Characteristics of VLF emissions manifested by their cross-spectral phase information

Natural VLF emissions received by a single antenna can be characterised at each point in the emissions' frequency-time domain by a power and a phase. Emissions received at a single point by two antennae with a fixed relative orientation in space can be similarly described by the cross-spectral power and relative phase. It is shown that the cross-spectral phase contains information on the propagation characteristics of the waves which is better utilised in wave analysis than the power. In fact, the phase information allows weak signals to be identified more readily than is possible from a power spectrogram. It also allows the recognition of waves propagating with different wave normal directions. Data from the Geos-1 electric and magnetic antennae, pre-processed by the on-board correlator, are used to study the cross-spectral characteristics of VLF hiss and chorus in the Earth's magnetosphere.


Publication status:
Authors: Jones, Dyfrig, Lefeuvre, Francois, Parrot, Michel

1 January, 1983
Planetary and Space Science / 31
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