Compilation of a new bathymetric dataset of South Georgia
We introduce a new bathymetric compilation of the area around South Georgia in the Southern
Ocean. Using a variety of data sources including multi and single-beam swath bathymetry we have
constructed a gridded bathymetric dataset of the shelf and near-shelf sea-floor areas. The grid has been
constructed using a layered hierarchy dependent upon accuracy of each dataset. The spikes and errors have
been checked both manually and with a novel semi-automated process. We discuss the resulting
bathymetry and the potential uses of the new dataset
Publication status:
Authors: Fretwell, P.T. ORCID record for P.T. Fretwell, Tate, Alex ORCID record for Alex Tate, Deen, Tara, Belchier, Mark ORCID record for Mark Belchier