10 July, 2007 News stories

Cambridge, UK. 9 July 2007

Millions of people around the world attended Live Earth concerts. Millions watched or heard the event on TV, radio or the internet. Millions learned about ‘SOS – the movement for a climate in crisis’ on Saturday 7 July. British Antarctic Survey’s Rothera Research Station band Nunatak took part to help raise public awareness of this global issue. British Antarctic Survey’s Director Professor Chris Rapley emphasises the view of the scientific community:

  • Climate change is real and is happening now
  • We see strong changes in the Polar Regions
  • Although the climate has natural cycles and variations, humans are the dominant force driving the current changes
  • Unless action is taken to reduce human impacts, the effects will grow and accelerate

For more information read the BAS position statement on climate change and the factsheet on sea level rise.

To learn more about the Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs work to inspire action on climate change visit:


To watch Live Earth concerts online visit http://www.liveearth.msn.com/le/video?GT1=10227