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Timescales for radiation belt electron acceleration and loss due to resonant wave-particle interactions: 2. Evaluation for VLF chorus, ELF hiss, and electromagnetic ion cyclotron waves

1 January, 2007 by Nigel Meredith

Outer zone radiation belt electrons can undergo gyroresonant interaction with various magnetospheric wave modes including whistler-mode chorus outside the plasmasphere and both whistler-mode hiss and electromagnetic ion cyclotron (EMIC) waves…

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Recruitment of Antarctic krill Euphausia superba in the South Georgia region: adult fecundity and the fate of larvae

1 January, 2007 by Eugene Murphy, Geraint Tarling, Peter Ward, Sally Thorpe

The high concentration of adult Antarctic krill Euphausia superba Dana around South Georgia, Antarctica, is a product of immigration and not local recruitment. We investigated whether reproduction and early larval…

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Widespread association between the ericoid mycorrhizal fungus Rhizoscyphus ericae and a leafy liverwort in the maritime and sub-Antarctic

1 January, 2007 by Kevin Newsham

A recent study identified a fungal isolate from the Antarctic leafy liverwort Cephaloziella varians as the ericoid mycorrhizal associate Rhizoscyphus ericae. However, nothing is known about the wider Antarctic distribution…

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Latitudinal extent of the January 2005 solar proton event in the Northern Hemisphere from satellite observations of hydroxyl

1 January, 2007 by Mark Clilverd

We utilise hydroxyl observations from the MLS/Aura satellite instrument to study the latitudinal extent of particle forcing in the northern polar region during the January 2005 solar proton event. MLS…

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Plankton community structure south and west of South Georgia (Southern Ocean): links with production and physical forcing

1 January, 2007 by Emma Young, Peter Ward, Sally Thorpe

During late December 2004 and early January 2005 the plankton community to the south and west of South Georgia was investigated. Satellite imagery had shown the surface expression of a…

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Oithona similis in a high latitude ecosystem: abundance, distribution and temperature limitation of fecundity rates in a sac spawning copepod

1 January, 2007 by Peter Ward

In this study we report the abundance, fecundity and an index of mortality of Oithona similis across a large latitudinal and temperature range within the Southern Ocean. The abundance of…

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Interannual variation in cephalopod consumption by albatrosses at South Georgia: implications for future commercial exploitation of cephalopods

1 January, 2007 by Andrew Wood, Paul Rodhouse

Assessing the consumption of prey by predators in the marine environment is key to fisheries assessment and management. Although environmental and ecological variations can affect the consumption of certain prey…

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Submarine pyroclastic deposits formed at the Soufrière Hills volcano, Montserrat (1995–2003): What happens when pyroclastic flows enter the ocean?

1 July, 2006

The Soufrière Hills volcano, Montserrat, West Indies, has undergone a series of dome growth and collapse events since the eruption began in 1995. Over 90% of the pyroclastic material produced…

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Experimental study on the effect of diet on fatty acid and stable isotope profiles of the squid Lolliguncula brevis

1 May, 2006 by Gabriele Stowasser, Martin Collins

Fatty acid and stable isotope analyses have previously been used to investigate foraging patterns of fish, birds, marine mammals and most recently cephalopod species. To evaluate the application of these…

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