Synchronicity in southern hemisphere squid stocks and the influence of the Southern Oscillation and Trans Polar Index

Squid are short lived, with highly labile populations that respond rapidly to changes in environmental conditions. This makes them a good model for studying the response of recruitment processes to environmental signals. This study examines the influence of the Southern Oscillation Index (SOI) and Trans Polar Index (TPI) on the environment and abundance of six species of commercially important squid from the southern hemisphere, all linked to major current systems connected by the Antarctic Circumpolar Current: Dosidicus gigas (Southeast Pacific), Loligo vulgaris reynaudii (Southeast Atlantic), Nototodarus sloanii, N. gouldi (Southwest Pacific), Illex argentinus and L. gahi (Southwest Atlantic). All fisheries displayed a high level of inter-annual variability and a degree of synchronicity was seen to occur in the abundance of the three Pacific species. The SOI signal was reflected in the environment of each fishery, particularly in Pacific regions. Both indices are correlated with squid abundance, particularly during the early life history stages (SOI) and adult stages (TPI), suggesting some degree of latitudinal separation, with juveniles potentially influenced by environmental variability at lower latitudes and adults at higher latitudes.


Publication status:
Authors: Waluda, C M ORCIDORCID record for C M Waluda, Trathan, P N ORCIDORCID record for P N Trathan, Rodhouse, P G

On this site: Claire Waluda, Paul Rodhouse, Philip Trathan
1 January, 2004
Fisheries Oceanography / 13