9 January, 2014 News stories

New Year’s Honour for BAS Head of Operations

John Hall, Head of Operations and Logistics (OPAL) at BAS, was among those named in the New Year’s Honours List.  He was awarded an MBE for services to British Antarctic Science.

John has worked at BAS for 40 years.  He started out as a diving officer and then became a field assistant. He has been base commander at King Edward Point on South Georgia, Signy and Rothera.

His current role involves directing, managing and co-ordinating the OPAL Group which comprises 35 full time, and numerous contract staff.  The Group plans, co-ordinates and delivers BAS field programmes.  It has overall responsibility for the management of the air unit (five aircraft), ship operations (two ships), one Arctic and five Antarctic Research Stations.

In 2006 John was awarded the Fuchs Medal and in 1986 he received the Polar Medal.

John said he was honoured to be recognised in the New Year’s Honours:

“Naturally I am both delighted and honoured to be appointed MBE. My long service in supporting science and representing the UK in the Polar regions has been both challenging and rewarding. Working for the British Antarctic Survey is very special not least because I am privileged to work with a fantastic, dedicated team of science & science support professionals.  I am humbled to have been chosen for such an award.”