Biodiversity and biogeography of Antarctic and sub-Antarctic mollusca

For many decades molluscan data have been critical to the establishment of the concept of a global-scale increase in species richness from the poles to the equator. Low polar diversity is key to this latitudinal cline in diversity. Here we investigate richness patterns in the two largest classes of molluscs at both local and regional scales throughout the Southern Ocean. We show that biodiversity is very patchy in the Southern Ocean (at the 1000-km scale) and test the validity of historical biogeographic sub-regions and provinces. We used multivariate analysis of biodiversity patterns at species, genus and family levels to define richness hotspots within the Southern Ocean and transition areas. This process identified the following distinct sub-regions in the Southern Ocean: Antarctic Peninsula, Weddell Sea, East Antarctic—Dronning Maud Land, East Antarctic—Enderby Land, East Antarctic—Wilkes Land, Ross Sea, and the independent Scotia arc and sub Antarctic islands. Patterns of endemism were very different between the bivalves and gastropods. On the basis of distributional ranges and radiation centres of evolutionarily successful families and genera we define three biogeographic provinces in the Southern Ocean: (1) the continental high Antarctic province excluding the Antarctic Peninsula, (2) the Scotia Sea province including the Antarctic Peninsula, and (3) the sub Antarctic province comprising the islands in the vicinity of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current.


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Authors: Linse, Katrin ORCIDORCID record for Katrin Linse, Griffiths, Huw J. ORCIDORCID record for Huw J. Griffiths, Barnes, David K.A. ORCIDORCID record for David K.A. Barnes, Clarke, Andrew ORCIDORCID record for Andrew Clarke

On this site: Andrew Clarke, David Barnes, Huw Griffiths, Katrin Linse
1 January, 2006
Deep-Sea Research Part II, / 53
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