11 February, 2011 News stories

On Saturday 19th March, BAS will be holding two displays at the annual Cambridge Science Festival. One display will be at the Department of Chemistry called “Climate change and atmosphere – from Cambridge to Antarctica”. This is organised in collaboration with the Centre of Atmospheric Science and the Facility for Airborne Atmospheric Measurements. At the display members of the public will have the opportunity to speak to BAS scientists to learn about the atmosphere and the effects of climate change and how BAS is involved in the scientific research of these topics.

The other display is organised in collaboration with the Scott Polar Research Institute (SPRI) and is called “Living and Working in Antarctica”. There will be a field camp display just outside the main entrance to the SPRI Museum so this is a great opportunity to experience how BAS scientists live out in the field in Antarctica for up to three months at a time.

Find out more about the Cambridge Science Festival.