BAS-NL Science Day2024

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The broad aim of the BAS-NL Science Day 2024 is to bring together researchers in BAS and researchers funded by the Netherlands Polar Program and Dutch Research Council (NWO) to showcase collaborative science and network.

Early Career Researchers are encouraged to attend! Registration is free, and refreshments will be provided.

A large body of water


ANT-MICI (developing indicators for monitoring the impacts of tourism, co-PI Stef Bokhorst), MACS (sea ice and DMS, PI Susanne Wilken), FIRN CAISSO (Firn cores at George VI Ice Shelf, PI Bert Wouters), Larsen C Firn project (PI Carleen Tijm-Reijmer), Marine bio invasions (PI Wilco Verberk), Hot history of Antarctic ice sheet (PI Peter Bijl), Antarctic Biota Count (PI Stef Bokhorst), the Dutch Cryosphere Consortium (PI Roderik van de Wal) & HiRISE (PI Bert Wouters).

Funded in June 2024:


Preliminary programme

Monday 7 October

Morning: travel to Cambridge for external participants

14:00 – welcome with coffee and tea

14:30 – opening, introduction of BAS and NPP

15:00 – presentations of the projects

17:00 – room for practical topics (e.g. permitting, IPY, SCAR)

17:30 – drinks

A group dinner will be arranged, but will be at your own cost


Tuesday 8 October

09:00 – morning programme (ideas and topics welcome)

12:30 – lunch offered by BAS

13:30 – end of Science Day

Afternoon: time for project meetings or early travel home