28 May, 2009 News stories

Dr Eric Wolff talks to SciencePoles – the scientific website of the International Polar Foundation.

Professor Eric Wolff

Dr. Eric Wolff is the 2009 recipient of the prestigious Louis Agassiz Medal awarded by the European Geosciences Union (EGU). A veteran of six Antarctic and two Greenland seasons, Dr. Wolff has been working for the British Antarctic Survey (BAS) for over twenty years, and has played a central role in the extremely important European Project for Ice Coring in Antarctica (EPICA). A leading expert in the study of the chemical composition of snow cover and ice cores and their use in the determination of past climates, pollution and atmospheric chemistry, Dr. Wolff has published some 130 peer-reviewed journal articles. He is one of the most cited scientists in the climate sciences.  Read More.