A ground-based radar for measuring vertical strain rates and time-varying basal melt rates in ice sheets and shelves

The ApRES (autonomous phase-sensitive radio-echo sounder) instrument is a robust, lightweight and relatively inexpensive radar that has been designed to allow long-term, unattended monitoring of ice-shelf and ice-sheet thinning. We describe the instrument and demonstrate its capabilities and limitations by presenting results from three trial campaigns conducted in different Antarctic settings. Two campaigns were ice sheet-based – Pine Island Glacier and Dome C – and one was conducted on the Ross Ice Shelf. The ice-shelf site demonstrates the ability of the instrument to collect a time series of basal melt rates; the two grounded ice applications show the potential to recover profiles of vertical strain rate and also demonstrate some of the limitations of the present system.


Publication status:
Authors: Nicholls, Keith W. ORCIDORCID record for Keith W. Nicholls, Corr, Hugh F.J., Stewart, Craig L., Lok, Lai Bun, Brennan, Paul V., Vaughan, David G. ORCIDORCID record for David G. Vaughan

On this site: David Vaughan, Hugh Corr, Keith Nicholls
1 November, 2015
Journal of Glaciology / 61
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