Antarctic Waters

Here, we summarize the diatom research topics and applications that have the broadest relevance and importance for Antarctic studies. From the Southern Ocean we focus on biogeography, sea surface temperature (SST) and sea-ice reconstructions (including frontal migrations) and biostratigraphy. We also include the significance of studying laminated diatomaceous sediments and how diatoms are used as bottom water tracers in the global ocean circulation. Diatoms from Antarctic lake sediments and ice cores are also briefly introduced.


Publication status:
Published Online
Authors: Allen, Claire ORCIDORCID record for Claire Allen, Tetzner, Dieter ORCIDORCID record for Dieter Tetzner, Pike, Jennifer, Stickley, Catherine, Jones, Vivienne

Editors: Elias, Scott A.

On this site: Claire Allen, Dieter Tetzner
1 July, 2024
In: Elias, Scott A. (eds.). Encyclopedia of Quaternary Science 3rd Edition, Elsevier,
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