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Changes in the global atmospheric methane budget over the last decades inferred from 13C and D isotopic analysis of Antarctic firn air

1 September, 2001 by Robert Mulvaney

The atmospheric trend of methane isotopic ratios since the mid-20th century has been reconstructed from Antarctic firn air. High volume air samples were extracted at several depth levels at two…

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Substorm dependence of chorus amplitudes: Implications for the acceleration of electrons to relativistic energies

1 July, 2001 by Richard Horne

Intense interest currently exists in determining the roles played by various wave-particle interactions in the acceleration of electrons to relativistic energies during/following geomagnetic storms. Here we present a survey of…

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Palaeo-climatic and -biogeographical implications of Oligocene Ostracoda from CRP-2/2A and CRP-3 drillholes, Victoria Land basin, Antarctica

1 January, 2001

A total of eighteen species of marine ostracods, in at least twelve genera, have been recovered from Early and Late Oligocene glacio-marine sediments from boreholes CRP-3 and CRP-2/2A in the…

Read more on Palaeo-climatic and -biogeographical implications of Oligocene Ostracoda from CRP-2/2A and CRP-3 drillholes, Victoria Land basin, Antarctica

Decay of whistler-induced electron precipitation and cloud-ionosphere electrical discharge Trimpis: observations and analysis

1 January, 2001 by Mark Clilverd

There are two distinctly different causes of phase and amplitude perturbations of subionospheric VLF transmissions (termed “Trimpis”): (1) ionization enhancement in the ionospheric D region due to whistler-induced electron precipitation…

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Gymnosperm woods from the Cretaceous (mid-Aptian) Cerro Negro Formation, Byers Peninsula, Livingston Island, Antarctica: the arborescent vegetation of a volcanic arc

1 January, 2001

Silicified gymnosperm trunks usually more than 30 cm in diameter and several metres in length occur abundantly in the lower part of the mid-AptianCerroNegroFormation, which crops out on ByersPeninsula, LivingstonIsland,…

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Fire-prone plant communities and palaeoclimate of a Late Cretaceous fluvial to estuarine environment, Pecinov quarry, Czech Republic

1 January, 2001

The botanical identity and facies distribution of fossil charcoal is described from Middle to Late Cenomanian (90–94 Ma) fluvial to estuarine units at Pecínov quarry, near Prague, Czech Republic. Braided…

Read more on Fire-prone plant communities and palaeoclimate of a Late Cretaceous fluvial to estuarine environment, Pecinov quarry, Czech Republic

Low reproductive success in territorial male Antarctic fur seals (Arctocephalus gazella) suggests the existence of alternative mating strategies

1 January, 2001

Microsatellites were used to conduct an analysis of paternity of Antarctic fur seals (Arctocephalus gazella) from Bird Island, South Georgia. At most, only 28% of pups at our study site…

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Weathering rinds as palaeoenvironmental indicators: evidence from the Cape Roberts drill core (CRP-3), Victoria Land basin, Antarctica

1 January, 2001

XRD analysis of weathering rinds on ocean-deposited ice rafted clasts provide a snapshot of palaeo-terrestrial conditions prevailing at the time of rind formation. Investigation of weathering rinds found on some…

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Contrasting foraging strategies of gannets Morus bassanus at two North Atlantic colonies: foraging trip duration and foraging area fidelity

1 January, 2001 by Richard Phillips

Seabirds may be able to increase their foraging efficiency by learning the whereabouts of predictable sources of prey and returning repeatedly to these locations. The occurrence of such foraging area…

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Sedimentary record of explosive silicic volcanism in a Cretaceous deep-marine conglomerate succession, northern Antarctic Peninsula

1 January, 2001

Lower Cretaceous conglomeratic strata exposed on southern Sobral Peninsula were deposited on a deep-marine apron in the back-arc Larsen Basin close to its faulted boundary with the Antarctic Peninsula magmatic…

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Influence of temperature on the hygropreference of the collembolan, Cryptopygus antarcticus, and the mite, Alaskozetes antarcticus from the maritime Antarctic

1 January, 2001 by Roger Worland, Peter Convey

The hygropreference of adult Cryptopygusantarcticus and Alaskozetesantarcticus was investigated over 2 h at 5, 10 and 20°C, along humidity gradients (9–98% RH) established by means of different salt solutions. Two…

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A new code for electrostatic simulation by numerical integration of the Vlasov and Ampere equations using MacCormack’s method

1 January, 2001 by Mervyn Freeman, Richard Horne

We present anewsimulationcode for electrostatic waves in one dimension which uses the Vlasovequation to integrate the distribution function and Ampère'sequation to integrate the electric field forward in time. Previous Vlasovcodes…

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The role of the non-axisymmetric Antarctic orography in forcing the observed pattern of variability of the Antarctic climate

1 January, 2001 by John Turner, Thomas Lachlan-Cope

The pattern of inter‐annual variability in the atmospheric circulation around Antarctica has a maximum over the Amundsen‐Bellinghausen Sea (ABS), which is particularly strong during the winter (June, July and August).…

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Deriving palaeomagnetic poles from independently assessed inclination and declination data: implications for South American poles since 120 Ma

1 January, 2001

Palaeomagnetic poles for a stable continental block are typically defined from a combination of declination and inclination information from several temporally constrained studies. Poles from regions that have undergone vertical-axis…

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Coupled marine-ice-sheet/Earth dynamics using a dynamically consistent ice-sheet model and a self-gravitating viscous Earth model

1 January, 2001 by Richard Hindmarsh, Richard Hindmarsh

We use a self-gravitating viscoelastic model of the Earth and a dynamically consistent marine ice-sheet model to study the relationships between marine ice-sheet dynamics, relative sea level, basal topography and…

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Trace metals in the Antarctic soft-shelled clam Laternula elliptica: implications for metal pollution from Antarctic research stations

1 January, 2001 by Lloyd Peck

The concentrations of Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb and Zn were measured in several soft-tissue types of the Antarctic soft-shelled clam, Laternula elliptica, which had been collected from…

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Milnesium cfr. tardigradum (Milnesiidae, Apochela, Tardigrada): a monitor of high altitude meiofauna on sub-Antarctic Marion Island

1 January, 2001 by Sandra McInnes, Sandra McInnes

The meiofaunal tardigrades Milnesium cfr. tardigradum, Echiniscus sp., and Macrobiotus sp. were extracted from high altitude moss and volcanic scoria samples on sub-Antarctic Marion Island. Gut contents of mounted Milnesium…

Read more on Milnesium cfr. tardigradum (Milnesiidae, Apochela, Tardigrada): a monitor of high altitude meiofauna on sub-Antarctic Marion Island