6 November, 2018 News stories

Congratulations to Dr Emilie Capron who has been awarded the prestigious Early Career Scientist Award of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG).

Dr Capron is a palaeoclimatologist at British Antarctic Survey. Her research aims to improve our understanding of global and regional climate dynamics over the past 150 thousand years. To do so, she uses climate and environmental records from Greenland and Antarctic ice cores, alongside information from other climate archives such as marine sediments and modelling exercises. Understanding past climate variability and the associated responses is important for predicting how climate change may impact socio-economic and natural systems in the future.

Dr Emilie Capron looking through a thin section of polar ice. Photo Credit : Sepp Kipfstuhl

By receiving the IUGG Early Career Scientist Award Dr Capron has been recognised for her outstanding research in Earth Sciences and for her international research cooperation. The presentation of the award will be made at the award ceremony on Saturday, 13 July 2019, on occasion of the 27th IUGG General Assembly to be held in Montreal, Canada. Dr Emilie Capron has been invited by Prof. Kathryn Whaler, IUGG Vice-President, to give a talk in the session “Celebrating Early Career Scientists” at the General Assembly.

Dr Capron says

“I am honoured to receive this award. Polar research is important for understanding our changing world and I feel privileged to be a part of and contribute to this scientific community.”

International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG) is a non-governmental, scientific organization, established in 1919. IUGG is one of the 40 scientific Unions and Associations presently grouped within the International Science Council (ISC).

IUGG is dedicated to the international promotion and coordination of scientific studies of Earth (physical, chemical, and mathematical) and its environment in space.

Dr Emilie Capron was part of a team of 7 to drill a deep ice core at Fletcher Promontory (Season 2011-2012) Credit: R. Mulvaney