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Anti-parallel reconnection at the dayside magnetopause: ionospheric signatures and implications for the low latitude boundary layer

1 January, 2003 by Gareth Chisham, Mervyn Freeman, Michael Pinnock

Reconnection at the dayside magnetopause is of fundamental importance in determining the dynamics and composition of the magnetosphere and the high latitude ionosphere. There are two competing hypotheses for such…

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Stratospheric temperatures in Antarctic winter: does the 40-year record confirm mid-latitude trends in stratospheric water vapour?

1 January, 2003 by Howard Roscoe, Jonathan Shanklin, Steve Colwell

Water vapour is a potent greenhouse gas, and the observed increases in water vapour in the stratosphere act to cool it. Possible changes in stratospheric temperatures are important for future…

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Numerical investigation of the effects of temporal variations in basal lubrication on englacial strain-rate distribution

1 January, 2003 by Hilmar Gudmundsson

The effects of spatial and temporal variations in basal lubrication on the englacial strain rate and surface velocity distribution are investigated with a numerical ice-flow model. General aspects of the…

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Selective feeding by benthic foraminifera on phytodetritus on the western Antarctic Peninsula shelf: evidence from fatty acid biomarker analysis

1 January, 2003

This study presents the first direct evidence, based on biochemical analysis of fresh material, that certain benthic foraminifera feed selectively on specific components of seasonally deposited phytodetritus in their natural…

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Foraging strategies of chinstrap penguins at Signy Island, Antarctica: importance of benthic feeding on Antarctic krill

1 January, 2003 by Michael Dunn, Philip Trathan

Chinstrap penguins Pygoscelis antarctica are one of the major consumers of Antarctic krill Euphausia superba in the Southern Ocean. To examine their foraging strategy, we studied foraging trip patterns and…

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Sex-dependent diel vertical migration in northern krill Meganyctiphanes norvegica and its consequences for population dynamics

1 January, 2003 by Geraint Tarling

The diel vertical migration (DVM) and population dynamics of northern krill were investigated in the Clyde Sea over several years using depth-discrete net-sampling and a moored 300 kHz acoustic Doppler…

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Synchronization in the molting and spawning activity of northern krill (Meganyctiphanes norvegica) and its effect on recruitment

1 January, 2003 by Geraint Tarling

The molting, spawning, and recruitment of northern krill (Meganyctiphanes norvegica) were analyzed over an annual cycle (1999-2000) in the Clyde Sea (west coast of Scotland). Results supported the hypothesis of…

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Maximum entropy reconstructions of krill distribution and estimates of krill density from acoustic surveys at South Georgia, 1996-2000

1 January, 2003 by Jonathan Watkins

This paper presents Maximum Entropy (MaxEnt) reconstructions of krill distribution and estimates of mean krill density within two survey boxes (dimensions 80 km x 100 km) north of South Georgia.…

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Mesozooplankton community structure across the Antarctic Circumpolar Current to the north of South Georgia: Southern Ocean

1 January, 2003 by Peter Ward

During four summer seasons mesozooplankton community composition and structure in relation to water mass distribution were investigated along a 735-km transect running across the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC) to the…

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The effect of simultaneous temperature, pressure and stress on the experimental annealing of spontaneous fission tracks in apatite: a brief overview

1 January, 2003

Tracks made in minerals by the electronic stopping Of uranium fission fragments provide a modern geological dating tool, and are believed also to yield specific information on the low-temperature thermal…

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Provenance of Triassic – Cretaceous sandstones in the Antarctic Peninsula: implications for terrane models during Gondwana breakup

1 January, 2003

The Antarctic Peninsula is the largest of ~ twelve micro-continental fragments between southern South America, East Antarctica, and New Zealand. Their original positions and movement history following Gondwana breakup are…

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Detection of artificially generated ULF waves by the FAST spacecraft and its application to the ‘tagging’ of narrow flux tubes

1 January, 2003 by Richard Horne

[1] Recently, Robinson et al. [2000] presented a brief report on the artificial generation of ULF waves by high power ionospheric modification and their subsequent detection by the Fast Auroral…

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Interannual variation in the diets of two albatross species breeding at South Georgia: implications for breeding performance

1 January, 2003

The diet and breeding performance of Grey-headed Albatrosses Thalassarche chrysostoma and Black-browed Albatrosses Diomedea melanophris breeding at Bird Island, South Georgia, were studied simultaneously during the chick-rearing period between 1996…

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Anomalous atmospheric circulation over the Weddell Sea, Antarctica during the austral summer of 2001/02 resulting in extreme sea ice conditions

1 December, 2002 by Gareth Marshall, John King, John Turner, Steve Colwell

During the Austral summer of 2001/02 exceptionally heavy sea ice conditions were experienced over the eastern Weddell Sea. Satellite microwave imagery showed that large negative (positive) ice anomalies were present…

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Signatures of the midnight open-closed magnetic field line boundary during balanced dayside and nightsife reconnection

31 October, 2002 by Michael Pinnock

The geomagnetic conditions were moderately disturbed (Kp = 2) during magnetic midnight on 10 December 1999, when the Tasman International Geospace Environment Radar (TIGER), a Southern Hemisphere HF SuperDARN radar,…

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Throwing light on straddling stocks of Illex argentinus: assessing fishing intensity with satellite imagery

1 April, 2002 by Claire Waluda, Paul Rodhouse, Philip Trathan

Marine fisheries provide around 20% of animal protein consumed by man worldwide, but ineffective management can lead to commercial extinction of exploited stocks. Fisheries that overlap nationally controlled and high…

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A statistical analysis of ionospheric velocity and magnetic field power spectra at the time of pulsed ionospheric flows

1 January, 2002 by Mervyn Freeman

[1] We analyze the power spectrum of the line-of-sight ionospheric velocity measured by the SuperDARN CUTLASS Finland radar and of contemporaneous magnetic field perturbations measured by nearby IMAGE magnetometers. The…

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Data report: Oxygen and carbon isotope measurements on Neogloboquadrina pachyderma (s) from holes 0196B and 1101A, Antarctic Peninsula margin, Leg 178

1 January, 2002

Oxygen and carbon isotopic ratios were measured on left-coiling Neogloboquadrina pachyderma separated from sediments recovered from Holes 1096B (3152 m water depth) and 1101A (3280 m water depth) during Ocean…

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