24 November, 2004 Press releases

Announcement at RIBA on 24 November 2004, 12.30pm (details below) Three winning concept designs for a new research station in Antarctica are announced today Wednesday 24 November, at the Halley VI Design Exhibition at the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA). From six short-listed teams, a jury panel selected three winning designs for the British Antarctic Survey?s new Halley VI Research Station. British Antarctic Survey Director and Chair of the Jury Panel, Professor Chris Rapley CBE, announces the winning teams as: Buro Happold and Lifschutz Davidson; FaberMaunsell and Hugh Broughton Architects; Hopkins Architects and Expedition Engineers. He says, ?It was an extremely difficult decision for the panel to choose three teams as all six concept designs showed tremendous ingenuity meeting our requirements. The three winners demonstrate real innovation in their approach to the Halley VI Research Station, which must be functionally efficient yet an aesthetically stimulating place to work.? The panel selected Buro Happold and Lifschutz Davidson for their concept of linked space-station-like structures on jackable legs. They were impressed by the thought given to the living space and how staff would have quiet, private areas as well as community space. The architectural features are complemented by comprehensive engineering, which offers a practical solution to living and working. Special attention has been given to construction, maintenance, dealing with the annual build up of snow, and how the station can be relocated – overall, a concept that can be developed into a practical and cost effective research station. Engineers FaberMaunsell and Hugh Broughton Architects were selected for a strong architectural design. The modular approach enables units to be linked together to form a station that can accommodate user requirements and be easily relocated. The depth of thought given to the construction phase particularly impressed the panel. Hopkins Architects and Expedition Engineers ?walking building? demonstrated an innovative approach to relocating the structures. The panel reflected on the challenges to be overcome in realising the design, but considered the overall concept to be achievable. The team has taken care in matching the sustainability requirements outlined in user documents and how new materials can be introduced to Antarctica. The three teams will have a site visit in January 2005, before developing their ideas. A winning design will be announced in September 2005. Ends Issued by the BAS Press Office: Athena Dinar ? tel: (01223) 221414, mob:07740 822229, email: a.dinar@bas.ac.uk Amanda Lynnes ? tel: (01223) 221448, email: a.lynnes@bas.ac.uk Winning teams contact details: Buro Happold & Lifschutz Davidson. Buro Happold ? Ian Liddell tel. 01225 320600, Alex Lifschutz tel. 0207 381 8120 FaberMaunsell & Hugh Broughton Architects. FaberMaunsell ? Peter Ayres tel. 0208 784 5908 Hopkins Architects & Expedition Engineering. Hopkins Architects ? William Taylor tel. 0207 724 1751

Notes for Editors: BAS Director, Professor Chris Rapley CBE, will announce the three winning teams on 24 November 2004, Lutyens Room, RIBA, 66 Portland Place, London. Press have the opportunity to interview the teams and BAS staff. The Halley VI Design Exhibition in Gallery 2 at RIBA runs until 8 January 2005. Background Notes: The new complex, replacing the current Halley V Research Station, will be located 10,000 miles from the UK on the Brunt Ice Shelf, which is 150m thick and flows at a rate of 0.4 km per year northwest from Coats Land towards the sea where, at irregular intervals, it calves off as vast icebergs. Scientists predict a major calving event around 2010. There is a growing risk that ice on which the existing Halley Research Station sits could break off in the next decade. The new station will allow long-running research on global change to continue at the site where the ozone hole was discovered. Picture Editors: High-resolution stills and animations of the three winning concept designs are available from the BAS Press Office as above. Stills and broadcast images of Antarctica and the location of the new research station are also available. Winner?s biographies: Buro Happold Ltd / Lifschutz Davidson / Garrad Hassan & Partners Ltd / SLR Consulting Ltd / Human Engineering Ian Liddell of the innovative engineers, Buro Happold, and Alex Lifschutz of the architects Lifschutz Davidson, leads this team. They are supported by a number of specialist consultants for addressing human factors, wind power and waste. Among the projects they have been involved with are the new Arsenal Stadium, the Glasgow Science Tower, the Cardboard School Building at Westborough, the Golden Jubilee Bridges alongside Hungerford Bridge and the Coin Street Housing project. Their focus is on intelligent science-based design with minimum environmental impact. FaberMaunsell Ltd / Hugh Broughton Architects Ltd FaberMaunsell is part of the worldwide AECOM Technology Corporation, which has been responsible for the construction of more facilities in Antarctica than any other company in the world. Projects have included the South Pole Observatory and the South Pole Station Dormitory. The multi-disciplinary engineering team is led from FaberMaunsell’s UK headquarters in St. Albans, but draws on worldwide specialist cold climate and remote location expertise. Architectural design has been provided by the dynamic young practice of Hugh Broughton Architects. Hopkins Architects Ltd / Expedition Engineers Ltd / DLE / HL Technik / Rowan Williams Davies & Irwin Hopkins Architects, Expedition Engineering, HL Technik, RWDI and DLE comprise a team that combines a proven track record of realising pioneering projects through creative thought, with an international range of experience in working in some of the world’s most challenging environments. They share a commitment to the environmentally responsible and socially responsive use of technology for the good of mankind. Hopkins Architects are renowned as innovators and leaders in the fields of prefabrication, lightweight construction and sustainability. Their projects range from the Patera Building to the RIBA Sustainability Award winning Jubilee Campus at the University of Nottingham. Expedition Engineers have been actively involved in a diverse range of projects including the skeleton of the World’s Green Highrise (Commerzbank Frankfurt), water management systems at Heathrow?s Terminal 5 and close proximity projects such as an oak submarine and a human-powered airship. Hopkins Architects and Expedition Engineering have collaborated on a number of cutting-edge environmentally driven projects, which include their proposals for an offshore residential tower in the Middle East featured in the Royal Academy Summer Exhibition last year. British Antarctic Survey is a world leader in research into global issues in an Antarctic context. It is the UK?s national operator and is a component of the Natural Environment Research Council. It has an annual budget of around ?40 million, runs nine research programmes and operates five research stations, two Royal Research Ships and five aircraft in and around Antarctica. More information about the work of the Survey can be found at: www.antarctica.ac.uk The Royal Institute of British Architects, one of the most influential architectural institutions in the world, has been promoting architecture and architects since being awarded its Royal Charter in 1837. The RIBA has vast experience of organising competitions on behalf of a wide range of clients. The service offered by the RIBA is independent and impartial, bearing no allegiance to a particular design team or method of procurement. The involvement of the RIBA ensures that correct procedures are followed and that the process of selection is seen to be fair. More information can be found at www.ribacompetitions.com