …
Chicks and pups Summertime is well underway at King Edward Point. We’ve got baby animals of all kinds wandering around. When I arrived, two months ago now, the jetty was …
New arrivals Where to start is the question? November has just been jam packed with events and the month has passed so quickly. We’ve had new arrivals, departures, beer festivals, …
Spring Its spring in the Southern Ocean and lots of cool things have been happening at King Edward Point. I like South Georgia lots, especially its wildlife (including FISH), scenery …
Topical issues After being here on South Georgia for the past 10 months, I can tell you that although the amazing scenery, the extraordinary wildlife and the isolated hostility of …
Transhipping inspections As I type this diary entry I find it hard not to get distracted and sit looking out of the window onto a foot or more of fresh …
Midwinter The psychology of a sub-Antarctic winter, and how to survive it… That there can be nothing worse than a depressive dark isolated winter has been clearly stated by Frederich …
Winter draws near April at King Edward Point by Suzi I’ve been living here at KEP for 17 months now and this April the last people are starting to accept …
Poetry This month’s news letter is going to be a little different than usual. It is time you had a tech services look at things down here in South Georgia. …
The race Sveiki….!!!!! My name is Krissi. Four months into my 3rd contract with BAS and probably the busiest one with more than my electrician’s title to keep up…… Coffee …
Fantastic fish Hello, it’s Frin again. Reporting from the exterior of South G. Lots of things have happened in January. I will tell you mostly about how pretty it is …
Happy News Year HAPPY NEW YEAR to you from all at KEP including me, Vicky, the latest ‘winterer’ arrival. Having sailed in on 30th November, it seemed appropriate to offer …
Base people My first newsletter and my first full month in paradise. Can I tell you a bit about our world…? I know that the regular readers of this column …
Pasty off October has seen winter turn into summer here at KEP, with no time for spring in between. John and I went on our long-awaited winter trip during the …
Hello again avid readers and welcome to another issue of the fun-packed newsletter from you very own King Edward Point. This month has seen the finish of all the …
Food glorious food I’m sure no avid reader of the scintillating “KEP” web diary would be surprised by tales of snow, skis, fish, parties and wildlife. In August there will …
Rich’s entirely true diary! All of us at King Edward Point were shocked and saddened when we learnt of the death of Kirsty Brown at Rotherathis month. Nearly all of …
Midwinter June. Umm, June. Well it’s been very busy and lots of fun and frustrating and sad. To try and leave you with a favourable feeling I am going to …
An eventful month Rumour would have it that South Georgia is an island of parties, jollies and love but there is a serious side to life at KEP, which includes …
Ice climbing and egg rolling April started off a very busy month for everyone on base, with the month only just started. The entire base personnel were involved in a …
A busy month Another busy month here in South Georgia. Early March saw the departure of Molly Sheridan, Irene Valenkamp and Alasdair Reid. Irene and Alasdair have been assistants to …
Back to school! February has seen us all go back to school, well actually lots of schools. As well as the ubiquitous Doc School which this month has included a …
New arrivals and Christmas With the arrival of December, we knew our days were numbered. All talk was now of the imminent arrival of the new people – our replacements. …
Celebrations November has been a busy month down here at King Edward Point. The tourist season started on 1st November, with the cruise ship Explorer coming alongside. We are due …
RRS James Clark Ross arrives October was the month of scrubbing. This was not because the mess in my office had reached evolutionary proportions but rather because of the time …
The latest newsletter ever!! Well I think the best way to start this newsletter is with an apology for its lateness!! I believe I have managed to get the award …
A busy month for boating Midway through the winter fishing season, July has seen many vessels visit KEP to trans-ship catch onto large refrigerator vessels. Here, the krill trawler, In …
Midwinter celebrations This month’s web page is mainly dedicated to our midwinter festivities held here over the week around midwinter’s day. There was a whole host of different activities including; …
The first heavy snow April saw the last call of the Ernest Shackleton. However, unlike other bases where this is the last shipping visit of the year, this heralds perhaps …
End of summer approaches The Science team made a big catch: a Patagonian toothfish just over 1m in length. These fish are commercially fished in South Georgian waters and producing viable conservation …
Ships pay us a visit The science manager, Mark Belchier, visited KEP during February to see how the science is progressing and to pass on some techniques to the science …
An introduction to KEP The newest British Antarctic Survey station at King Edward Point was opened in March 2001 so we are approaching our first Birthday. However there are still …
The waters surrounding South Georgia, nestled beneath glaciated mountains, are among the most biologically rich in the Southern Ocean. In February, a team of scientists from the British Antarctic Survey …
British Antarctic Survey (BAS) staff working on the frozen continent are preparing to celebrate the festive season in style. Nearly 300 researchers, engineers, crew and support staff, located across five …
A team of researchers are using drones and satellite images from space to count southern elephant seals on the sub-Antarctic Island of South Georgia. Using remotely piloted aerial systems (RPAS) …
The 2023/4 Antarctic field season has wound up and the last of the summer teams are aboard the RRS Sir David Attenborough and heading for home. This season not only …
SOUTH GEORGIA. Update, March 2024 – Penguins on the sub-Antarctic Islands of South Georgia have tested positive for Avian flu. This is the first time the virus has been detected …
SOUTH GEORGIA Update, January 2024 – Testing for Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) continues on the subantarctic island of South Georgia since it was detected in October 2023. The latest …
Last month, October 2023, Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) was confirmed on Bird Island, South Georgia in the brown skua populations. Since then, a number of other cases of symptomatic …
The 2022/23 Antarctic field season has ended, marking the conclusion of another successful year of scientific exploration in one of the world’s most remote and challenging environments. This field season, …
Today (18 November) British Antarctic Survey (BAS) joins global celebrations to mark LGBTQIA+ STEM DAY and Polar Pride Day. Polar Pride is a celebration of the contribution of LGBTQIA+ people in polar research …
Our Antarctic field season has begun, with a challenging and ambitious range of projects to be delivered at five British Antarctic Survey (BAS) research stations and across the wider continent. …
Today, Tuesday 5 July, the Government of South Georgia & the South Sandwich Islands (GSGSSI) announced the designation of the entire landmass of South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands …
The British Antarctic Survey (BAS) field season has finished for another year. RRS Sir David Attenborough departed Rothera Research Station for the final time earlier in May and is …
Looking for a new challenge? British Antarctic Survey has launched its latest recruitment campaign for a wide range of jobs in Antarctica for the 2022/23 Antarctic season. Antarctica is the …
Applications to carry out small-scale research projects in the Antarctic in the 2022/23 season are invited from UK-based researchers. The Collaborative Antarctic Science Scheme (CASS) provides opportunities for scientists in …
2021 has been a rollercoaster year for British Antarctic Survey, operating research stations in the Antarctic and the sub-Antarctic through the Covid-19 pandemic, while our new polar research vessel, the …
Science and support teams from British Antarctic Survey (BAS) are gearing up for the start of the Antarctic summer field season. All five of our research stations will be open …
Scientists from British Antarctic Survey (BAS), Scottish Association for Marine Science (SAMS), and international collaborators have this week published the first detailed research on the sounds made by southern right …
British Antarctic Survey (BAS) is celebrating Midwinter’s Day (Monday 21 June) as staff in three British Antarctic Territory Research Stations mark the shortest and darkest day of the year on the frozen continent. The tradition began in …
Gentoo penguins are benefiting from a newly enlarged no-fishing zone (known as a No-Take Zone NTZ) around the sub-Antarctic island of South Georgia following British Antarctic Survey (BAS) tracking research …
Staff at British Antarctic Survey (BAS) ships and research stations prepare to celebrate the festive season. It’s been a year like no other, with extraordinary arrangements made to keep facilities …
An international research team led by UK scientists has revealed the return of critically endangered Antarctic blue whales to the sub-Antarctic island of South Georgia, 50 years after whaling all …
The completion marks the latest milestone for the £140m UK Antarctic Infrastructure Modernisation Programme commissioned by UKRI-NERC and undertaken by the British Antarctic Survey. Surrounded by spectacular scenery, dominated by …
Scientists have discovered where a whale species that feeds around the sub-Antarctic island of South Georgia breeds during the winter months. This understanding of where the animals migrate from will …
The population of Antarctic krill, the favourite food of many whales, penguins, fish and seals, shifted southward during a recent period of warming in their key habitat, new research shows. …
BAS marine researchers join nearly 300 international delegates at the annual meeting of the Convention on the Conservation or Antarctic Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR) beginning in Hobart today. For the …
Construction expert BAM has been chosen to partner with British Antarctic Survey (BAS) to modernise UK Antarctic and other research facilities, enabling British scientists to continue delivering world class research …
As spring returns to the southern hemisphere British Antarctic Survey (BAS) has started another research season which will take them over land, sea and ice in search of answers to …
British Antarctic Survey (BAS) is recruiting now. The smooth operation and maintenance of our research stations depends on skilled technical support teams. Check out our latest vacancies!
WWF’s Earth Hour is a global annual event where hundreds of millions of people switch off their lights for one hour to show they care about the planet.
British Antarctic Survey staff prepare to celebrate Christmas far away from home As you make the last preparations for the festive period, spare a thought for those who will be …
South Georgia Patagonian toothfish fishery recertified with flying colours Following its five-yearly Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) assessment, the South Georgia Patagonian toothfish longline fishery has, for the third time, been …
Midwinter’s Day celebrations take place at Antarctic Research Stations Staff at the British Antarctic Survey are celebrating Midwinter’s Day in Antarctica. In a tradition which began in the days of …
Deadly Pole to Pole at Bird Island Tune in to CBBC today at 5:25pm to see adventurer Steve Backshall on Bird Island as part of the BBC’s Deadly Pole to …
Christmas messages from Antarctic staff Many British Antarctic Survey scientists and support staff will be spending this Christmas thousands of miles from home on the frozen continent. BAS has five …
On the eve of the centenary of Sir Robert Falcon Scott’s expedition to the Antarctic, the British Antarctic Survey (BAS) 20011/12 field season is underway. The start of the season …
A South Georgia Town Meeting takes place at British Antarctic Survey in Cambridge on 28 September 2010. The Government of South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands (SGSSI) seeks to …
The South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands (SGSSI) Marine Protected Area (MPA) was established by the Government of South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands in 2012, to ensure the …
CONSEC is addressing the challenge to understand the links between the biodiversity, structure and function of Southern Ocean ecosystems and the impacts of rapid environmental changes to improve scientific knowledge …
At South Georgia, the climate is changing. Further, species abundances are changing with the recovery of historically depleted species of seal, whale and finfish. In addition, the eradication of introduced …
A fishery for Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) operates over the shelf breaks of the South Orkney, South Shetland and South Georgia archipelagos [8]. Krill is an important food source for …
Whales are the largest krill predators in the UK Overseas territory of South Georgia, yet their impacts on krill stocks are poorly understood. Recently, whale surveys revealed high summer abundance …
An estimated 75% of all the litter in our oceans is plastic, and around 5 million tonnes of plastic waste enter the ocean annually. Scientific observations of a significant concentration …
King Edward Point Research Station already meets 80% of its energy demands in electricity and heating by an existing hydropower system. Read more about our plans to decarbonise King Edward Point.
This long-term study monitors the impact of marine plastics and other debris on breeding seabirds at Bird Island. Researchers have monitored the levels of marine plastics and other material from …
The British Antarctic Survey whale research team at King Edward Point have been studying whale movements and patterns of habitat use in South Georgia waters. South Georgia was at the …
Globally-important populations of seabirds breed at South Georgia. However, human-induced impacts have led to the decline of many seabird populations. Four species of albatrosses and white-chinned petrels have shown persistent …
It is now estimated that >30,000 whales visit South Georgia in summer, making this sub-Antarctic island the highest-density UK hotspot for recovering whales, including critically endangered Antarctic blue whales. The …
Many populations of wildlife are remote, inaccessible or difficult to monitor. The advent of sub-metre, Very-High-Resolution (VHR) satellite imagery may enable us study these animals in a much more efficient …
Aerial view of the buildings at King Edward Point, South Georgia. The purpose built facilities include the accommodation building, Everson House and the James Cook Laboratory. Research is carried out to assist in the sustainable management of the commercial fisheries around South Georgia.
The South Georgia Government/British Antarctic Survey ‘King Edward Point applied fisheries research station’in Cumberland East Bay, South Georgia.
South Georgia, the applied fisheries research station at King Edward Point. The purpose built facilities include the accommodation building, Everson House and the James Cook Laboratory. Research is carried out to assist in the sustainable management of the commercial fisheries around South Georgia.