25 November, 2020 News stories

Applications for PhD projects with British Antarctic Survey (BAS) are now open for October 2021 admission. There are currently over 100 PhD students associated with BAS, working on a huge variety of projects!

Scientist examining samples in a laboratory

PhD projects with BAS are generally offered in collaboration with our Doctoral Training Partnerships (DTPs) and Centres for Doctoral Training (CDTs).

Visit the BAS Student Training and PhD Opportunities page for details of over 40 potential PhD projects and eligibility information for 2021. Most application deadlines are early January 2021, please check details of individual projects to ensure you submit your application in time.

BAS is committed to equality, diversity and inclusion and works with its partners to deliver this commitment

BAS Student Training and PhD Opportunities: https://www.bas.ac.uk/science/science-and-students/nerc-doctoral-training-opportunities/