Innovation for Planet Earth

Making a difference to economy and society ….

… under some of the most extreme and hostile conditions on Earth.

This requires an innovative spirit in all areas of work.  Our scientific, engineering and operations staff constantly invent ingenious solutions to help us:

  • Unlock the past
  • Understand the present
  • Predict the future

…beyond the Polar Regions

We strive to make our expertise available wherever it can be applied – not only in the Polar Regions, but also in:

  • Cold mountainous areas
    Remote and inhospitable places

Many of our technologies are transferable. Prominent examples include:

  • Remote sensing: Detection of animals from
    space. Satellite and airborne assessment of sea ice and icebergs
    In situ sensing: Instruments and techniques developed for polar fieldwork can be applied in other contexts, such as groundwater monitoring or location tracking

Our research addresses issues of global relevance, including climate change, space weather risks and development of bio-renewable resources.
We support the UK Government’s Industrial Strategy and are keen to build partnerships where our expertise or assets can contribute to clean growth.



On this site: Beatrix Schlarb-Ridley
18 May, 2018