The Falkland Islands

Location: Falkland Islands

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As the MOD aircraft approaches the Falkland Islands, military jets sometimes arrive to escort the plane at each wingtip. The aircraft eventually lands at Mount Pleasant Airport (MPA), which is a large, (usually very windy) military airfield in the middle of the Falkland Islands. It is a modern air facility constructed as a result of the Falklands War.

The journey from MPA to Stanley, capital of the Falkland Islands, takes around an hour. Look out for mountainous scenery and the stone runs. These spectacular runs look similar to glaciers, but are made out of rocks rather than ice! Stanley has a population of approximately 3000, a large natural harbour and a small airfield which is used by local aircraft.

The BAS Stanley office is located at Stanley Cottage on Ross Road and is easily identified by the Monkey Puzzle tree in the garden. The office is staffed by the BAS Logistics Coordinator, Falkland Islands and an assistant. The office is open year round and is responsible for arranging transfers and accommodation for transiting personnel. They also organise provisions and stores for BAS ships and stations in Antarctica, as well as ensuring cargo is recorded and moved, and sorting out a myriad of logistical and administrative issues that arise in keeping the supply chain open between the UK and Antarctica.

Next stop: Your accommodation in the Falklands