Mesozoic and cenozoic plutonic development in the Andes of central Chile (30°30′–32°30′S)

Mesozoic and Cenozoic granitoids of this segment of the Andes occur in three N/S-trending belts: western (WB), central (CB), and eastern (EB). The WB is formed by the Mincha and Illapel superunits; the CB includes the Cogotí superunit and the San Lorenzo unit; and the EB comprises the Río Grande and Río Chicharra superunits. KAr and RbSr ages show discrete ranges for each of the belts, with a pronounced eastward migration of magmatism with time: WB, Early Jurassic to Late Cretaceous; CB, early Tertiary; and EB, late Tertiary. The jumps in the sites of the magmatic belts correspond to essentially non-magmatic intervals (86–70 Ma and 39–26 Ma) and may relate to periods of subduction-erosion or changes in the dip angle of the subducted lithosphere. Periods of rapid migration correspond to specific changes in the Pacific Ocean spreading history. The superunits show relatively uniform major element oxide variation. The exceptions are the Limahuida granitoids which have characteristics of a confirm derivation of the parent magmas from the upper mantle with virtually no continental crustal involvment. This distinguishes the Mesozoic-Cenozoic granitoids from those of the Paleozoic belts of Chile, which have values systematically higher than 0.705.


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Authors: Parada, M.A., Rivano, S., Sepulveda, P., Herve, M., Herve, F., Puig, A., Munizaga, F., Brook, M., Pankhurst, R., Snelling, N.

1 January, 1988
Journal of South American Earth Sciences / 1
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