6 February, 2015 News stories

‘Ice-Spy in the Antarctic’

Ice-spy in the Antarctic

Thursday 19 February

11.00 – 11:25
14:00 – 14:25

Cambridge Science Centre, Jesus Lane, Cambridge

How do you track the ice that floats in the polar regions? Come and find out for yourself by joining staff from British Antarctic Survey to find out how our Twin Otter aircraft drop ADIOS (Air Deployable Ice Observation System) which can track ice movements by GPS.

‘Big Saturday: Climate Science Challenge’

Meet scientists who study climate models from Antarctica as well as how people in the deep field live and work
Meet scientists who study climate models from Antarctica as well as how people in the deep field live and work

Saturday 28 February

10:00 – 16:00

Manchester Museum, Oxford Road, Manchester

Come along to Manchester Museum to be a scientist for the day! Join researchers and curators in their quest to explore Earth’s climate. Discover how to reconstruct prehistoric environments, monitor present day conditions and predict future changes. Get to grips with scientific equipment, fossils and field samples. With fun and informative activities for all the family.