22 December, 2011 News stories

As you get stuck into your turkey on Christmas Day, spare a thought for scientists working in Antarctica for British Antarctic Survey, where Christmas is just another working day. Around 70 people are based at Rothera Research Station whilst another 50 people are working in remote field parties in tents several hundred miles away from the main station. These hardy scientists and their polar guides are living in tents and working in sub-zero temperatures carrying out vital scientific work to answer the big questions about Antarctica.

In order to bring some festive spirit to these isolated teams, Rothera chef Isabelle Gerrard has prepared mouth-watering Christmas cakes and mince pies for all the field parties. Each camp has a code name which has been iced onto the cakes. She says, “Our staff eat dried food sachets every day so I thought it might cheer them up to have a taste of Christmas.”