27 November, 2012 News stories

Map of Antarctica with the flags of the Antarctic Treay nations. Accurate for Feb 2012 (49 nations). Inner ring are the original 12 signatory nations, central ring are the remaining consultative nations and outer ring are the non-consultative nations.

Antarctica Day was inaugurated in 2010 to celebrate the 1st December 1959 signature of the Antarctic Treaty, which was adopted “with the interests of science and the progress of all mankind.” Antarctica Day was initiated by the Foundation for the Good Governance of International Spaces (ourspaces.org.uk) as an annual event to build global awareness of this landmark institution, celebrating this milestone of peace in our civilization with hope and inspiration for future generations.

The Antarctic Treaty has been signed by 50 nations to date and covers the area south of 60°S latitude. The Treaty has ensured that Antarctica remains a natural reserve, devoted to peace and science.

With a vision for young people to be aware of how countries can build on their common interests – Antarctica Day is an opportunity to demonstrate how diverse nations can work together peacefully, continuously using science as a global language of cooperation for decision making beyond national boundaries.

Antarctica Day is a partnership with a number of organizations lead by the Association for Polar Early Career Scientists (APECS), Our Spaces, Polar TREC and Polar Educators International (PEI).

This year, you can get involved in Antarctica Day by taking part in a fun activity designing your own flag for Antarctica. Find out more: Antarctica Day Flags – From the Classroom to Antarctica

Check Out Teaching Resources

Teaching resources about Antarctica and the Antarctic Treaty are available on many websites, including:

Learn from International Experts

Watch videos, listen to speeches and read comments from experts around the world who shared their insights at the golden anniversary celebration of the Antarctica Treaty at the Smithsonian Institution on 1st December 2009 (http://www.atsummit50.aq/), celebrating the first 50 years of the 1959 Antarctic Treaty.