23 August, 2010 News stories

A South Georgia Town Meeting takes place at British Antarctic Survey in Cambridge on 28 September 2010. The Government of South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands (SGSSI) seeks to expand the range of scientific research at King Edward Point and make the facilities available for science projects.

The meeting will discuss science currently being done at South Georgia, including presentations on the history, geology and oceanography, wildlife and fisheries in South Georgia. It will also provide information on the accommodation, scientific facilities, logistic support, means of reaching the Island etc that prospective scientific visitors will need.

Aerial view of the buildings at King Edward Point, South Georgia. The purpose built facilities include the accommodation building, Everson House and the James Cook Laboratory. Research is carried out to assist in the sustainable management of the commercial fisheries around South Georgia.
Aerial view of the buildings at King Edward Point, South Georgia. The purpose built facilities include the accommodation building, Everson House and the James Cook Laboratory. Research is carried out to assist in the sustainable management of the commercial fisheries around South Georgia.