COP21 Side Event: Climate Change in the Arctic
European Union Pavilion, Hall 2B in the blue zone of Le Bourget, Paris, FranceJoint European event highlights the importance of Arctic science for policy and society
Joint European event highlights the importance of Arctic science for policy and society
Cleantech business opportunity
Discovery through data: understanding the polar regions With events from astronomy to zoology, the 2016 Cambridge Science Festival (7 - 20 March) welcomes everyone to explore and discuss science. Tracking …
Meet British Antarctic Survey at the Polar Museum
Icehack: exploring polar data. With events from astronomy to zoology, the 2016 Cambridge Science Festival (7 - 20 March) welcomes everyone to explore and discuss science. Test your coding skills on data collected from some of the most inaccessible regions on Earth. The data collections of the British Antarctic Survey reflect the breadth of its…
Hear Dr Emily Shuckburgh,OBE share her personal experience about climate change
Bergs and bytes: polar data in action. With events from astronomy to zoology, the 2016 Cambridge Science Festival (7 - 20 March) welcomes everyone to explore and discuss science. What’s it like to work in 24-hour darkness when temperatures drop below…
With events from astronomy to zoology, the 2016 Cambridge Science Festival (7 - 20 March) welcomes everyone to explore and discuss science.
Come along to see British Antarctic developed technologies exhibits at the Institute for Manufacturing.
Register now for this workshop to share ideas about new measurements and modelling studies of gravity waves in both the Antarctic and Arctic regions
The Procurement & Build Programme for the new polar research vessel BAS scientist Huw Griffiths is speaking at this event. The announcement in November that Cammell-Laird Ship-repairers and Shipbuilders Ltd …