19 May, 2009 News stories

An ice chemistry technician at the British Antarctic Survey has been commended for an Inspirational STEM Ambassador Award at the National STEM Ambassadors awards ceremony held at the House of Lords on 29th April 2009. Sue Foord, who has worked at BAS for 9 years, beat 600 candidates from the county to be commended for the Inspirational STEM Ambassador award for her work in communicating Antarctic research to the general public.

Sue, who has visited Antarctica twice as part of a team working on ice core drilling projects, is thrilled to win the award. She says,”I have always enjoyed talking to the young people about Antarctica and the importance of the work British Antarctic Survey does there. I was completely overwhelmed to be commended for this award and really enjoyed the reception at the House of Lords.”

The award was presented by Pat Langford, STEMNET’s Director of Programmes. STEMNET (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Network) aims to promote these subjects to the young people aged 5-19 years old and is involved in many educational initiatives. BAS has many STEM ambassadors who give up their free time to give talks to schools and groups. If you’d like to arrange a talk contact Audrey Stevens at BAS email: auev@bas.ac.uk