NEWS STORY: Tender opportunity for drone
27 October, 2015
Tender opportunity for drone to be used in the Polar Regions British Antarctic Survey (BAS) is tendering for the delivery of a long range Unmanned Air System (UAS) for use …
27 October, 2015
Tender opportunity for drone to be used in the Polar Regions British Antarctic Survey (BAS) is tendering for the delivery of a long range Unmanned Air System (UAS) for use …
13 October, 2015
Recent research in polar and non-polar regions showed that sun-lit snow packs are important chemical reactors and reservoirs, which strongly influence air quality of the lower atmosphere and likely also …
12 October, 2015
Government announces preferred bidder to build new polar ship Minister of State for Universities and Science, Jo Johnson announced today that the preferred bidder to build a new polar research …
7 October, 2015
Antarctic seabird community structure remains unaffected by changes in food availability A new study of sub-Antarctic seabirds shows that their community structure (how they co-exist and share resources) is unaffected …
6 October, 2015
NERC funds PhD training in robotics and autonomous systems
29 September, 2015
This paper revised the geological history of the Antarctic Peninsula to show how it developed over the last 500 million years, and used this history to tell us about the …
Read more on FEATURED PAPER: New geological history for Antarctic Peninsula
28 September, 2015
Warmer temperatures stimulate diversity of soil fungi Remote and covered by ice for much of the year the Antarctic Peninsula is home to hidden and dynamic communities of microbes that …
Read more on PRESS RELEASE: Fungal diversity in Antarctic soils
25 September, 2015
BAS scientists awarded grant to study penguins’ reliance on krill Norwegian and British scientists are to take part in a research project to determine how dependant non-breeding penguins are on …
21 September, 2015
Antarctic sea bed life captures carbon as sea ice melts Colonies of tiny filter-feeding Antarctic marine creatures (bryozoans), that appear to be thriving in response to a reduction in sea-ice …
17 September, 2015
Arctic sea ice 2015 On September 11, the National Snow and Ice Data Centre (NSIDC) reported that Arctic sea ice reached its likely minimum extent for 2015. The minimum ice …
9 September, 2015
Researchers from the Arctic Research Programme, managed at British Antarctic Survey (BAS), have shown for the first time that phytoplankton (plant life) in remote ocean regions can contribute to rare …
Read more on NEWS STORY: Ocean life triggers ice formation in clouds
9 September, 2015
A major scientific discovery made by British Antarctic Survey (BAS) scientists, as well as one of its ships, feature on a new set of stamps being released to mark Queen …
Read more on NEWS STORY: Antarctic stamps mark Queen’s milestone
4 September, 2015
The southern sea lion population of the Falkland Islands witnessed a dramatic decline during the last century with numbers falling by 95 per cent between the 1930s and 1960s. It …
2 September, 2015
As the southern westerly winds drive the Antarctic circumpolar current around Antarctica, deep waters are forced up to the surface south of the polar front. Changes in the intensity with …
Read more on FEATURED PAPER: Ocean upwelling and increasing winds
28 August, 2015
Most comprehensive ice loss model A new international study is the first to use a high-resolution, large-scale computer model to estimate how much ice the West Antarctic Ice Sheet could …
20 August, 2015
Tender for the construction and fit of a new Innovation Centre at British Antarctic Survey, Cambridge
Read more on NEWS STORY: Tender to construct Aurora Cambridge
18 August, 2015
Bird tracking technology reveals future climate may affect seabird feeding behaviour A two year study of shags on the Isle of May National Nature Reserve in Scotland reveals that when …
Read more on NEWS STORY: Bird tracking aids seabird research
12 August, 2015
In February 2002, satellite images from a remote location in Antarctica revealed how an immense volume of floating ice, up to 1km thick, suddenly collapsed. Over the course of a …
Read more on FEATURED PAPER: Glacier response to ice shelf collapse
10 August, 2015
Antarctic fur seals have unique ‘scent profile’ to recognise their pups Researchers studying Antarctic fur seals have discovered their scent has a unique ‘profile’ which enables them to recognise their …
30 July, 2015
The Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) has announced it will invest £16m in research to study the effects of dramatic changes in Arctic ice cover over the last three decades on …
Read more on NEWS STORY: NERC to invest £16m in Arctic Ocean change research
28 July, 2015
Welcome to our new website! We’ve given our website a makeover so that you can find everything you need or want to know about polar science and operations. There are …
22 July, 2015
Why does Antarctica matter? Young Geographer of the Year Award 2015 The Royal Geographical Society is running a schools competition to mark the centenary of Sir Ernest Shackleton’s Endurance expedition, …
14 July, 2015
New study uncovers how petrels in sub-Antarctic co-exist during the winter For the first time, scientists understand more clearly how birds living on the remote sub-Antarctic island of Bird Island …
Read more on NEWS STORY: New study uncovers how petrels co-exist
13 July, 2015
Antarctica more diverse and biologically rich than previously thought The team of scientists, led by Monash University, along with colleagues from the British Antarctic Survey, University of Waikato in New …
8 July, 2015
Polar ice cores reveal volcanic eruptions that changed human history Researchers find new evidence that large eruptions were responsible for cold temperature extremes recorded since early Roman times A freshly …
Read more on NEWS STORY: Polar ice cores reveal volcanic eruptions
30 June, 2015
Prince Albert II of Monaco supports Antarctic conservation assessment HSH Prince Albert II of Monaco recently closed a historic meeting of biodiversity and Antarctic experts, convened for three days in …
Read more on NEWS STORY: New Antarctic conservation assessment
24 June, 2015
New publication to celebrate NERC’s Anniversary. To mark its 50th anniversary, NERC has produced Great science for a great future, a publication outlining just a few of the impacts of the research …
24 June, 2015
Antarctic life – highly diverse, unusually structured A new assessment by scientists, published in Nature this week, suggests Antarctica is a more diverse and biologically rich region than previously thought. …
16 June, 2015
Midwinter Celebrations in Antarctica This week staff at British Antarctic Survey (BAS) are celebrating Midwinter’s Day in Antarctica. In a tradition which began in the days of Captain Scott the …
Read more on NEWS STORY: Midwinter Celebrations in Antarctica
4 June, 2015
FREE event: ‘Discover Antarctica’ at British Geological Survey Open Day, Saturday 27 June, 10am-4pm Staff from British Antarctic Survey (BAS) will showcase its work at this year’s British Geological Survey …
Read more on NEWS STORY: Space weather features at free event
27 May, 2015
FREE Public Event – Work in a cold climate: designing for the most extreme place on Earth London Festival of Architecture 2015 Thursday 18 June 2015, 18:30 – 20:00 The …
26 May, 2015
Petrels tracked across the Oceans Staff at British Antarctic Survey (BAS) are following the journeys of White-chinned Petrel fledglings as they make their first journeys over the South Atlantic Ocean …
19 May, 2015
EU boost for polar science A new initiative to enhance the integration of Europe’s scientific and operational capabilities in the Polar Regions has been funded by the EU Horizon 2020 …
18 May, 2015
Announcement of opportunity – Antarctic construction works associated with a new polar research vessel. Cambridge Seminar 4 June 2015 In April 2014 the British Government earmarked more than £200 million …
13 May, 2015
New study shows Antarctic ice shelf is thinning from above and below A decade-long scientific debate about what’s causing the thinning of one of Antarctica’s largest ice shelves is settled …
11 May, 2015
30th Anniversary of the Discovery of Ozone Hole This week British Antarctic Survey (BAS) commemorates the 30th anniversary of one of its most important scientific discoveries that affected the world …
8 May, 2015
THIS year’s Lyme Regis Fossil Festival was another success, with thousands of people visiting the three-day event.
6 May, 2015
NERC Research Experience Placement 2015 A Research Experience Placement supported by EnvEast DTP and funded by the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) is available at British Antarctic Survey (BAS) this …
1 May, 2015
Digital Explorer launches virtual adventure on the ice at the UK Arctic Research Station The British Antarctic Survey is proud to support Digital Explorer’s second visit to the UK Arctic …
30 April, 2015
NERC Advanced Training Short Course A Skills Framework for Delivering Safe and Effective Fieldwork in the Polar Regions Course date: 26 August – 8 September 2015 Deadline for applications: 4pm, …
29 April, 2015
First new family of starfish discovered in hydrothermal vents A new family of deep-sea starfish has been discovered living in the warm waters around a hydrothermal vent in the East …
17 April, 2015
British Antarctic Survey takes part in the National Engineering & Construction Recruitment Exhibition 2015 British Antarctic Survey (BAS) is recruiting for engineers and construction workers at this year’s National Engineering …
6 April, 2015
It’s not often that you get to meet, as an interviewer, someone whose entire life has prepared them for what they’re doing now.
Peter Milner is one of those people.
Read more on The Big Interview: Antarctic explorer and speaker Peter Milner – Gloucestershire Echo
1 April, 2015
British Antarctic Survey exhibits at Lyme Regis Fossil Festival Staff from British Antarctic Survey (BAS) are displaying some amazing Antarctic fossil and biological collections at the Lyme Regis Fossil Festival …
1 April, 2015
New study tracks feeding behaviour of Antarctic fur seals in winter During the Antarctic Summer female fur seals feed in the waters around their breeding breaches. In winter, when their …
28 March, 2015
The continent appears to have hit 63.5 F for the first time thanks to global warming.
Read more on Antarctica may have just set a record for its hottest day ever
26 March, 2015
WWF’s Earth Hour is a global annual event where hundreds of millions of people switch off their lights for one hour to show they care about the planet.
26 March, 2015
New research shows volume loss from Antarctic ice shelves is accelerating New research published today in the journal Science Express (Thursday 26 March) describes how the ice shelves around Antarctica …
10 March, 2015
Extreme science in extreme conditions: frozen in to the Arctic winter Dr Markus Frey, a British Antarctic Survey (BAS) ice and atmospheric scientist, is living and working aboard the Norwegian …
5 March, 2015
Oceanographers discover ‘Taylor columns’ are widespread in Southern Ocean according to new research published recently in the Journal of Geophysical Research Lead author Professor Mike Meredith, a Senior Oceanographer at …
Read more on NEWS STORY: Columns widespread in Southern Ocean
2 March, 2015
Survival of the fittest – genetics reveals where emperor penguins survived the last ice age During the last ice age, when much of the Antarctic coastline was uninhabitable due to …
26 February, 2015
The Antarctic Monument remembers Britons lost in Antarctica A monument dedicated to Britons who lost their lives in the service of science in Antarctica was unveiled on the waterfront at …
16 February, 2015
Does age matter? Maybe not if you’re a wandering albatross A new study of the wandering albatrosses breeding on the sub-antarctic island of Bird Island (off South Georgia) reveals that …
11 February, 2015
BAS recovers American scientific data in Antarctica Staff from the British Antarctic Survey have recovered crucial scientific data from a giant helium balloon which came down in west Antarctica. The …
6 February, 2015
‘Ice-Spy in the Antarctic’ Thursday 19 February 11.00 – 11:25 14:00 – 14:25 Cambridge Science Centre, Jesus Lane, Cambridge How do you track the ice that floats in the polar …
5 February, 2015
Long serving BAS manager awarded second honour Mike Pinnock, one of the British Antarctic Survey’s longest serving managers, has been awarded a Second Clasp by HM The Queen. The Second …
28 January, 2015
Ocean acidification changes balance of biofouling communities A new study of marine organisms that make up the ‘biofouling community’ — tiny creatures that attach themselves to ships’ hulls and rocks …
19 December, 2014
British Antarctic Survey staff prepare to celebrate Christmas far away from home As you make the last preparations for the festive period, spare a thought for those who will be …
11 December, 2014
Seabird poo has unique spectral signature visible from satellite images Scientists have discovered that penguin and seabird poo (guano) from colonies around the Antarctic Peninsula has a unique spectral signature …
10 December, 2014
Sea urchins from Antarctica show adaptation to ocean acidification A study of sea urchins from the Antarctic Peninsula has revealed an ability to adapt to changing conditions such as rising …
1 December, 2014
Antarctica Day 2014: 55 years since the signing of the Antarctic Treaty Today, 1 December, is Antarctica Day and people across the globe are celebrating! The Day was inaugurated in …
25 November, 2014
Stamp of approval for iSTAR The iSTAR programme, which is looking at the stability of Pine Island Glacier in Antarctica, is featured in a new set of British Antarctic Territory …
24 November, 2014
Underwater robot sheds new light on Antarctic sea ice The first detailed, high-resolution 3-D maps of Antarctic sea ice have been developed using an underwater robot. Scientists from the UK, …
19 November, 2014
Antarctic “ghost mountains” preserved by ice sheet A new study reveals how the rugged ridgelines of East Antarctica’s ancient and mysterious ‘ghost mountains’ have been preserved for millions of years …
11 November, 2014
Scientists head to Pine Island Glacier for new research season A team of twelve scientists and support staff has arrived on Pine Island Glacier in West Antarctica in the second …
14 October, 2014
Study of electrons in space could help weather forecasting Researchers have discovered a formerly undetected impact of space weather on the polar atmosphere, which may explain some previously unexplained variations …
13 October, 2014
British Antarctic Survey hosts Chemical Air-Snow-Sea Ice Interaction workshop in Cambridge More than 60 scientists from over 15 countries are attending a workshop in Cambridge this week (13-15 October) to …
9 October, 2014
Tribute to former Director of British Antarctic Survey It is with great sadness the British Antarctic Survey reports that Dick Laws died on Monday 6 October 2014 aged 88. He …
29 September, 2014
Stronger together: Addressing global issues through thriving collaboration between University of Cambridge and British Antarctic Survey The challenges our planet is faced with require innovative approaches. To increase the impact …
25 September, 2014
New maps of the polar regions reveal unseen world beneath the ice and highlight dramatic decline in Arctic sea ice cover New maps of the sub-ice features in Antarctica and …
18 September, 2014
Arctic sea ice summer minimum 2014: A scientific perspective The Arctic sea ice minimum marks the day – typically in September – when sea ice reaches its smallest extent at …
16 September, 2014
South Georgia Patagonian toothfish fishery recertified with flying colours Following its five-yearly Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) assessment, the South Georgia Patagonian toothfish longline fishery has, for the third time, been …
16 September, 2014
Today, 16 September, is the International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer. The date commemorates the signing of the Montreal Protocol, which sought to reduce atmospheric levels of …
12 September, 2014
Antarctic Team Discovers Mechanism for Massive Ice Shelf Collapse New research has found that the cataclysmic break-up of a large floating ice shelf in the early 2000’s was primarily the …
11 September, 2014
First signs of ozone layer recovery The ozone layer is showing the first signs of future recovery thanks to international action against ozone depleting substances, say the United Nations Environment …
1 September, 2014
Antarctic sea-level rising faster than global rate A new study of satellite data from the last 19 years reveals that fresh water from melting glaciers has caused the sea-level around …
Read more on NEWS STORY: Sea levels rising faster in Antarctica
25 August, 2014
New Atlas of Southern Ocean marine life A new atlas, providing the most thorough audit of marine life in the Southern Ocean, is published this week by the Scientific Committee …
13 August, 2014
In April 2014, the Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR) brought together scientists and policy-makers from 22 countries to agree future Antarctic research priorities. Through discussions, debate and voting, the …
12 August, 2014
UPDATE Power-down at British Antarctic Survey Halley Research Station The 13 members of staff at Halley Research Station continue to remain safe and well following the power-down incident on 30 …
6 August, 2014
Power-down at British Antarctic Survey Halley Research Station – Statement British Antarctic Survey (BAS) is dealing with a serious operational incident at its Halley Research Station. On Wednesday 30 July …
6 August, 2014
Risks to penguin populations analysed A major study of all penguin species suggests the birds are at continuing risk from habitat degradation. Writing in the journal, Conservation Biology, a group …
24 July, 2014
The Penguin Post Office, Bransfield House (Base A), is a little bit of Britain in Antarctica. Inside the British Base, run by the United Kingdom Antarctic Heritage Trust (UKAHT), the …
23 July, 2014
Genetic study shows major impact of climate change on Antarctic fur seals Genetic analysis of Antarctic fur seals, alongside decades of in-depth monitoring,* has provided unique insights into the effect …
Read more on PRESS RELEASE: Fur seal genetics and climate change
16 July, 2014
Government publishes UK Antarctic Science Strategy A framework document ‘UK Science in Antarctica 2014-2020‘ is published today (Wednesday 16 July). Prepared by the UK National Committee for Antarctic Research on …
24 June, 2014
New research using satellite images reveals that emperor penguins are more willing to relocate than previously thought A new study led by the University of Minnesota offers new insights on …
Read more on NEWS STORY: Emperor Penguins’ adaptation skills
20 June, 2014
Midwinter’s Day celebrations take place at Antarctic Research Stations Staff at the British Antarctic Survey are celebrating Midwinter’s Day in Antarctica. In a tradition which began in the days of …
16 June, 2014
Climate related iceberg activity has massively altered life on the seabed Researchers from the British Antarctic Survey have found evidence that climate change has fundamentally altered the way that life …
12 June, 2014
Rise and fall of prehistoric penguin populations charted The British Antarctic Survey has been involved in a study of how penguin populations have changed over the last 30,000 years. This …
9 June, 2014
Event: Understanding the objectives for krill fishing and conservation in the Scotia Sea and the Antarctic Peninsula Region Convened by the British Antarctic Survey, ICED and WWF WWF’s Living Planet …
Read more on NEWS STORY: Bridging the gap in the krill debate
2 June, 2014
The Southern Ocean: new insights into circulation, carbon and climate A special issue of the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A has been published today (Monday 2 June) which …