Effect of phototherapy on serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D in the Antarctic

The hypothesis that sunlight may induce the enzymes involved in the vitamin D pathway has been tested by comparing the ability to synthesize vitamin D3 and its 25 hydroxy metabolite (25-OHD) in 2 groups of male volunteers resident at the British Antarctic base at Rothera Point (67° 34′ S.). One group endured the UV depleted winter and the other group received regular phototherapy throughout the winter. Both groups then received a course of 14 days phototherapy in October (Southern Hemisphere spring). The group receiving regular phototherapy had a trend towards a higher level of serum 25-OHD, and the October phototherapy course produced a further small increase in serum 25-OHD values. In the previously non irradiated group the October phototherapy produced a much larger increase in serum 25-OHD so that they attained the previously higher values of the pre-iradiated group. There was a negative correlation between the pre October phototherapy serum concentration of 25-OHD and the subsequent increment (r−0.78,p<0.01) but no relationship between the serum 25-OHD and D3 after phototherapy. These results provide evidence against the existence of enzyme induction of vitamin D 25 hydroxylase by light.


Publication status:
Authors: Griffiths, A.P., Fairney, Angela

1 September, 1989
European Journal of Applied Physiology and Occupational Physiology / 59
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