Lack of an HSP70 heat shock response in two Antarctic marine invertebrates

Members of the HSP70 gene family comprising the inducible (HSP70) genes and GRP78 (glucose-regulated protein 78 kDa) were identified in an Antarctic sea star (Odontaster validus) and an Antarctic gammarid (Paraceradocus gibber). These genes were surveyed for expression levels via Q-PCR after an acute 2-hour heat shock experiment in both animals and a time course assay in O. validus. No significant up-regulation was detected for any of the genes in either of the animals during the acute heat shock. The time course experiment in O. validus produced slightly different results with an initial down regulation in these genes at 2°C, but no significant up-regulation of the genes either at 2 or 6°C. Therefore, the classical heat shock response is absent in both species. The data is discussed in the context of the organisms’ thermal tolerance and the applicability of HSP70 to monitor thermal stress in Antarctic marine organisms.


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Authors: Clark, Melody S. ORCIDORCID record for Melody S. Clark, Fraser, Keiron P.P. ORCIDORCID record for Keiron P.P. Fraser, Peck, Lloyd S. ORCIDORCID record for Lloyd S. Peck

On this site: Lloyd Peck, Melody Clark
1 January, 2008
Polar Biology / 31
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