Data report: Composite depths and spliced sections for Leg 178 Sites 1095 and 1096, Antarctic Peninsula continental rise

During Leg 178, multiple advanced piston corer holes were drilled at our sites (1095, 1096, 1098, and 1099). Cores from the holes were correlated on board to produce composite depths and optimal spliced sections, but the time limitations aboard ship caused these to be preliminary. Recomputed composite depths for Sites 1098 and 1099 in Palmer Deep are reported elsewhere in this volume. This paper reports recomputed composite depths and spliced sections for Sites 1095 and 1096, located on a sediment drift on the continental rise of the Pacific margin of the Antarctic Peninsula. Limits on the validity of the spliced sections arise from limited multiple coverage and possibly from the effects of ocean swell.


Publication status:
Authors: Barker, Peter

Editors: Barker, Peter F., Camerlenghi, Angelo, Acton, Gary. D., Ramsay, Anthony T.S.

1 January, 2002
In: Barker, Peter F., Camerlenghi, Angelo, Acton, Gary. D., Ramsay, Anthony T.S. (eds.). Antarctic glacial history and sea-leavel change, College Station, Texas, Ocean Drilling Program, 15 pp.