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Thermal limits of burrowing capacity are linked to oxygen availability and size in the Antarctic clam Laternula elliptica

1 January, 2007 by Lloyd Peck, Melody Clark, Simon Morley

Animal responses to changing environments are most commonly studied in relation to temperature change. The current paradigm for marine ectotherms is that temperature limits are set through oxygen limitation. Oxygen…

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Movements, winter distribution and activity patterns of Falkland and brown skuas: insights from loggers and isotopes

1 January, 2007 by Janet Silk, Richard Phillips, Vsevolod Afanasyev

In the first published study of the wintering ranges and activity patterns of skuas from any colony, we combined tracking (geolocator) and stable isotope analysis in a comparison of migration…

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Phytoplankton community composition around the Crozet Plateau, with emphasis on diatoms and Phaeocystis

1 January, 2007 by Peter Ward, Sophie Fielding

Phytoplankton community composition has important implications for upper-ocean biogeochemistry and export production. The species composition of the phytoplankton community (diatoms, Phaeocystis antarctica) was examined around the Crozet Plateau (Southern Ocean)…

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Egg development, hatching rhythm and moult patterns in Paralomis spinosissima (Decapoda: Anomura: Paguroidea: Lithodidae) from South Georgia waters (Southern Ocean)

1 January, 2007 by Mark Belchier

Larval release, hatching rhythms and moult patterns were examined in a captive population of the subantarctic lithodid, Paralomis spinosissima from the South Georgia and Shag Rocks region. Larvae hatched throughout…

Read more on Egg development, hatching rhythm and moult patterns in Paralomis spinosissima (Decapoda: Anomura: Paguroidea: Lithodidae) from South Georgia waters (Southern Ocean)

Effect of oceanographic conditions on the winter movements of rockhopper penguins Eudyptes chrysocome chrysocome from Staten Island, Argentina

1 January, 2007 by Philip Trathan

We used Argos satellite transmitters to monitor the movement and oceanographic habitats used by rockhopper penguins Eudyptes chrysocome chrysocome during their winter dispersal from Staten Island, Argentina, for 2002 (n…

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Inter-annual variation in provisioning behaviour of southern rockhopper penguins Eudyptes chrysocome chrysocome at Staten Island, Argentina

1 January, 2007 by Philip Trathan

Understanding the relationship between reproductive performance and food availability requires knowledge about many different variables, including such factors as the length of incubation shifts, provisioning rates and patterns, as well…

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Storm time short-lived bursts of relativistic electron precipitation detected by subionospheric radio wave propagation

1 January, 2007 by Mark Clilverd

In this study we report on ground-based observations of short bursts of relativistic electron precipitation (REP), detected by a subionospheric propagation sensor in Sodankyla, Finland during 2005. In two similar…

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Lightning-driven inner radiation belt energy deposition into the atmosphere: implications for ionisation-levels and neutral chemistry

1 January, 2007 by Mark Clilverd

Lightning-generated whistlers lead to coupling between the troposphere, the Van Allen radiation belts and the lower-ionosphere through Whistler-induced electron precipitation (WEP). Lightning produced whistlers interact with cyclotron resonant radiation belt…

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Introduction: Antarctic ecology from genes to ecosystems. Part 2. Evolution, diversity and functional ecology

1 January, 2007 by Andrew Clarke, Eugene Murphy, Nadine Johnston

The Antarctic biota has evolved over the last 100 million years in increasingly isolated and cold conditions. As a result, Antarctic species, from micro-organisms to vertebrates, have adapted to life…

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Oxygen three-isotope fractionation lines in terrestrial silicate minerals: an inter-laboratory comparison of hydrothermal quartz and eclogitic garnet

1 January, 2007 by Martin Miller

Geochemical—and perhaps biochemical—processes may yield tell-tale proxies in rocks and minerals on the Earth or other planetary bodies, in the form of distinctive slopes of linear fractionation arrays on the…

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NOx enhancements in the middle atmosphere during 2003-2004 polar winter: relative significance of solar proton events and the aurora as source

1 January, 2007 by Mark Clilverd

In this study we combine odd nitrogen (NOx) observations from the GOMOS and POAM III instruments with a radio wave ionization index to provide a detailed description of the generation…

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Late Glacial history of the Ross Sea sector of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet: evidence from englacial layering at Talos Dome, East Antarctica

1 January, 2007

The timing of West Antarctic Ice Sheet (WAIS) expansion and retreat during the last glacial cycle is crucial to evaluating the processes controlling ice sheet fluctuations. There is currently debate…

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Acclimation effects on thermal tolerances of springtails from sub-Antarctic Marion Island: Indigenous and invasive species

1 January, 2007 by Roger Worland

Collembola are abundant and functionally significant arthropods in sub-Antarctic terrestrial ecosystems, and their importance has increased as a consequence of the many invasive alien species that have been introduced to…

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Timescales for radiation belt electron acceleration and loss due to resonant wave-particle interactions: 2. Evaluation for VLF chorus, ELF hiss, and electromagnetic ion cyclotron waves

1 January, 2007 by Nigel Meredith

Outer zone radiation belt electrons can undergo gyroresonant interaction with various magnetospheric wave modes including whistler-mode chorus outside the plasmasphere and both whistler-mode hiss and electromagnetic ion cyclotron (EMIC) waves…

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Recruitment of Antarctic krill Euphausia superba in the South Georgia region: adult fecundity and the fate of larvae

1 January, 2007 by Eugene Murphy, Geraint Tarling, Peter Ward, Sally Thorpe

The high concentration of adult Antarctic krill Euphausia superba Dana around South Georgia, Antarctica, is a product of immigration and not local recruitment. We investigated whether reproduction and early larval…

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Widespread association between the ericoid mycorrhizal fungus Rhizoscyphus ericae and a leafy liverwort in the maritime and sub-Antarctic

1 January, 2007 by Kevin Newsham

A recent study identified a fungal isolate from the Antarctic leafy liverwort Cephaloziella varians as the ericoid mycorrhizal associate Rhizoscyphus ericae. However, nothing is known about the wider Antarctic distribution…

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Latitudinal extent of the January 2005 solar proton event in the Northern Hemisphere from satellite observations of hydroxyl

1 January, 2007 by Mark Clilverd

We utilise hydroxyl observations from the MLS/Aura satellite instrument to study the latitudinal extent of particle forcing in the northern polar region during the January 2005 solar proton event. MLS…

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Plankton community structure south and west of South Georgia (Southern Ocean): links with production and physical forcing

1 January, 2007 by Emma Young, Peter Ward, Sally Thorpe

During late December 2004 and early January 2005 the plankton community to the south and west of South Georgia was investigated. Satellite imagery had shown the surface expression of a…

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Oithona similis in a high latitude ecosystem: abundance, distribution and temperature limitation of fecundity rates in a sac spawning copepod

1 January, 2007 by Peter Ward

In this study we report the abundance, fecundity and an index of mortality of Oithona similis across a large latitudinal and temperature range within the Southern Ocean. The abundance of…

Read more on Oithona similis in a high latitude ecosystem: abundance, distribution and temperature limitation of fecundity rates in a sac spawning copepod