26 March, 2015 News stories

British Antarctic Survey stations in Antarctica switch off for ‘Earth Hour’

Three British Antarctic Survey research stations — Bird Island, Halley and King Edward Point — are preparing to take part in WWF’s campaign Earth Hour..

WWF’s Earth Hour is a global annual event where hundreds of millions of people switch off their lights for one hour to show they care about the planet. It’s about people from across the globe coming together to create a symbolic and spectacular lights out display and asking for change. It happens every year between 8.30 and 9.30pm, with switch offs starting in Samoa and finishing in Tahiti. It’s been growing every year, with more and more countries and people signing up — last year they had 162 countries taking part.

Bird Island Research Station Leader Adam Bradley said, “Our team is extremely interested in conservation and are keen to get involved in any initiatives to highlight the environment. A candlelit dinner with pizza is planned — with all the lights off!”