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Response of rhizosphere microbial communities associated with Antarctic hairgrass (Deschampsia antarctica) to UV radiation

1 January, 2003

The response of rhizosphere microbial communities associated with natural populations of Deschampsia antarctica growing on Leonie Island (67degrees36'S, 68degrees21'W, Antarctic Peninsula) to UV radiation was investigated. UV radiation was controlled…

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In situ investigation of burst swimming and muscle performance in the deep-sea fish Antimora rostrata (Gunther, 1878)

1 January, 2003 by Martin Collins

The few existing measurements of deep-sea fish physiology consistently indicate reduced basal metabolism and metabolic power. A possible explanation for this is the reduction in selective pressure for burst activity…

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High-energy phosphate metabolism during exercise and recovery in temperate and Antarctic scallops – an in vivo 31P-NMR study

1 January, 2003 by Lloyd Peck

In vivo P-31-nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy was used to measure the levels of ATP, phospho-L-arginine (PLA), and inorganic phosphate in the adductor muscle of the Antarctic scallop Adamussium colbecki…

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International Photolysis Frequency Measurement and Model Intercomparison (IPMMI): spectral actinic solar flux measurements and modeling

1 January, 2003

[1] The International Photolysis Frequency Measurement and Model Intercomparison (IPMMI) took place in Boulder, Colorado, from 15 to 19 June 1998, aiming to investigate the level of accuracy of photolysis…

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The genus Grimpoteuthis (Octopoda: Grimpoteuthidae) in the north-east Atlantic, with descriptions of three new species

1 January, 2003 by Martin Collins

The systematics and distribution of the cirrate octopod genus Grimpoteuthis in the north-east Atlantic are reviewed. Three new species are described and Grimpoteuthis wuelkeri (Grimpe, 1920) is redescribed. A new…

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What controls photochemical NO and NO2 production from Antarctic snow? Laboratory investigation assessing the wavelength and temperature dependence

1 January, 2003 by Anna Jones, Eric Wolff

[1] Laboratory experiments were conducted to determine the wavelength and temperature dependence of NO and NO2 release from Antarctic snow. This photochemically driven process has been observed during recent field…

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Non-destructive analysis of pigments and other organic compounds in lichens using Fourier-transform Raman spectroscopy: a study of Antarctic epilithic lichens

1 January, 2003

Lichens in Antarctic habitats are subjected to environmental extremes, including UVB radiation, desiccation and low temperatures, as well as to rapid fluctuations in these. Lichens synthesise a variety of chemical…

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Fourier-transform Raman spectroscopic studies of chronological change in stromatolitic cores from Antarctic lake sediments

1 January, 2003 by Dominic Hodgson

The Fourier transform-Raman spectra of two lacustrine sediment cores from Antarctic sites are reported. The Lake Hoare specimens were predominantly calcium carbonate, quartz and β-carotene, with chlorophyll and calcium sulphate…

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Raman spectroscopic detection of biomolecular markers from Antarctic materials: evaluation for putative Martian habitats

1 January, 2003

The vital UV-protective and photosynthetic pigments of cyanobacteria and lichens (microbial symbioses) that dominate primary production in Antarctic desert ecosystems auto-fluoresce at short-wavelengths. A long wavelength (1064 nm) near infra-red…

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Molecular structural studies of lichen substances II: atranorin, gyrophoric acid, fumarprotocetraric acid, rhizocarpic acid, calycin, pulvinic dilactone and usnic acid

1 January, 2003

The FT-Raman and infrared vibrational spectra of some important lichen compounds from two metabolic pathways are characterised. Key biomolecular marker bands have been suggested for the spectroscopic identification of atranorin,…

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Laser wavelength selection for Raman spectroscopy of microbial pigments in situ in Antarctic desert ecosystem analogues of former habitats on Mars

1 January, 2003

The vital ultraviolet- (UV-) protective and photosynthetic pigments of cyanobacteria and lichens (microbial symbioses) that dominate primary production in Antarctic desert ecosystems auto-fluoresce at short wavelengths. We therefore use a…

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Electron microprobe characterization of ash layers in sediments from the central Bransfield basin (Antarctic Peninsula): evidence for at least two volcanic sources

1 January, 2003

Bransfield Strait, a narrow active rift with three submarine basins, separates the South Shetland Islands from northern Antarctic Peninsula. Volcanism in Bransfield Strait commenced prior to 0.75 Ma and continues,…

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