12 December, 2017 News stories

British Antarctic Survey Director, Professor Dame Jane Francis, has been appointed as the new Chancellor of the University of Leeds.

The office of Chancellor is normally held by a distinguished person who does not hold any other position at the University.

As Chancellor Dame Jane will act as an honorary, unpaid figurehead and advocate for the University, presiding over degree ceremonies, conferring degrees, chairing meetings of the University Court and support profile-raising events. She succeeds Melvyn Bragg (Lord Bragg of Wigton) who stepped down this year.

Dame Jane has strong links with the University where she enjoyed a 22 year career. She became Professor of Palaeoclimatology, Head of the School of Earth and Environment, and from 2008 – 2013, was Dean of the Faculty of Environment. In 2014, the University awarded Dame Jane an Honorary Doctorate of Science.


She says,

“I loved my time at Leeds and feel truly honoured to be its Chancellor. Helping to inspire passion and achievement is what excites me in my work, and in this role I hope to be able to do just that. Leeds has grown from strength-to-strength in recent years, and I look forward to being able to give back and support the University in all its endeavours.”

Dame Jane was appointed by the University’s Court on Friday 8 December 2017 and will be installed in a ceremony in 2018.