23 August, 2004 Press releases

Six multi-disciplinary design teams are short-listed for an international competition to design a new scientific research station in Antarctica. The Halley VI competition attracted 86 entries in this unique project launched in June by the British Antarctic Survey (BAS) and the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA). The six teams are as follows, with the lead consultant named first:

  • Buro Happold Ltd / Liftschutz Davidson / Garrad Hassan & Partners Ltd / SLR Consulting Ltd / Human Engineering
  • Faber Maunsell Ltd / Hugh Broughton Architects Ltd / Colour Affects / DMJM
  • Francis Design Ltd / Ove Arup & Partners International Ltd / BMT Nigel Gee and Associates Ltd / Gardiner & Theobold LLP
  • Hopkins Architects Ltd / Expedition Engineers Ltd / DLE / HL Technik / Rowan Williams Davies & Irwin
  • Make Places Ltd / The Design Laboratory / Ove Arup & Partners International Ltd / Richard Horden & Archicafe / DLE
  • Richard Rogers Partnership / Ove Arup & Partners International Ltd / BDSP Partnership Ltd

Director of BAS, Professor Chris Rapley, who chaired the Jury Panel says, ?We are delighted with the global interest from design teams in this competition. Judging was tough as the standard of entries was extremely high. The panel are very happy with the shortlist and look forward to moving on to the next stage of the competition.? RIBA Architectural Adviser Malcolm Reading, added ‘We had a fine response and a significant number of the teams presenting a cogent and deep understanding of the profound issues behind the competition brief. The six selected simply put up the best case, with excellent credentials and evidence of genuine curiosity and creativity.’ The six teams will submit Concept Proposals by 15 October. A Jury Panel will then choose three teams, who will develop their Concept Design. An exhibition of the six short-listed concept designs will be displayed at a special exhibition at the RIBA from 15 November ? 8 January 2005.

SHORTLISTED TEAM DESCRIPTIONS Buro Happold Ltd / Lifschutz Davidson / Garrad Hassan & Partners Ltd / SLR Consulting Ltd / Human Engineering The team is lead by Ian Liddell of the innovative engineers, Buro Happold and Alex Lifschutz of the architects Liftschutz Davidson. They are supported by a number of specialist consultants for addressing human factors, wind power and waste. Among the projects they have been involved with are the new Arsenal Stadium, the Glasgow Science Tower, Cardboard School Building at Westborough, the Golden Jubilee Bridges alongside Hungerford Bridge and the Coin Street housing. Their focus is on intelligent science based design with minimum environmental impact. FaberMaunsell Ltd / Hugh Broughton Architects Ltd / Colour Affects / DMJM FaberMaunsell is part of the worldwide AECOM Technology Corporation, which has been responsible for the construction of more facilities in Antarctica than any other company in the world, including the South Pole Observatory and the South Pole Station Dormitory. The team is led from FaberMaunsell’s UK headquarters in St Albans, but draws on specialist cold climate and remote location expertise from around the world. Francis Design Ltd / Ove Arup & Partners International Ltd / BMT Nigel & Associates Ltd / Gardiner & Theobald LLP Francisdesign Ltd & BMT Nigel Gee & Associates Ltd both design and create boats, from conception through to delivery for hostile environments, which are self sufficient and self sustaining machines for living and working, making them analogous to this project. This is combined with the experience in advanced structures of the ARUP team members who have worked on projects such as the Beddington ZED which pioneers zero fossil fuel development and the Halley V Research Station. Gardiner & Theobald will provide the vital aspect of cost estimating, cost management, procurement and delivery logistics having experience on projects that include the building of the Mount Pleasant Airfield in the Falkland Islands where materials and works were sourced in the UK. Hopkins Architects Ltd / Expedition Engineers Ltd / DLE / HL Technik / Rowan Williams Davies & Irwin Hopkins Architects, Expedition Engineering, HL Technik, RWDI and DL comprise a team that combines proven track record of realising pioneering projects through creative thought with an international range of experience in working in some of the world’s most challenging environments. They share a commitment to the environmentally responsible and socially responsive use of technology for the good of mankind. Hopkins Architects and Expedition Engineering have collaborated on a number of cutting edge environmentally driven projects, which include their proposals for an offshore residential tower in the Middle East featured in the Royal Academy Summer Exhibition last year. Make Places Ltd / The Design Laboratory / Ove Arup & Partners International Ltd / Richard Horden & Archicafe / DLE make is headed by world renowned architect Ken Shuttleworth who recently departed from Foster and Partners where he was responsible for landmarks around the world including the Swiss Re HQ, London City Hall and Chek Lap Kok Airport in Hong Kong. make is currently involved in creating the Vortex tower which recently caused great interest in London. Arup practices in over 30 countries worldwide collaborating with international esteemed architects. Arup’s engineering portfolio includes: 2008 Olympic stadium and pool in Beijing, Terminal 5 ad London Heathrow and the Channel Tunnel Rail Link in the UK. The Design Laboratory at Central Saint Martins led by Brent Richards functions as a leading creative consultancy and employs an overall team of 30 multi-talented international Project Designers, recent projects have included shortlisting for the RIBA Future House London Competition and a major project with Isozaki Architects in Spain. Richard Rogers Partnership / Ove Arup & Partners International Ltd / BDSP Partnership Ltd Richard Rogers Partnership is an international architectural practice with offices in London, Barcelona, Madrid and Tokyo. The practice has recently won major competitions for a new library for Birmingham, and the National Assembly for Wales in Cardiff. Key projects include Lloyd’s of London, the Channel 4 Television headquarters, Lloyd’s Register of Shipping and law courts in Antwerp, Bordeaux and Strasbourg. Other recent work includes the Daimler Chrysler HQ in Berlin, an award-winning primary school near Kyoto and a new City Academy in Hackney, East London. RRP also designed the UK’s Millennium Dome. Extensive experience in airport design includes Heathrow’s Terminal 5 and Barajas Airport, Madrid; the practice is working on a high-rise hotel and conference centre at l’Hospitalet and the redevelopment of a bullring in Barcelona.

Issued by the BAS Press Office Athena Dinar tel: (01223) 221414, mob:07740 822229, email: a.dinar@bas.ac.uk

Notes for Editors: Located 10,000 miles from the UK on a 150 m thick floating ice shelf, the new complex, replacing the current Halley V Research Station, will be self-sufficient, able to withstand freezing winter temperatures of around -30?C and have minimal environmental impact on Antarctica?s pristine environment. Picture Editors: Stunning stills and broadcast images of Antarctica and the location of the new research station are available from the BAS Press Office. The Jury Panel: Professor Chris Rapley CBE, Director, British Antarctic Survey Mr David Blake MIIE, Head of Technology & Engineering, British Antarctic Survey Sir Nicholas Grimshaw, Nicholas Grimshaw & Partners Mr Mike Clift, Associate Director, Building Research Establishment Ltd Mr Andrew Thorne MEI, Principal Consultant, Building Research Establishment Ltd Mr Malcolm Reading, RIBA Architectural Advisor, Malcolm Reading & Associates British Antarctic Survey is a world leader in research into global issues in an Antarctic context. It is the UK?s national operator and is a component of the Natural Environment Research Council. It has an annual budget of around ?40 million, runs nine research programmes and operates five research stations, two Royal Research Ships and five aircraft in and around Antarctica. More information about the work of the Survey can be found on our website: www.antarctica.ac.uk The Royal Institute of British Architects, one of the most influential architectural institutions in the world, has been promoting architecture and architects since being awarded its Royal Charter in 1837. The RIBA has vast experience of organising competitions on behalf of a wide range of clients. The service offered by the RIBA is independent and impartial, bearing no allegiance to a particular design team or method of procurement. The involvement of the RIBA ensures that correct procedures are followed and that the process of selection is seen to be fair. More information can be found at www.ribacompetitions.com