14 December, 2015 News stories

In the coming weeks British Antarctic Survey (BAS) will be advertising a range of specialist technical and support jobs at its Antarctic research stations for the 2016/17 season.  Described by some as ‘the coolest job in the world’ and ‘an opportunity of a lifetime’ these jobs are critical for supporting the UK’s scientific research in Antarctica.

Posts include:

  • Field guides
  • Chefs
  • Mechanical Services Technicians
  • Carpenters/Builders
  • Boating Officers
  • Electronics Engineers
  • Communications Managers
  • Electrical Power Generation Technicians
  • Zoological Field Assistant
  • Electrical Services Technician
  •  Steel Worker
  •  Field Dive Officer
  •  Marine Biologist/Zoological Field Assistant Marine Biologist Data Manager
Winter image of the Halley VI Research Station on the Brunt Ice Shelf in Antarctica with aurora
A range of opportunities will be available at Halley Research Station

According to Rothera Research Station Assistant Jack Gordon who’s reported in the national press today (Mon 14 December):

“It’s the best job in the world so far”.

Dr Claire Lehman on a recreational crevasse visit during field training close to Rothera Research Station on Adelaide Island just off the Antarctic Peninsula
Imagine going to work here!

Prospective applicants can sign up for an alert via RRS feeds. 

All the positions listed above will be posted here by Friday 18 December.