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Contrasting strategies of provisioning and chick growth in two sympatrically breeding albatrosses at Campbell Island, New Zealand

1 January, 2000

The provisioning strategies of two closely related species of albatross breeding sympatrically were studied at Campbell Island, New Zealand. Black-browed Albatrosses (Diomedea melanophrys) had a higher provisioning rate of chicks…

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Chick provisioning by the Yellow-nosed Albatross Diomedea chlororhynchos: response of foraging effort to experimentally increased costs and demands

1 January, 2000

We examined the provisioning strategy of a long-lived seabird to test the prediction from life-history theory that adults should preferentially allocate resources towards their own needs rather than towards their…

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Influence of growth temperature on lipid and soluble carbohydrate synthesis by fungi isolated from fellfield soil in the maritime Antarctic

1 January, 2000

The effects of growth temperature on soluble carbohydrate and lipid content of Humicola marvinii, Geomyces pannorum and Mortierella elongata isolated from the Antarctic (Signy Island; 60° 43′S, 45°38′W) were investigated.…

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Diversity of thermal responses of lipid composition in the membranes of the dominant culturable members of an Antarctic fellfield soil bacterial community

1 January, 2000

The eight dominant culturable members of an Antarctic fellfield soil bacterial community were four Arthrobacter species, Sanguibacter suarezii, Aureobacterium testaceum, a Bacillus sp., and a Pseudomonas sp.. All of the…

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The effect of feeding on specific soil algae on the cold-hardiness of two Antarctic micro-arthropods (Alaskozetes antarcticus and Cryptopygus antarcticus)

1 January, 2000 by Roger Worland

The effect of consuming terrestrial algae on the cold tolerance of two Antarctic micro-arthropods was examined. From the results of preferential feeding experiments, seven species of Antarctic terrestrial micro-algae were…

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Proximal analysis of regolith habitats and protective biomolecules in situ by laser Raman spectroscopy: Overview of terrestrial Antarctic habitats and Mars analogs

1 January, 2000

Fourier-transform laser Raman spectroscopy in the near infrared (1064 nm) has been used to characterize a variety of key pigments and biomolecules produced by cyanobacteria and other stress-tolerant microbes in…

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Commensalism between a liparid fish (Careproctus sp.) and stone crabs (Lithodidae) photographed in situ using a baited camera

1 January, 2000 by Martin Collins

The commensal relationship between a snailfish, tentatively identified as Careproctus sp. (Osteichthyes: Liparidae), and the lithodid crab Paralomis formosa (Crustacea: Lithodidae) was photographed in situ using a baited camera vehicle,…

Read more on Commensalism between a liparid fish (Careproctus sp.) and stone crabs (Lithodidae) photographed in situ using a baited camera

Possible latitudinal clines in Antarctic intertidal and subtidal zone communities encrusting ephemeral hard substrata

1 March, 1999 by David Barnes, Rod Arnold

Aim Encrusting faunal communities on rocks were examined from Southern Ocean intertidal and subtidal (6 m) zones to investigate potential change with latitude. Location The site locations were South Georgia…

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Microsatellite analysis of genetic diversity in the squid Illex argentinus during a period of intensive fishing

1 January, 1999 by Paul Rodhouse

Levels of genetic diversity and population differentiation were examined in temporally (1990 to 1997) and geographically separated samples of the argentine short-finned squid Illex argentines using 7 microsatellite loci. Number…

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Solution geochemistry and behaviour of major and trace elements during summer in a moss community at Edmonson Point, Victoria Land, Antarctica

1 January, 1999

Physical and chemical characteristics and solution geochemistry of major and trace elements were investigated in an area of volcanic soil colonized by mosses at Edmonson Point (central Victoria Land) during…

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The diet of white-chinned petrels Procellaria aequinoctialis, Linnaeus 1758, in years of contrasting prey availability at South Georgia

1 January, 1999

The diet of breeding white-chinned petrels was studied during the summers of 1996 and 1998 at South Georgia. Krill abundance/availability was high throughout 1996 but apparently low at the beginning…

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Influence of sampling protocol on diet determination of gentoo penguins Pygoscelis papua and Antarctic fur seals Arctocephalus gazella

1 January, 1999

The influence of two sampling protocols on diet determination of two marine predators, the gentoo penguin (Pygoscelis papua) and Antarctic fur seal (Arctocephalus gazella), was investigated. The collection of diet…

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Spatial dynamics of two introduced species of carabid beetles on the sub-Antarctic island of South Georgia

1 January, 1999 by William Block

On the sub-Antarctic island of South Georgia two species of predatory beetle, Trechisibus antarcticus and Oopterus soledadinus (Coleoptera, Carabidae), were accidentally introduced. The colonisation process offers unique opportunities for testing…

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Fatty acid signature analysis from the milk of Antarctic fur seals and Southern elephant seals from South Georgia:implications for diet determination

1 January, 1999

Fatty acid signature analysis (FASA) makes use of specific fatty acids, as well as entire profiles, to study dietary relationships at different trophic levels. Previously, FASA has been used in…

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Strontium isotope correlation of the basal Maastrichtian Stage in Antarctica to the European and US biostratigraphic schemes

1 January, 1999 by Alistair Crame

New 87Sr/86Sr dating allows the correlation of a marker horizon within the prolific Late Cretaceous Gunnarites antarcticus faunal assemblage of the Cape Lamb Member, Snow Hill Island Formation, Vega Island,…

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Fatty acid content of Antarctic krill Euphausia superba at South Georgia related to regional populations and variations in diet

1 January, 1999 by Jonathan Watkins

The fatty acid content of Antarctic krill Euphausia superba from South Georgia was investigated during January and February 1996, a period of relatively low algal biomass. Cluster analysis of the…

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Middle Cambrian rift-related volcanism in the Ellsworth Mountains, Antarctica: tectonic implications for the palaeo-Pacific margin of Gondwana

1 January, 1999 by Philip Leat, Teal Riley

The Ellsworth Mountains of West Antarctica represent part of a displaced terrane once situated along the palaeo-Pacific margin of Gondwana, prior to supercontinent break-up, adjacent to South Africa and the…

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Walvis Ridge barrier: its influence on palaeoenvironments and source rock generation deduced from ostracod distributions in the early South Atlantic Ocean

1 January, 1999

The early South Atlantic was subdivided latitudinally by the proto-Walvis Ridge, which separated early Cretaceous open marine conditions in the south from non-marine environments to the north. Changes in the…

Read more on Walvis Ridge barrier: its influence on palaeoenvironments and source rock generation deduced from ostracod distributions in the early South Atlantic Ocean